2019东京字体指导俱乐部奖Tokyo TDC征集作品


2019 东京字体指导俱乐部奖征集作品 Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2019 Entry Form


Tokyo TDC(东京字体指导俱乐部)创办28年来,从未向海外参赛者收取过参赛费,由于管理成本的上升,今年我们准备收取每件作品20美元的象征性费用。非常感谢您继续参加东京字体指导俱乐部奖。


■ 参赛资格/参赛要求

1、提交参赛作品无需特殊资格。东京TDC要求参赛者必须是其参赛作品的字体指导(Type Directors);


3、RGB类和字体设计类(Type Design)可以是在过去2年内创作的作品;



■ 分类




4、商标、标志/企业形象应用/品牌设计 (品牌设计中的广告必须归入第6类参赛)






■ 截止日期




■ 评审团


浅叶克己/井上嗣也/奥村靫正/葛西 薰/北川一成/菊地敦己/佐藤 卓/涩谷克彦/祖父江 慎/立花文穗/中岛英树/中村至男/仲条正义/服部一成/平林奈绪美/松本弦人


いすたえこ/上西祐理/大贯卓也/小林 章/副田高行/ばるばら/牧 寿次郎/町口 覚/John Warwicker/渡边良重


鸟海 修/羽良多平吉/藤田重信



* 评委无权给自己的作品投票


■ 奖项







“博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网 Prize Winning Work”是指获得上述奖项的作品;“优秀作品 Excellent Work”是指除了上述奖项以外、被选入TDC年鉴的作品;“提名奖作品 Prize Nominee Work”是指入围了奖项但最终未获奖的作品。

“博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网 Prize Winning Work ”将颁发证书。

■ 奖金




■ 通知参赛者



■ 年鉴



■ 展览


■ 参赛规则











主题:2019 RGB Entry





■ 参赛费(居住在日本以外的参赛者)












*支付参赛者(Type Director)名称


■ 注意








■ 作品寄送


Tokyo Type Directors Club

6A, 5-25-13 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,

Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

电话: 81-3-6276-5210

传真: 81-3-6276 -5211

所有的寄送物必须事先支付邮寄费,邮寄费由参赛者负担。请注意,TDC将不承担任何关税,所以请在每个包裹及商业发票上注明“MATERIAL FOR CONTEST ENTRY – NO COMMERCIAL VALUE”字样;


*请RGB类参赛作品包裹外面写上“RGB entry”字样



Tokyo Type Directors Club

E-mail : info@tdctokyo.org

■ 参赛表格







▶︎下载参赛清单2019(A4 / PDF)




▶︎下载作品标签2019(B5 / PDF)



■ 电子文件和相关创作人员


* TDC年鉴将根据参赛者提供的信息制作。




Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2019 Call for Entries 


The Tokyo TDC Annual Awards have not collected competition entry fees from overseas applicants for 28 years since the beginning and have been managed at no charge. However, due to rising administrative costs we have now introduced a nominal fee of USD 20 per entry. We would appreciate your continued interest in applying for the Tokyo
TDC Annual Awards.

The Tokyo Type Directors Club (Tokyo TDC) was founded in 1987 to pursue the possibilities of visual expression of letters and/or words. As before, we invite entries from all around the world for “Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Awards 2019”. Please send us artworks which cut across the boundaries separating type direction, typography, typo-graphics and type design.

Reception and Deadline
■ RGB category entries must be received by TDC by Thursday, November 1, 2018.
■ Other categories’ entries must be received by TDC by Saturday, November 10, 2018.
Entries arriving after the deadline will NOT be accepted.


A. Eligibility


1. No special qualifications are needed to submit an entry. TDC requires that Applicants must be the Type Directors of their works.

2. Entries must have been produced between September 2017 and the deadline.

3. Entries in the “RGB” and “Type Design” categories that were produced or have appeared in the last 2 years will also be accepted.

4. Foreign nationals who reside in Japan are requested to view and use the entry guidelines for Japanese residents (written in Japanese).

5. Entries of course assignments by groups of students will not be accepted. All entries by students must be done individually.

B. Categories


① Small Graphics
② Editorial/Book Design
③ Type Design
④ Mark & Logotype/Corporate Stationery/Branding
*Advertisement in Branding must be submit to category ⑥
⑤ Signage & Display/Packaging
⑥ Advertising (Newspaper&Magazine Advertisement /Poster A = Advertising Poster/Advertising Campaign / TVCF)
⑦ Poster B (For poster entries not included in category ⑥)
⑧ Experimental Work (For entries not included in the other categories)
⑨ RGB (Any works intended to be displayed on screens.)
*Two former categories: “Interactive design” including web design and “Film / Video work / Motion logo / TV, Film title / Animation etc.” This category also includes smart phones and tablet computers as well as any related software.

