2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


經濟部商業司為有效提升臺灣商業設計之能力,推動我國商業服務設計界與國際互動、交流的機會,並建立我國國際設計獎項品牌,特舉辦「臺灣國際平面設計獎」競賽,公開徵選傑出及國際化之創作。競賽共有兩類獎項,分別為「臺灣國際海報設計獎」(Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2017),以及特別強化商業價值應用之「臺灣國際企業識別設計獎」(Taiwan International CI Design Award 2017),期能提升我國設計能量能見度,促進設計視野開創及國際化。



Table Tunes

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Table Tunes is an interactive poster for a table tennis party at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. The poster was produced out of 3mm MDF and ten table tennis rackets were cut-out with a CNC-mill. After that the poster was screen printed in two colors, the second color being special expancel ink to achieve a table tennis rubber effect. So participants were able to snap off rackets and join in the action.

by              德國 Jonas Zieher

Arkonische Spiele 2017

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster made for an evening of competitive games in Arkonaplatz, Berlin where different random games are played for one summer evening. The poster uses playful typography to reflect the fun and playful nature of this one-night-only event packed with random competitive games and uses bright, neon-like, fluorescent colours to hint towards the event continuing into the night and being a bit of a party.

by              挪威 Anders Bakken



Crime and Punishment

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster was designed for the poster action "Dostoyevsky. Black and White"  devoted to Fedor Dostoyevsky and his novel "Crime and punishment" (International design biennale "Strelka", Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2016) offset printing, one black color, 100 copies

by              俄國 Dmitry Rekin



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This work is posters for image improvement of the foil stamping company. It's intended to convey the possibility of the foil stamping technology for the creative people. We made the graphic patterns based on the lattice pattern that was the identity of the company and using each initial of 3 company philosophy, and expressed it by screen-printing using vivid ink, and foil stamping using an unprecedented big engraving version.

by              日本 Ren Takaya




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

it`s absurd

by              波蘭 Depta-Klesta


Poster Series for Dwell

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster Series for Dwell—a short film written and directed by Barış Fert & Hikmet Güler. Dwell is a story of a girl who desperately tries to adapt herself to a timeless landscape. She takes different paths to understand the meaning of her existence in a particular territory.

by              美國 Sabri Akin



Polish Design – Tomorrow is today

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

It is a poster of an exhibition of (8) eight Polish Design Universities in Mediolan. Title of the exhibition was "Tomorrow is today". The poster is a graphic metaphor. It is a combination of the "present" with the "future" in the context of graphic design.

by              波蘭 Marcin


World Design Day

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

A series of posters for celebration World Design Day.  Ico-D invited designers around the world to participate in WDD2016 by sharing examples of design in action in their city or community via Facebook and Instagram.

by              捷克 Peter Bankov




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 苗雨



Student miniature sculpture biennial 2017

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Student Miniature Sculpture Biennial (Studenckie biennale malej formy rzezbiarskiej) is an event organized every 2 years at University of Fine Arts in Poznan (Poland). The organizers` goal is discovering new areas, talents and phenomenas  in the field of artistic sculpture. The Biennial  promotes creative and   innovative solutions by unveiling new definitions of three-dimensional objects. The poster shows an idea of "breaking the rules". The sculpture by its unique form changes our perception and influences the surrounding world. That is why the poster is cut out of the standard format to irregular shape. Additionaly the poster was printed in limited edition lenticular-version with effect of a changing image.

by              波蘭 Wojciech Janicki




Vanek Theater

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This Poster Designed for Vanek Theater. The writer of this theater is Vaclav Howell. The first character of the theater, called Vanek, is a thoughtful person. But around him is full of consuming people. And he feels lonely among these people.

by              伊朗 Khosro Ashtari



Final graduation works of the Graphic Designers 2017

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster created for the exhibition of diploma works of graphic designers to Belarusian State Academy of Arts in 2017. Creating a graphic design is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort. Students fill the glass with mascara instead of wine, and the rice knob replaces bread. I compare pupils to bees who work a lot and are very tired before graduation.

by              白俄羅斯 Jouri Toreev



100 Best Posters 15 – Germany, Austria, Switzerland

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for the call for entries for the famous poster competition «100 Best Posters – Germany, Austria, Switzerland». Several means of communication such as posters, banners, advertising etc. as well as the winners book and the exhibition.

by              瑞士 Cybu Richli (C2F)


Zuhören (Listen)

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

"listen" was a seven-day series of events in the light of the current refugee and immigration situation. A series of conversations took place alternately with the dance piece "Continu" by Sasha Waltz & Guests.

