2018 SEGD 全球设计奖报奖指南

国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !

Submission Deadline/截止日期


 January 31, 2018/ 2018年1月31日

Late Deadline/延迟截止: 

 February 14, 2018/ 2018年2月14日

国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !

Kunstmuseum Basel Light Frieze

Design: ig art

国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !

Questions? 问题请联系jennette@segd.org, 001.202.638.5555

Experiential Graphic Design: Connecting People to Place

Since 1987, the SEGD Global Design Awards have set the standard of excellence for experiential graphic design—honoring design work that connects people to place by providing direction, content, and compelling experiences in public spaces. Since 2014, the awards have been juried in separate categories in order to ensure that projects are compared with like projects, e.g., wayfinding projects with wayfinding projects.




What Can You Enter?  什么项目可以报奖

• Digital Experience Content (not advertising) 数字体验内容(而非广告)

• Exhibitions 展览展示

• Interactive Experiences 交互体验

• Placemaking and Identity 场所构建与标识特征

• Public Installations 公共设施

• Strategy/Research/Planning 战略、调研与规划

• Wayfinding 导视


Above all, your entry must be a system instead of any single product and it must connect people to place.

最重要的两点就是: 一 您要递交的作品必须是一个体系而非单个产品,二  这个体系必须连接人与场所。


For examples, visit segd.org/explore-experiential-graphic-design.

请登陆 http://segd.org/explore-experiential-graphic-design 研究和分析以往获奖案例。


Winners in the seven categories are considered together for the Best in Show award. The prestigious Best in Show winners get 100% more clicks on the SEGD website.


国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !

Who, Like Me, Is Threatened?

Design: Second Story, part of SapientRazorfish

Who Should Enter? 谁应该参赛?

• Experiential graphic designers  体验平面设计师

• Environmental graphic designers  环境平面设计师

• Graphic designers  平面设计师

• Architects  建筑师

• Landscape architects  景观建筑师

• Exhibit designers  展览展示设计师

• Industrial designers  工业设计师

• Interior designers  室内设计师

• Technology integrators  技术集成商

• Digital content creators  数字内容创作者

• User experience designers  用户体验设计师

• Media developers  媒体开发人员

• Creative agencies  创意机构

• Fabricators  标牌及其他相关制作单位

• Clients  企业客户

• Students  学生群体

How Will Your Projects Be Evaluated?

A multi-disciplinary jury representing a diversity of design disciplines, as well as clients, users, and students will evaluate your projects based on their effectiveness in connecting people to place, creating a unique and memorable user experience, and solving the client’s objectives and design challenges.  

Honor and Merit awards will be selected in each category. In addition, one project will win a Best in Show award.



1、 创造了独特而令人记忆深刻的用户体验;

2、 解决了客户的需求;

3、 克服了一些设计难题。


And If My Project Wins?

Winning projects will be featured in the SEGD18 awards annual and in the SEGD Global Design Awards archive on www.segd.org. SEGD will also distribute press releases announcing the winners.

Winners will be honored at the SEGD Global Design Awards Celebration during the SEGD Conference, June 7-9, 2018, in Minneapolis; attendance is a requirement of winning.


获奖项目将收编入《2018年SEGD全球设计奖年鉴》,同时在www.segd.org 栏目长期展示。SEGD也将向各类媒体散发新闻资料,公布博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网信息。所有获奖者,都将在SEGD年会上受到表彰。2018年SEGD年会,将于6月7-9日在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯举办,获奖即可参会。


Contest Rules 

Entrants agree not to submit any entry that (1) infringes any third-party proprietary rights, intellectual property rights, personal or moral rights or confidentiality obligations; or (2) otherwise violates the applicable state, federal, provincial or local law.

Entrants must be the sole author and owner of the copyright in all content (text, images, video, etc.) submitted in connection with entered projects and represent that they have the right to submit the Content and grant all required licenses. Entrant shall provide (upon request by SEGD) proof of ownership and authority to grant these license rights to SEGD.

By submitting its entry, the Entrant grants an immediate limited, non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide and royalty-free license to SEGD to use the content submitted for any purpose at any time in any media with attribution.

SEGD assumes no responsibility for any Entrant’s non-compliance with these Rules and accepts no liability for any Entrant’s violation of a third-party’s rights in the content submitted. SEGD reserves the right to seek indemnification or other contribution from the Entrant for any third-party claim of infringement relating to such content.