C. Reception and Deadline


1. RGB category entries must be received by TDC by Thursday, November 1, 2018.
2. Other categories’ entries must be received by TDC by Saturday, November 10, 2018.
Entries arriving after the deadline will NOT be accepted.


D. Jury 


– Katsumi Asaba / Barbora / Kazunari Hattori / Naomi Hirabayashi / Taeko Isu / Tsuguya Inoue / Kaoru Kasai / Atsuki Kikuchi / Issay Kitagawa / Akira Kobayashi / Satoshi Machiguchi / Jujiro Maki / Gento Matsumoto / Hideki Nakajima / Masayoshi Nakajo / Norio Nakamura / Yukimasa Okumura / Takuya Onuki / Taku Satoh / Katsuhiko Shibuya / Shin Sobue / Takayuki Soeda / Fumio Tachibana / Yuri Uenishi / John Warwicker / Yoshie Watanabe

– Special jurors for Type Design :
Shigenobu Fujita / HeiQuiti Harata / Osamu Torinoumi

– Jury for RGB category :
Tota Hasegawa / Gabin Ito / Atsuki Kikuchi / Yosuke Kurita / Tomohiro Okazaki / Ryoji Tanaka
*The judges will not be eligible to vote for their own entries.

E. Prizes


Grand Prize : 1 entry
TDC Prize : 4〜5 entries
Type Design Prize : 1 entry
Book Design Prize : 1 entry
RGB Prize : 1 entry
Special Prize : 0〜2 entries

– “Prize Winning Work” means an entry selected for the above prizes. “Excellent Work” means an entry, other than the above, which is selected to appear in the annual book. “Prize Nominee Work” means an entry shortlisted for a prize but not selected as a prize winning work.
*Certificates will be presented only to Prize Winning Work.

F. Prize Money


Entrants of prize winning works will receive their prize money at an award ceremony at the TDC exhibition in April 2019.
Grand Prize : JPY200,000
Other Prizes: JPY100,000

G. Notification to Entrants


Notification by e-mail will be made by the end of December 2018 to prize winners, prize nominees and those who submitted excellent works.
*Unsuccessful entrants will not be announced by the end February 2019.

H. Annual


The international edition of Tokyo TDC, Vol.30 -The Best in International Typography & Design will be published in Winter 2019.
*No complimentary copies of the annual book will be provided.

I. Exhibition


Prize winning and prize nominee works will be exhibited at TDC exhibition. Excellent works that earn high marks will be also exhibited. TDC exhibition will be held in April 2019 at the ginza graphic gallery in Tokyo.
*Showings at other exhibitions not specified here are considered to be approved by entrants without permission.

J. Entry Rules


1. All documents for submission must be completed with the required information written in block letters. (More details on the opposite side.)

2. You may put a sticky note on a page to which you would like to draw attention if you submit a book for the Book Design category. (The placing of sticky notes is left to your discretion.)

3. For Category ④, mount /layout your logo, stationery’s photos etc. on a B2- size or smaller board (Any number will do) . Send also your real work in the case of stationery, etc.

4. Posters must not be mounted on panels.

5. For entries in the “Type Design” category, both character sets and sample passages of text, which can be short or long, must be submitted on a paper printout. There is no limitation on the number of sheets.
*Title or logo design cannot be applied in type design category.

6. Explanatory drawings must be attached to serial posters to describe their order/relationship. Do not bind the posters together.

7. Entries of package design must be emptied of packaged content such as liquids and cosmetics.

8. TVCF / Film / Video work / Motion logo / TV, Film title / Animation etc. must be submitted by DVD enclosed with the printouts of appealing scenes.

9. Website design must be submitted by e-mail with the information listed in items 1-12 below.
info@tdctokyo.org / Subject : 2019 RGB Entry
1) Applicant (Type Director) name
2) Postal address
3) Phone number
4) E-mail address and private URL
5) Occupation: Company / School
6) URL of the entry
7) Appealing points / pages
8) Client
9) Copyright owner
10) A brief explanation of the entry work (within 150 words)
11) Operating System : Provide specification of the platform, OS, browser, plug-in requirements, or technology used for production (Flash, Java etc.).
12) Attach 1 to 3 captured images of appealing scenes in JPEG.

10. Entries of media contents except web design must be submitted by CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Note the recommended operation environment (system requirements). Briefly explain your work within 150 words and 1 to 3 captured images printouts of appealing scenes must accompany the entry.

11. Entries of installation sites and works that include hardware within RGB category must be submitted by CD-ROM or DVD-ROM containing a video documentation (ex. “.mov” format) to introduce the work.

