Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


如果你的目的只是想到某一个地方去,你,当然可以坐马车,但是,如果是为了游历, 那就要步行了。






The competition aims to maximize innovation in an international vision and utilize site resources creatively in order to tap its potential to the full. By designing a slow traffic system, We hope to transform the region of Dayang Mountain into a melting pot for slow walking in the city which may also strengthen the connection among various functional districts, decrease a sense of isolation between Dayang Mountain and other districts, satisfy the spatial demands of citizens and improve people’s living standards. Existing problems and urban spatial quality should be fully considered and closely connected during the design. Designers have to ensure their schemes are reasonable and practical. Schemes are expected to improve urban quality and further promote brand image of Dayang Mountain. Your design shall optimize the comprehensive spatial quality in the city and strengthen its competitiveness.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

场地核心大阳山国家森林公园位于苏州高新区浒墅关开发区,西濒太湖,东至阳山环路,南起太湖大道, 北至兴贤路,距苏州市区10公里,场地总占地面积2000公顷,森林公园占地面积1002公顷,是苏州的“城市绿肺”。场地内文殊寺,摩崖石刻等景点密布,为步行提供了丰富的节点可能性。


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Map of Suzhou

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Site Location

Suzhou Dayang Mountain National Forest Park, the site, is located in Xushuguan Economic and Technological Development, Suzhou New District. It stretches from Taihu Avenue on the south side, Xingxian Road on the north, Lake Taihu on the west, and Yangshan Ring Road on the east. 10 kilometers from downtown Suzhou, the site covers an area of 2000 hectares with 1002 hectares area covered by forest. That’s the reason it gains a reputation as “Green lung for the city”. The park also features various tourist attractions, including Wenshu Temple and Moya Stone Carving, providing abundant and enjoyable experience for all walkers. 


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 1-A long shot of Dayang Mountain

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 2-Wenshu Temple in Dayang Mountain



This competition challenges creative minds to envision a slow traffic system within the Dayang Mountain National Forest Park and its eastern neighborhood until Jian Lin Road. The site contains a mix of residential, commercial, and tourism uses. These places need to be integrated and energized by a scheme, in order to elevate the qualities of spaces and people’s life, strengthen the connections between different functions, and uncover the potential values of local area.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 3-A long shot of Banshan Pavilion

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 4-A close-up of Banshan Pavilion

本次慢行系统设计以解决不同角色空间使用者的生活、自然与文化环境等实际需求,以提升整体空间 连接与空间品质为目标,针对不同使用者可能产生的日常需求与生活习惯进行假设和推断并解决可能产生的空间问题,提升各人群生活品质,营造宜居场地空间,同时探索和发现景区,住区,商业等城 市功能复合的新途径。

This competition aims to improve spatial connectivity and qualities based on different users’ practical needs for better lives, environment and culture. It seeks creative and suitable schemes that carefully consider people’s daily demands and habits, solve hidden problems ahead, create livable places, and explore new approaches to achieving the functional integration of different areas, including tourist attractions, residential and commercial areas.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 5-An aerial view from halfway up the mountain

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Scene 6-Yuri Pavilion

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竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


青山·周平,1980年出生于日本广岛县。2003年毕业于大阪大学,2005年获得东京大学硕士学位。2005-2012年间工作于SAKO建筑设计工社,在“塘沽远洋国际小学校”项目中担任主设计师;2008年曾获得日本商业空间协会设计大奖赛银奖;2012 年应邀成为北方工业大学建筑与艺术学院讲师;2014年于北京创立了B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所;2016年被评为中国建筑装饰协会年度中国室内设计十大新锐人物、40 UNDER 40中国设计杰出青年(2016-2017),2017年被评为第一财经中国最佳国际创业者,2017年度《北京青年周刊》 “年度设计师青年榜样”。现今主要设计作品有“南锣鼓巷大杂院住宅改造(获得2016年中国建筑学会建筑创作奖银奖)”、“灯市口L形之家(获得2016年金堂奖年度最佳住宅公寓设计 )” 、“失物招领家具体验店”、 “ house vision 探索家 400盒子的社区城市”、 “苏州有熊文旅公寓”, “白塔寺胡同大杂院改造” 等。


The mentor will have the right to promote one entrant out of the Top 30 who will have an equal chance to be one of Top 10 winners.

Shuhei AOYAMA was born in Hiroshima, Japan, 1980. He graduated from Osaka University in 2003,two years after, to study at the Tokyo University awarded his Master degree. He worked for SAKO Architects as a principal architect designed Tanggu Yuanyang International Primary School between 2005 and 2012. In 2008,he received a silver award from JCD Design Award. He was invited to be a lecturer at College of Architecture and Arts, North China University of Technology since 2012, and set up B.L.U.E Architecture Studio in Beijing in 2014. In 2016, he was listed as one of the 10 most brilliant developing designer with Chinese interior design by China Building Decoration Association in 2016.  