As a condition of participating in this contest, Entrant agrees to comply with all of these Contest Rules.







Project Eligibility

• Projects must have been completed between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2017.

• Student projects must have been completed in 2016 or 2017 by full-time students.

• Projects may be submitted by SEGD members and non-members.

• There is no limit on the number of projects entered by an individual or firm.

• Projects must demonstrate the use of design elements (including, but not limited to,  typography, symbols, pictograms, media, diagrams, and color coding) in the design solution and must focus on the communication of information, identity, or image in the designed environment.

• A project may be entered in multiple categories; a separate entry and payment are required for each category.

• Projects entered in previous years may be entered again if they did not win an award.

 Contact jennette@segd.org or 202.638.5555 for information.


1. 参赛项目须在2015年1月1日至2017年12月31日之间完成。

2. 学生作品须在2015和2016两年完成。

3. SEGD会员或非会员皆可参赛。

4. 无论对于个人,还是单位,所报奖项目数量没有限制。

5. 参赛项目须显示设计元素的使用,包括但不限于板式、标志、标识、符号、数字图形转化设计、多媒体、图示、色彩编码等。

6. 同一项目可投报多个类别,但须分别计费。

7. 以往参赛但未获奖的项目仍可继续拿来参赛。

国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !


Design: Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Ran Design

Entry Requirements

1. Entries are judged anonymously. The project description, captions, and video should NOT include any information identifying the submitting firm.

2. Words, pictures, and fees must be submitted via the SEGD Global Design Awards online entry system.  

3. Entries must comply with the Contest Rules.


1. 所有提交的参赛作品都将进行匿名评选。请勿在作品提交材料中插入任何提示性信息,如公司名称、设计单位或个人名称等;

2. 文字、图片和费用,必须通过SEGD全球设计奖官网在线系统提交;

3. 参赛作品比较符合比赛规则。



Up to 500 words describing the project, its objectives and challenges, and the primary features of the design solution and how it addressed the objectives and challenges. Ideally, describe the success of the project and how it was measured.


项目简介,不多于500 个英文单词,须包含:

1、 项目目标;

2、 设计解决方案特点;

3、 对于项目目标和项目难点的解决方式;

4、 项目成功之处。


Pictures & Video

Built Projects

• Up to 8 images (300 dpi, .jpg, 5MB limit) with captions (Identify one as the“Hero Shot” that you would like jurors to see first.)

• One video (mp4, .wmv, or .mov; 105MB limit), up to 1 minutes in length, only if it provides additional information

Unbuilt Projects, Research Materials, and Master Plans

In addition to the online entry, mail documents, sketches, presentation materials, and other relevant “hard copy” materials (with online entry number) to Jennette Foreman SEGD, 1900 L St., NW Suite 710, Washington, DC 20036. 



1. 最多可提交8张图片(300dpi、jpg格式文档、5MB),每张图片须加注图示。你想让评委首先审阅的图片,请标注为“Hero Shot”, 即“主要图片”。

2. 提交一份1分钟视频(mp4、wmv、或者mov 格式、105MB),此视频内容须不同于8张图片。


除了在线上传文件外,其他文件、草图、演示材料,以及其他相关“硬件复制品”,都请标注在线上传报奖材料时被分配的报奖作品序号,并邮寄至:Jennette Forman, SEGD, 1900 L St., NW Suite 710, Washington, DC 20036.


Entry Fees

1. SEGD Student Members: FREE

2. Student Non-members: $50/entry

3. SEGD Members: $325/entry

4. All others: $700/entry

5. Special: $600 for non-member to join and enter one project.

Each entry submitted after January 31, 2018, will incur a $75 late fee. 


1. 学生 SEGD会员免费

2. 学生 非会员50美金/作品

3. SEGD 会员325美金/作品

4. 非属于1-3种情况者:700美金/作品

5. 新注册会员,递交一款作品:600美金。

注:在 2018 年1月31-2月14日期间提交的每个作品,都将加收75美金延迟费。


国际大赛 | 2018 SEGD 全球设计奖——报奖指南 !





江利晶 Joann JIANG

电话/微信 13263292995,邮箱 joann.jiang@designflow.my

微信 kidmanju

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