by              德國 Daniel Wiesmann



Berlin Coffee Festival 2016

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The Berlin Coffee Festival gets to the bottom of the coffee bean, the seed of the coffee fruit. It is both for pros and everyday coffee lovers.

by              德國 Daniel Wiesmann



Django 3000

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Tour poster for German band Django 3000, using photos by Elizaveta Porodina & Josef Beyer.

by              德國 Daniel Wiesmann


Kreatur (Creation)

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

For "Kreatur" (working title "Creation") choreographer Sasha Waltz examines the phenomena of existence against the background of a disrupted society: power and a lack of power, dominance and weakness, freedom and control, community and isolation. The Poster is based on a photo. What looks like veins of a human body is actually the silver mesh of a costume (developed for the piece by fashion designer Iris van Herpen). It’s printed with cold foil, which makes the silver appear deeply dark or very shiny, depending on the angle you look at it.

by              德國 Daniel Wiesmann



Taiwan old street and Chinese characters

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

在早期”半邊井”的設計,是為了供給沒有能力鑿井的人汲水取用。蜿蜒的”九曲巷”則為防盜賊侵入,並防止九降風肆虐,因此將巷道築成迂迴曲折狀。而在巷弄間的樓橋”十宜樓”,則是昔日文人雅士吟風弄月、品茗吟詠之所。 藉由鹿港當地三大景點的圖像,結合漢字的筆畫做出巧妙的排列組合,讓觀者見古蹟,思情意,悠遊在漢字與古蹟之間,欣賞傳統之美。

by              台灣 黃聖軒


La Notte di un Nevrastenico

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Opera by Nino Rota. The night of a neurasthenic suffering from insomnia. Sleeping tablet as a full moon (symbol for the sleepless).

by              瑞士 Stephan BUNDI



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 時澄




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 時澄


Shaolin Kung Fu  少林功夫

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 尹忠军 Yin Zhongjun



The 5th Shahnameh Exhibition

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Shahnameh Exhibition

by              伊朗 Mehdi Mahdian



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网                

The farm cultivate tomato using coal farming method. That can bear many tomatoes on one branch. So I made a lump of tomato.

by              日本 Masayuki Terashima



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for children's theater Baj. Poster for the spectacle: Pan Kleks (Mr. Kleks). Vector illustration.

by              波蘭 Andrzej Wieteszka




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 刘怡希



Bone 19

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Performance Art Festival

by              瑞士 Nadine Kamber



no to child suicide

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The image is a rhetoric of a swing, a game that children use and which is changed by a knife very representative of suicide, we give the approach that children play with death in the same way that adults play.

by              墨西哥 israel alberto aguilar cortés


The Worst Prison

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

A prison where nobody wants to go, world hunger grows more and more, put us in its place and act.

by              墨西哥 JOVANI DE JESUS ZEPEDA



Safety Against Violence

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This series was inspired by the safety pin which is a common everyday object. So the idea was the change elements of the safety pin to communicate the message that we need safety against violence.

by              厄瓜多 Christopher Scott



Global Face

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This poster talk about the non-identity new generations of people in the world. The fragmented face of the globality.

by              墨西哥 Miguel Angel Rangel



Director's Cut

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

“Director’s Cut”, communication project for a series of lectures from Italian museum directors, organized by Marino Marini Museum.

by              意大利 muttnik



Towards Gravitys End

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for an art installation by Swedish artists Bjoern Hegardt and Theo Agren on levitation and free fall.

by              德國 Ariane Spanier


Lightness of matter

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for an art installation for Bjoern Hegardt and Theo Agren on levitation and free fall.

by              德國 Ariane Spanier




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The poster is part of the project "plakatatak" which was held in Warsaw, Poland. German and Polish designers were invited to create posters based on writings by journalists and authors. This posters was themed on the city of Warsaw. it was displayed all over the city on specially build posters stands. http://www.plakatatak.com/

by              德國 Ariane Spanier


How to Shoot Actions in Time

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The poster promotes a lecture by Pietro Pellini about his practice of documenting art performances by photography. We aimed to visualize the act of choosing the right detail and taking a photo in a solely typographical way.

by              德國 Maximilian Haslauer


Spekulative Weißenhof

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

To showcase the typeface "Weissenhof Grotesk" and to celebrate the 90th birthday of "Weissenhof Estate" we created a speculative poster series. We look ten years into the future by designing posters for eight fictional future scenarios in 2027, the centennial of Weissenhof Estate.

by              德國 Maximilian Haslauer



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

"Neubad-Plakate" is an ongoing poster series made for the urban, indoor event space, Neubad in Lucerne Switzerland. The overall visual concept was created by Swiss designer Erich Brechbühl. He invites designers to create a poster for the events always with the same brief; The visuals have to be related to that given event and can only be in black and white.