His important architectural work includes “Nan Luo Gu Xiang Residential Yard Conversion”,awarded a sliver from China Building Decoration Association in 2016,  “L house in Dengshikou Hutong ”,“ Lost and found furniture store in Beijing”, “The community of 400 cube in House Vision”, “Withwheat Stores located in Xidan ,Wangjing,Fuli and Humao,Bejing ”.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛



竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Case 1-Concept Design for Qianhai Monument Landscape Island (Third Prize)

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竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Case 2-Riverwalk Masterplan on Industrial Site at Oregon's Willamette Falls

This competition invites global designers to creatively utilize the local resources and further draw out the site’s potential, by a slow traffic system. It also shall be able to satisfy multiple needs for urban spaces, and be conducive to the quality of people’s life and even the whole city. What’s more, the scheme needs to be helpful to enhance the competitiveness of local spaces on a reasonable and practicable basis. 


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

例3-中国福州金牛山森林步道 (福道)-锐科设计

Case 3-China Fuzhou Jin Niu Shan Trans-urban Connector by Look Architects

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竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Case 4-Landscape and architecture along the national tour route in Norway

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竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Case 5-High Line Park in New York


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛 白领男,48岁/居住于万科大象高端住宅区,每天工作时长超过14小时,工作效率较高,强度较大。因此注重生活健康,对餐饮等相关生活细节有较高的要求。平日有夜跑健身或骑行需求,周末喜爱步行,定向越野及相关户外活动。

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛 A 48-year-old male office worker: lives in high-end apartment of Vanke; works over 14 hours per day with high efficiency; concerns about life quality and self health; has a high standard towards food and drinks and other domestic trivia; prefers jogging at night to keep fit and walking at weekends; participates in cross-country races and outdoor activities regularly.




A 60-year-old fruit farmer: lives and farms in Shushan Village of Dayang Mountain; mainly sells seasonal fruits like apples and pears; a group of fruit farmers work together to further expand their products system and even expect to develop into an industry; convenient traffic is expected to attract tourists and local people which may improve the sales while strengthen its promotion.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Location Icon

??‍♀️ 自行车骑行爱好者,32岁/居住于苏州市区,日常有骑行需求,周末骑行需求高。骑友圈交友广泛,周末团队骑行人数较多。个人对骑行路线要求较高,坡度要求变化不大但对空气质量要求较高,希望骑行环境能够脱离城市空气环境。骑行空间需要与步行空间产生适当的联系或适当的隔离。环山路径或山地路径均可,希望骑行线路选择多,组合丰富并且骑行路线的景观序列能够各有趣味,并能够充分在城市一隅骑行体会大自然的魅力。

??‍♀️ A 32-year-old cycling fanatic: lives in Suzhou; rides regularly; makes friends with many cycling fanatics and organizes cycling activities at weekends; has a high standard for riding route with flat path and fresh air; appropriate distance should be designed between cycling space and walking space; the more cycling routes the better (routines going around the mountain, mountainous routine and combined cycling routes); hopes to enjoy the landscape along the routine and experiences the great charm of the nature. 



A family of three: lives in the nearby city (driving distance: 1.5h-2h); expect to have a short-term tourism at weekends; hopes to enjoy convenient travelling while experience natural life; the slow traffic system is expected to integrate abundant tourism resources, meanwhile, roads for non-motor vehicles should ensure safety for children. There are many hot tourist attractions nearby like Suzhou Amusement Land, Forest Waterworld, Ever-joy Hop Spring, Tree Hill Eco-village, Botanical Garden and Wenshu Temple.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛评估原则包括但不限于 :

 空间需求原则 : 根据不同人群的设定准确推断需求和流线可能性并尽量准确


 城市性、公共性原则 : 注重项目与城市周边地区的互动关系,注重使用中的




The below are four main evaluation criteria:

 Satisfy spatial demands of different user personas (listed above), and design traffic flow as accurately as possible;

 Develop an interactive relationship between the project and its surrounding areas, be open and inclusive.

 Be creative, practical, feasible, and artistic;

 Respect local culture and history, connect to the land and the people, have dialogues with the context.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛方案需完整呈现于小于等于3张A2纵向图纸上,要求图纸清晰,标注可读(页面边距10毫米),包含:


-报名编号:位于图纸右上角;编号要求字体:Arial 字号:20;


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛所有图纸排布不可超过三张A2图纸;提交格式统一为JPG,每张图纸大小不超过20MB。 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛参赛方案需自行命名;请按照“报名号-方案名称”格式命名文件。

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛作品提交语言:中英双语或英语。

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛所有图纸和文字说明中,请勿透露个人信息,包括姓名、学校等内容。

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛三张图纸尽量按照以下标准:图一:总图,相关说明以及总体分析;图二流线及人群相关分析;图三透视,其它分析,流线节点及相关细部的组织方式排布。

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛作品需上传封面,封面为作品的主视觉,大小为1024×768,72dpi,500KB以内。


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竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


Example 1: Analysis of overall landscape system

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Example 2: Perspective/axis-measuring/section drawing of partial landscape

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Example 3: Renderings


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A scheme shall be presented in three A2 sheets in a clear, vertical way and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) and include following parts:

-Descriptive text including technical-economic indices no longer than 300 English words (except notes);

-RegistrationNo. shall be put on the upper right corner of the sheets, in Arial 20pt font;

-A scheme shall contain design description, site plan, analysis of the site plan and traffic flow, node drawing, elevation, section, axis-measuring drawing or perspective drawing, program evolution drawing, concept analysis diagram, renderings for different space and other details;

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A maximum of three A2 sheets in JPG format (no larger than 20MB for each) can be submitted.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A scheme title shall be provided in the “registration No. – scheme title – sheet No.1/No.2/No.3” format.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A scheme shall be in bilingual (for Chinese-speaking entrants) or in English (for English-speaking entrants).