12. Entries of smart phones and tablet computers related design and software: Unlock DRM (copy-guard) and accompany with some captured images.
* If you have difficulty unlocking DRM or have any questions on a device or reader, please contact us by e-mail.

13. Other categories: This competition accepts only actual work. No entries in electronic media are acceptable, excluding category ⑥ (TVCF) and ⑨. Aside from this, there are no other strict rules for entry. To submit a sign (board) design or a work that is usually difficult to send, submit a printed photograph of the work. It need not be a mounted paper printout. To submit CI work, many entrants send both the logo printed on paper of an arbitrary size and the actual item for which the logo is used (or a photograph of the item printed on paper, depending on the type of item in question). Please decide at your own discretion, considering how you would like to show your work at the competition site.

K. Entry Fees (applicants residing outside Japan)

– USD 20 for one entry
*So far, an overseas applicant has been allowed to submit no more than three entries. From this year, there is no limit on the number of entries.
*Note: The Tokyo TDC Annual Awards ask applicants to separate entries according to categories, even though they were produced for the same purpose. For example, one cannot submit a poster and a book as the same series. (exception: advertisement campaigns)

– Payment method
Entries fees will be collected via PayPal.
Please access the URL below.

1. Enter the sum of entry fees.
e.g.: In the case of one entry: USD 20 / In the case of three entries: USD 60
2. Login to your PayPal account.
3. Make payment via credit card.
*Pay with Applicant (Type Director) name.
*Deadline for the payment of entry fees: By November 10, 2019.


L. Notes


1. No entries will be returned.

2. Prize winning, prize nominee and excellent works will appear in the Tokyo TDC annual book, the digital archive and presumably in other various media including website. Taking this into consideration, applicants must be responsible for all the conceivable issues of copyright. TDC takes no responsibility for copyright issues.

3. Entries which do not follow the entry guidelines, or which the jury consider inappropriate, or which contravene the rights of others will be disqualified from the competition. TDC reserves the right to disqualify entries based on these conditions even after notification has been made that they are prize winning, prize nominee or excellent works. When doubts about whether a work conflicts with the copyrights of others arise after the yearbook is issued, the producer of the controversial work and the corresponding third person are responsible for solving the problem. Tokyo TDC takes no responsibility in such matters.

4. Entries will be handled with the utmost care. However, TDC will not be responsible for any loss or damage to entries due to unavoidable accident. If such an accident occurs, the applicant may be asked to re-ship the entry.

5. Entrants grant TDC the right to reproduce the images of entries for promotional purposes.

6. The layout of the annual book is done in accordance with the editing format and policy of the TDC annual book. We will not accommodate special requests from entrants.

7. The TDC annual book will be produced basically using the digital files provided by applicants. Due to technical and organizational constraints, TDC reserves the right to determine the trimming and cutout of the images requested by the annual book’s designer without permission from the applicants. TDC will photograph the entry works if need be.


M. Shipping


Entries should be sent to:
Tokyo Type Directors Club
6A, 5-25-13 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
Phone: 81-3-6276-5210
Fax: 81-3-6276-5211

All packages must be shipped prepaid. Shipping fees must be paid by entrants. Please also note that Tokyo TDC will NOT pay any customs duties, so be sure to mark “MATERIAL FOR CONTEST ENTRY – NO COMMERCIAL VALUE” on the outside of each package and on the commercial invoice.
*If the submitted work comes in multiple packages, PLEASE number them as 1/2, 2/2 and so on.
*Please write “RGB entry” on the outside of the package for entry to the RGB category.
*To applicants who will complete online registration before November 10, we will send a receipt confirmation email after receiving their entry works.

● For more information (E-mail)
Tokyo Type Directors Club
E-mail : info@tdctokyo.org


■ Entry List


▶︎ Online Registration 2019

1. Complete all entry information online before sending the work. The information required is the same as on the “Entry List” below.

2. Print out the completed online registration form and enclose it with the entry.
*If online registration is not possible for some reason, fill in the “Entry List” below and enclose it with the work.
*Do not attach this list to entry works. Enclose it with them. This list is required for us to gain an overall picture of the entries submitted by each applicant = type director. Use one box per entry. (A series is considered to be one entry.).
▶︎ Entry List 2019 (A4/PDF)



■ Entry Label


▶︎ Entry Label 2019 (B5/PDF)

Each entry must come attached with the completed “Entry Label” on the back of the work.


Digital Files and Staff Credits


Applicants whose entry is selected as a prize winner, prize nominee or excellent work will be contacted by TDC by the end of December 2018, with instructions to provide the digital file(s) of the successful entry and its credits.
*The TDC yearbook will be produced with the files provided by the applicants.

Official Website:


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