by              丹麥 Rikke Landler


Gordon Raphael – Merlin Stuttgart

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for a concert of Gordon Raphael, Kevin Kuhn and Sea+Air at Merlin Stuttgart.

by              德國 mark bohle



staeck/gramlich poster exhibition

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster design for a small exhibition with the great Klaus Staeck. Black and pantone print, refined with a silkscreen lacquer.

by              德國 goetz gramlich




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

poster for an invitational only poster exhibition by goethe institut tel aviv. the subject is dealing with the definition of utopia. for me utopia is a colorful, fragile but distorted view on the black and white reality. offset print with a partial silkscreen laquer.

by              德國 goetz gramlich




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Shenzhen 35 years

by              中國大陸 陈约瑟


bridges / mosty

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for 'bridges' music festival, where young and mature composers meets on common concerts. Bridges are the link between past and future.

by              波蘭 Antek Korzeniowski




Au Sud d’aujourd’hui

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网                

Art exhibition held under the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Paris, France), presenting the work of 12 Portuguese contemporary artists. The design illustrates the mapping concept, exploring the cardinal points and playing with their positioning, subverting them in order to evidence the “South”; as well as the rectangular shape of Portugal.

by              葡萄牙 Artur Rebelo



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster was created for the International Poster Project "Chernobyl 25, Fukushima 5", commemorating anniversaries of two most affective nuclear plants disasters. Project was a part of the exhibition held in Ermilov Center in April 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine, and also in Lviv, Poland.

by              波蘭 Nikodem Pręgowski





揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

A poster advertising one's own company made for the design company I work at. KucHen means "cake" in German, my own image of a cake and the design offices creative stance have been incorporated into the poster. All of the typeface used on the poster was made by us.

by              日本 Tomoya Wakasugi


The Armenian question

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Recognition of the Armenian Genocide is an official recognition of the fact that in 1915 the authorities of the Ottoman Empire in the territories controlled by it organized and carried out the genocide of the Armenian population. It can be done both at the level of an internationally recognized state (usually by a decision of the parliament) and by the authorities of a separate administrative unit (for example, an oblast or a municipality). The decision to recognize usually provokes a negative response from the Turkish authorities. The recognition of the Armenian Genocide can also be carried out by an international intergovernmental or public organization.

by              俄國 david




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for a theater

by              伊朗 Mohsen Jafari



Profilove II

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

I wanted to do something outstanding by putting together tools I had already known. I am still inspired by voronoi diagram which is the base, the very beginning of generative arts. Generative art is also called the art of machines, because it based on algorithm.  It is mostly accidental and my job as an artist is to give it some shape or form. When I want to explain it in the very simple way I can tell that the mesh is creation of the computer but “human form” is mine.

by              波蘭 Janusz Jurek



揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              台灣 陳永基



Sharp-eye skills - Sklonnosci do ostrosci.jpg

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for Exhibition at Caricature Museum in Warsaw.

by              波蘭 Skorwider Eugeniusz


Overthrow the world

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              台灣 陳世真




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

It is a poster for events that introduce Japanese traditional arts to Japanese descent students held at UCLA. Noh plays ghosts, soul, angel and madman as a mask play. They are manipulated by obsessions and obstructive thought. It is a fantastic and magnificent story that is developed by mixing dreams and reality. It is said that there is a feeling of tension because the acting is not repeated, it is said that it is rooted in the idea of a one meeting one chance. I symbolically represented the strange space of such a mask and Noh stage as a attractive space of color.

by              日本 Mitsuo Katsui


Paper Pong 2016

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The poster I made is for a special Ping Pong Tournament called »Paper Pong«. It is a special variation of the game round-the-table in which the participants fight against each other with their own built table tennis rackets.

by              德國 Marvin Boiko




Garden is not anymore

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for the play "The Garden is not anymore" after the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". Broken tree branches imitate bones to show the death of the garden and spirit of the people who owned it.

by              俄國 Aleksandra Kazakovskaia


Colori di Murano

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for a exhibition of the Bröhan-Museum, Berlin, showing the glas art of Murano, Venice.

by              德國 Gerwin Schmidt





揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 苗深远


We uesd to be kids

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 谢欣





揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              台灣 胡泰源


Okamoto Farm

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This poster is for a farm of tomato, and the farm make some processed goods from their tomatoes. I designed their interesting ideas of creations.

by              日本 Yumi Koizumi



The Red Head

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This poster is for a Movie. Its about the Iranian Cinema.