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A scheme must not include ANY INFORMATION (Name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛A scheme shall be in the following order: photo 1 should contain design description and overall analysis; photo 2 should contain traffic flow and analysis of different population groups; photo 3 should contain perspective drawing, other analysis, node drawing and other details.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛The cover shall be submitted online to display the rendering for your design; it must be uploaded in the size of 1024×768 pixels,72 dpi, less than 500 KB.

(Please conform to the above Entry Requirements; any entry that fails to follow these items may be disqualified.)

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

? 相关学科从业者,爱好者及学生均可报名参加;

? 允许组队参赛,每组参赛人数小于等于3人,每组只能提交一份作品。

? 团队所有成员均需在官网注册,常见问题请关注官网Q & A。


This competition is open to professional designers and students of all ages with industry-specific background or design enthusiasts across the world;

Each group (three members at most) shall submit only one entry;

? Each participant has to register on our website; for any question, please visit our website.

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.07.28        报名启动 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.09.30        报名截止 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.10.07        提交作品截止 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.10.19        TOP100公布 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.02        TOP30公布 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.09        Top3公布 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.16        冠军公布

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.07.28       Call for entries 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.09.30        Registration Deadline 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.10.07        Submission Deadline 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.10.19        Release of Top 100 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.02        Release of Top 30 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.09        Release of Top 3 

竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛2018.11.16        Release of the Champion


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛


1名,奖金:RMB 100,000(含税,与三强奖金不叠加),颁发获奖证书。


2名,奖金:RMB 20,000(含税),颁发获奖证书。 


✰ 十强


赛事将同步在YoungBirdPlan官网投票选出最受大众欢迎奖1名,颁发获奖证书。 赛事将同步评出校级冠军,并颁发获奖证书,同时获得著名开发商及设计机构的推荐就业机会。

100强选手将获得100强荣誉证书,《YoungBirds》定制刊物一份,博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网将有机会发布在 YoungBirdPlan官网及定制刊物。


 First Prize

1 winner; RMB 100,000 (pre-tax; no overlap with the other Top 3 prizes); Certificate of Award.

 Top 3 (except the first prize)

2 winners; 20,000 RMB for each (pre-tax); Certificate of Award.

TOP 3 schemes will be adopted by local government in the futrue project.

 Top 10

10 winners, RMB 10,000 for each (pre-tax);each group will gain an opportunity offered by Vanke Group to design a sculpture installation of interactive landscape (budget for each project is limited to RMB 80,000); completed installations will be put in Vanke communities; Certificate of Award.

 People’s Choice Award

1 winner, Certificate of Award

 School-level champions will be awarded Certificate of Award and recommended to work in famous design institutes or developer companies.

 Top 100: Certificate of Participation;YoungBirds Magazine.

 All winners would be awarded Certificate and published on YoungBirdPlan official website and YoungBirds Magazine.


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛

⛩ 场地文件PDF & JPG;

⛩ 场地航拍图;(8月20日之前会发布在官网,届时请下载。)

⛩ 场地内用地部分总规图、控规图和详规图;

⛩ 场地相关文字描述;

⛩ 场地Mapbox图片文件;

⛩ 场地相关功能和空间资料。


⛩ Site information (PDF & JPG);

⛩ Aerial photo of the project site; (It will be released before 20th, August on our website)

⛩ Photo of master plan and regulatory detailed plan;

⛩ Part of relative scene description;

⛩ Mapbox photo of the site;

⛩ Functions and space information of the site.





登录官网  即可报名


Registration Deadline: 24:00, 30th September 2018 (GMT+8)

Submission Deadline: 24:00, 7th October 2018 (GMT+8)

For registration, please visit

For information kit, please click "Read More"


竞赛 | Young Bird Plan 2018 苏州大阳山慢行系统概念设计竞赛






其他更具体的官方规则将发布在Young Bird Plan竞赛官网,请仔细阅读。

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, by participating in this competition, each Entrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the below statements about the copyrights for all submissions. 

1. Statement of Originality

All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure that his/her entry does not infringe any third party’s rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and so on. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualified from the competition, and the organizer will withdraw all the sponsorship money and materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability of infringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all the direct and indirect damages (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs, notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the organizer shall be compensated by the Entrant.


2. Statement of Consent

By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to publicly display the works, and accepts the on-line selection process. And before uploading a submission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has read and fully understands all of the clauses, and accepts them. The judging panel reserves the right to make a final decision on entry assessment and award list. 

The detailed Official Rules of this competition will be published on the Young Bird Plan website soon. Please read them carefully.



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