EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网



结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

近期EID Architecture获得位于中国上海市临港新城的张江中心国际设计竞赛第一名。此次竞赛参与的设计公司包括都市实践、SPARK等国际知名建筑设计事务所。此次竞赛旨在为上海市郊的新城区域设计一座城市综合体,包含企业总部、办公空间、精品酒店及配套设施等业态。

EID Architecture has been selected as the winner of an international competition to design a significant headquarter/ office and hotel complex of Lingang ZKJI Center (LGZC) in Lingang New City, a burgeoning new district in the outskirt of Shanghai. Consisted of an office wing and ancillary facilities, this project also houses a hotel wing and its amenities.


结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛主立面 ©EID Arch

Main façade 



Incoherent with the current master planning developed by German firm GMP, the design of Lingang ZKJI Center (LGZC) is conceived as a series of vertically stacked courtyards. It is configured to optimize building orientation, whilst maximizing the views towards the Dishui Lake and adjacent park. It aims to become an open, welcoming destination for different user groups, visitors and hotel guests alike. The gross area for this complex is approximately 41,458 sq meters.

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

设计生成逻辑 ©EID Arch

Massing generation


结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

功能与业态配置 ©EID Arch

Function and program configuration



LGZC contains a variety of office spaces which are catered to needs of different user groups, ranging from corporate headquarter at upper levels, speculative leasing space to co-sharing working environment at lower levels. It offers a new typology of office building configuration as a flexible framework responding to the change of market place.

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

多维立体的院落空间 ©EID Arch

Multi-dimensional courtyard space


A key feature of this project is an outdoor navigation passage that wraps around the podium and office building, engaging the pedestrians, visitors and tenants. Navigating through this footpath carved out of office massing, it connects with the roof terraces and indoor atriums at various levels, stimulating the interaction and encounter among different user groups and visitors. These steps along the footpath provides a continuous open viewing platform, exploiting the best views of the surrounding and the dramatic panorama of the lake, park and city beyond.

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

模型研究 ©EID Arch

Model study


The organization of office floor plates centers around an atrium that also acts as a vertical light shaft, telescoping the light through the office floors and further down to the basement. It contributes to the natural ventilation through the function of chimney effect. The shifting and stratification of the office mass reduce its overall bulk and impact on the surrounding blocks, creating an identifiable presence in the district. The façade is featured with perforated vertical metal pilasters, creating a constant shimmering effect on the surface which imitates the rippling effect of the lake.


结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛



In contrast with the weighty office building, the hotel wing appears to be a light filled glass volume with articulations of gridded shading elements. This interplay of solidity and lightness forms a tension that derived from otherwise restrained, quiet nature of the overall composition of the complex. The upper floors of the hotel contain two roof terraces on both ends, allowing views to the lake and park alike. The podium façade is accentuated with dark granite panels, forming a plinth for multi-dimensional roof gardens and terraces.

结果 | EID Architecture临港·张江中心国际设计竞赛

该项目荣获2018年度意大利 THE PLAN AWARD 未来办公商务建筑设计类荣誉奖。

The LinGang ZKJI Center designed by Ping Jiang, the Design Principal of EID Architecture, won the Plan Award 2018, Honorable Mention Award of the Future Office & Business Architecture Design category.

项目地点: 上海市浦东新区

开发商: 张江集团

总建筑面积: 41458平方米

建筑类型: 办公,酒店,配套商业

建筑设计: EID建筑事务所


姜平, AIA, 主持建筑师



Location: Lingang New City, Shanghai, China

Client: Shanghai Zhangjiang Lingang 

Investment Development Co., Ltd.

Built Area: 41458 Sqm

Type: Office, Hospitality, Commercial

Architect: EID Architecture

Design Principal: Ping Jiang, AIA

Design team:

Ma Yunpeng, Lu Xinyi, Gong Yun, He Chendi


关于EID Architecture


EID Architecture是一家国际前沿的建筑事务所,由美国注册建筑师姜平主持,英国建筑师迈克尔·摩根担任香港工作室设计总监,服务范围涵盖建筑设计及城市设计。秉持设计卓越、创新与可持续发展的理念,在不同领域拥有广博的经验,涵盖大型城市综合体、办公/企业总部、商业、医疗、文化公共建筑、机构性建筑以及住宅类建筑等。从辨识度极高的超高层建筑,到创新的复合型城市综合体;从微观尺度的市民性文化建筑,到宏观视角的城市设计,EID Arch积极介入多维的城市环境,通过对不同尺度及类型的建筑研究与设计来探索推动城市与环境的发展。


Suite 1101,Kehui Tower,

1188 North Qinzhou Road,

Xuhui District, Shanghai

T: +86 21 3476 8388

E: info@eid-arch.com



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