by              伊朗 Saeid


Typomania 2017 posters

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Posters for Typomania Festival 2017 (1) The International Typographic Festival Typomania is an annual type, typography, calligraphy and video event. The aim of the festival is to collect and connect as many type fans as possible and turn them in to a professional community. The main goal of 2017 Typomania identity was to involve public in the process of creating it, and by that creating a buzz around the event. On the Typomania website we switched the cursor with a pencil and let every visitor draw anything they want there. In the end we have got around seven thousand drawing to use in different promotional materials like posters, brochures, flyers, animated videos, and a lot of festival merchandise.

by              俄國 Phillip Tretyakov



Typomania 2017 faces posters

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Posters for Typomania Festival 2017 (2) The International Typographic Festival Typomania is an annual type, typography, calligraphy and video event. The aim of the festival is to collect and connect as many type fans as possible and turn them in to a professional community. The main goal of 2017 Typomania identity was to involve public in the process of creating it, and by that creating a buzz around the event. On the Typomania website we switched the cursor with a pencil and let every visitor draw anything they want there. In the end we have got around seven thousand drawing to use in different promotional materials like posters, brochures, flyers, animated videos, and a lot of festival merchandise.

by              俄國 Phillip Tretyakov



2017 the Year of the Rooster

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

East Asia Design Artists Exhibition 2017

by              日本 Akio Ogawa



Speak to the Eyes

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

"Speak to the Eyes" is a phrase invented by William Playfair, one of the early pioneers of data visualization and infographics. It's also the title of a 3-month long organization consisting of talks, exhibition, and workshops, etc. all for the purpose of raising awareness of the culture of data visualization in the era of the Ottoman Empire until the early Republic formation.

by              土耳其 Sarp Sozdinler


The New Globalization

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Globalization is a concept yet under construction and so vague that it continuously will under the appearance of a dominant structure. Not necessarily filled with negative connotations, it is also a hybrid of various representations, all in the way of acting like one, creating an absurd harmony.

by              土耳其 Sarp Sozdinler



100 Best Posters 16

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Competition identity design for 100 Best Posters 16 ( Germany, Austria , Switzerland). 100 Best Posters is the most professional competition of poster design in German-speaking region. The posters of mine for 100 BP 2016 focus on the typeface design. The image of this competition to me is like lots of solid spaces with dynamic dots shuttling through the spaces, which symbolizes the collision and fusion of all the ideas.

by              中國大陸 王远


Polis_Posters by Uwe Loesch

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Uwe Loesch is a contemporary german graphic design master. This poster is for his lecture at HfG Offenbach. He uses often the contrast of black and white in his works. It’s the expression of his design philosophy. And he likes to wear a pair of shoes which one of them is black while the other is white. Dog and fly are the elements of his classic works. So i assimilate these symbols into this poster for appearing the black-white design philosophy of Uwe Loesch.

by              中國大陸 王远




Berlin Wall - Vertical Horizon

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

< Berlin Wall-Vertical Horizon > is a documentary about Berlin wall . Berlin wall was the outcome of cold war, it was the man-made obstacle. Based on this concept i used the portraits of the 2 Checkpoint Charlie soldiers. Berlin wall was extended from their faces. It means Berlin wall was the political wall. These 2 portraits were also showed in the film. And we were authorized by the Artist to use the portraits in this poster.

by              中國大陸 王远


Shut Up Speak Up!

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 王雅欣





揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

电脑时代的来临,我们的汉字书写能力也正在退化, 很多人日常生活工作中很少或是根本不再书写…… 据调查结果显示: 37%的人经常提笔忘字; 22%的人想写东西时总想找电脑而不是笔; 16%的人觉得除了名字写得还行,其他字基本没法看; 13%的人去外面听课或者开会,最怕的就是记笔记。

by              中國大陸 田佳


Musha Milk Farm

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

I designed this poster for milk farm. Surface of milk shapes landscape in Hokkaido.

by              日本 Yuri Sanae




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

KANON PANCAKES is pancakes café in Sapporo. Its biggest characteristic is fluffy taste. I tried to express the texture in a unique way. So I expressed fluffy texture by bouncing up peoples on the pancakes.

by              日本 Yuri Sanae




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

11th International Hommage to Morteza Momayez

by              瑞士 Melchior Imboden



Lecture announcement - Luther

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

The topic of the lecture is about "Luther and the places of reformation". The photographer will held about this places and will show the pictures he took. The portrait of Luther and a camera are combined and rearranged.

by              德國 Henning Kreitel


The artisan

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This poster designed for joining the Terashima Poster Design Exhibition 2016 in Sapporo, Japan, to praise a plasterer they are spending the whole life to make a perfect wall, they are artisans, they are artists. In Japan, they call the crafting profession "匠", and I tried to combine this character and their iconic tool together.

by              香港 Yuen Kam Shing



As long as I dance my life is fantastic

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for art exhibition.

by              波蘭 Kasia



KKW-Posters 2016

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

With posters for Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig (kkw) we tried to turn the process of transformation of an old building – a former powerplant – to an contemporary art space into a graphic language. This building has huge empty halls with dust, left overs and some huge stains of old oil. First exhibitions where right in the middle of it with minimum changes. A Challenge for the serial concept of the posters was that the exhibitions had a wide range of formats. From solo to group shows and even two shows in the same time with different titles can happen there. So we decided that big figures of dates would be best as main signature of typographic concept, because they had to be on each poster for sure. All additional info should fill the gaps.

by              德國 david voss



I’ll be your Mirror - Screen Tests by Andy Warhol

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

We did a set of visual communication for an exhibition of Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests, on display at the GfZK (Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig). Our Studio selected a gold shine to reference the Factory when designing posters and, because context is key, the gold surface is translucent, evoking the glass structure that houses the museum.

by              德國 david voss


Alright Gandhi

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for a concert by the Berlin based band 'Alright Gandhi' at the cultural centre Neubad in Lucerne, Switzerland. The corporate design of Neubad requires all posters to be just black and white.

by              瑞士 Till Lauer



The Meyerhold Theatre Centre posters

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Posters for the new drama theatre festival / The Meyerhold Theatre Centre

by              俄國 Mila Silenina


Urban Cancer

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 周雅琼




揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 周雅琼


Barcode Quartet

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster for music concert.

by              巴西 Thiago Lacaz



The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: Trace of an Uneasy Sleep

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Poster to celebrate the centenary of Kafka's novella.

by              巴西 Thiago Lacaz


'話', '和', '花'

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Talk of speaking '話', sum of reconciliation '和', The flower of the bloom '花', the image of these three 'hwa', was composed of the culture wind of Korea, China and Japan that converse, harmonize and bloom with images.

by              韓國 Byoung il Sun



le poilu 2015

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

This is a poster for a woven fabric studio "le poilu" in 2015. The poster depicts suppleness and boldness of fabric. Typography is woven in the shape of fabric.

by              日本 Hiroko Sakai


Fahrenheit 451

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Theatrical poster. The tale of a future world in which individualism is completely stifled, the knowledge is unnecessary, and illiteracy is welcomed. The books are evil, their possession is punishable. The novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and "firemen" burn any that are found. Client: Teatr Wybrzeże in Gdańsk Materials - paper Print  technique - offset 2016

by              波蘭 Adamczyk Mirosław




The Stone

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Theatrical poster. Complicated fate of three families living in succession in one of the houses in Dresden in the turbulent times of german fascism and after World War II — from 1933 until 1993. Masterly composition of scenes can gradually explore the deep hidden truth about their past. Client: Teatr Współczesny in Warsaw Materials - paper Print  technique - offset 2016

by              波蘭 Adamczyk Mirosław




No Matter How Hard We Tried

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

“Między nami dobrze jest” – EN: “No Matter How Hard We Tried” Poster for theater play “Między nami dobrze jest”, (en. “No Matter How Hard We Tried”), The Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theater in Białystok, Poland, 2015 Theatre play “No Matter How Hard We Tried,” based on the play by Dorota Masłowska, tells about a world in which “every human was Polish. Everyone was Polish, Germans were Polish (...), the famous Pole Krzysztof Kolumb, who’s evidently been re-christened to Christopher Columbus, or some other name like Chris or Isaac. We used to be a great empire, an oasis of tolerance and multiculturalism.”

by              波蘭 Agnieszka Popek-Banach




The Powder Keg

揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

“Beczka prochu” – EN: “The Powder Keg” Poster for theater play “Beczka Prochu”, (en. “The Powder Keg”), Studyjny Theater, Łodz, Poland, 2017 Theater play "The Powder Keg" tells about violence of ours, everyday, interpersonal, but no less painful and destructive. The friend disclosed the second betrayal years ago, someone threw someone, someone caught on the bus stop. Someone no longer has the strength to live, and someone has the strength, but there is no reason why. Rape, loneliness, unfulfillment, lack of purpose, sense of values, betrayal and old age as a form of violence imposed on us by biology.

by              波蘭 Agnieszka Popek-Banach





揭晓 | 2017台湾国际平面设计奖(台湾国际海报设计奖—B类—非特定主题 )博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


by              中國大陸 姜维维


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