Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

先锋性 所提供的进化意识和革命动力是时代赋予年轻设计师的馈赠,同时也意味着先锋所带来的,推进空间进化的责任与义务。真正富有生命力的创新并非天马行空的幻想,而是应该具备可行性及最先锋的意义。这种意义即“在前线”,才能不落窠臼或防止才思枯竭。一位充满梦想和斗志又不失务实精神的设计师身上,可以投射出一个时代的锋芒和美学力量。  

FRONTIER here means pioneering spirit and revolutionary awareness brought by this new era which is a gift for young designers, and at the same time, they shoulder the duties to boost the evolution of spaces. An energetic and innovative design is more than imagination. It shall be feasible, meaningful, and on the frontier, viz. ground-breaking. An ambitious and practical designer is able to show the power of the age and aesthetics.

因此,一直奔走“在前线”Young Bird Plan和东鹏瓷砖及东鹏整装卫浴联合发起On the Frontier系列竞赛永川政府和广东省绿盟公益基金会将作为本次竞赛的支持方,意为走在时代发展的第一线,用最具创新的方式解决最迫切的需求。而第一个需要攻克的课题就是最能表现城市细节、体现人性关怀的公厕设施。

Therefore, On the Frontier competition series launched by Young Bird Plan and Dong Peng (including Dong Peng Ceramic and Dong Peng Bathroom Design Service) is planned to solve the most urgent problems in an innovative way, while Yongchuan Government and PEARS Foundation worked as supporters. The first task is to devise a public toilet concerning people’s basic needs and respecting local features and culture.


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

整体的进化总是起源于局部,而城市的更新总是始于一些微妙而精确的细节。作为最私密的公共空间,公厕在推动着公共空间质量提升的同时也引领着公共空间形式的革命。本次,主办方Young Bird Plan携手联合主办方东鹏瓷砖及东鹏整装卫浴共同发起“On the Frontier”乡村公厕设计竞赛,旨在结合产业,品牌,区域文化与区域认知对公共空间进行形式重塑,加强产业的实际认知度、地区的影响力和区域名片效应,为乡村公共空间的更新提供先锋性与实际落地性并存的创新途径。

Subtle changes always lead to big results. The process of urban regeneration cannot be advanced without small facets. A quality toilet, the most private area in public space, will usher in a revolution of public spaces. Based on that, Dongpeng Group (including Dong Peng Ceramic and Dong Peng Bathroom Design Service) and Young Bird Plan launch “On the Frontier” public toilet competition, aiming to consolidate brand awareness and strengthen the impact of the region, and find an innovative, cutting-edge, practicable approach to reform rural public spaces, by connecting industry, brand, local culture and context.


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛



In our daily life, one person needs to use the bathroom 6 to 8 times per day on average, spending 4% of the time one day in it. During an 80-year lifespan, one person totally takes 3 years in this private place. That is to say, if a toilet with 6 to 8 year life cycles serves 80 people per day, the whole time users spend in it will amount to 3 years.

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛



The same underlying logic is also applicable to public spaces. In large-scale rural areas, public toilets tend to be significant nodes, telling the status of local development. Compared with other public spaces with different functions in cities and villages, public toilets meet the basic needs of people, and are familiar to everyone.


Then, how can public toilets respond to spatial development and be ahead of counterparts in quality?


According to spatial cognition theory, the first impression of a space is determined by its colors and textures. This competition challenges contestants to reasonably utilize brand-related materials and bathroom products, and further improve the spatial quality of public toilet in rural areas. 

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛


Dong Peng, the co-organizer, seeks human-centered and innovative entries in this competition. The two elements are very important because they are the main parts of its brand philosophy. As a leading brand providing integrated solutions to bathroom, Dong Peng has developed a series of pioneering products on the basis of science and technology, art, and life. Its products are intelligent, user-centered, healthy, energy-saving and eco-friendly. Therefore, contestants are expected to solve the current problems of public toilets in an objective and creative way, optimize the use of techniques and products, and integrate them into peoples’ life. 


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛


The most beautiful road in Yongchuan


Yongchuan, a district in western Chongqing, China, is located by the north side of upper reach of Yangtze River. Record of Yongchuan County wrote in the Guangxu Period, logs that Yongchuan is named for its geographic features. Three rivers converge on this place, appearing to be the Chinese character Yong in seal script. This district has a moderate climate and flat lands with 46.5% of forest cover. The percentage of days with good air quality reaches 94.5%. Those treasured natural resources will be conducive for entrants to devise their schemes. (For further site information, please download information kit.)

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

 场地 01 - 松溉镇选址概况

Site 01 - Songgai Town

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 场地 02 - 朱沱镇选址概况

Site 02 - Zhutuo Town

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场地 03 - 三教镇选址概况

Site 03 - Sanjiao Town

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为综合考量选手的设计能力,本次竞赛设置评委评选和导师指导两个环节。为确保赛事的公平、公正,评委从跨学科角度出发,本次竞赛邀请了包括世界级景观建筑师长谷川逸子,刘宇扬建筑事务所创始人及主持建筑师刘宇扬,中国城市环境卫生协会公厕建设管理专业委员会主任高发车,广东东鹏控股股份有限公司整装卫浴事业部总经理杨立鑫,永川区政协副主席及政府代表钟代华,广东省绿盟公益基金会首席导师李钜镇,及Young Bird Plan创始人葉春曦;同时力邀同济大学建筑学博士及上海华都建筑设计有限公司总经理助理张海翱担任导师,负责优化设计作品及确保落地的可实施性。

This competition features two procedures for picking winners, namely, jurors’ selection and mentor’s guidance, in order to comprehensively evaluate the entries in this competition. To ensure the equality, the interdisciplinary jury panel consists of Hasegawa Itsuko (world-class landscape architect), Yuyang Liu (founder and principal architect of Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects), Fache Gao (director of the Professional Committee of Public Toilet Construction Management affiliated with China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation), Lixin Yang (general manager of bathroom design service department of Dong Peng Group), Daihua Zhong (government representative and vice-chairman of CPPCC in Yongchuan District), Juzhen Li (chief mentor of Pears Foundation), and Isa Ye (founder of Young Bird Plan). Also, Zhang Hai'ao will be invited as the mentor to further design winners' schemes and ensure the implementation of the project.


Young Bird Plan在本次竞赛中首次启用“观察团”体系,博采众长,兼容并蓄,以他们精辟、独到的专业眼光,呈权威、深刻的跨界“发声”,融合第三方的见证和关注,激发所有竞赛参与者、关注者之更精进自我的潜能,通过再思考、再创新,掀起一场轰动全业界的最强“创意”风暴!

The concept of Observation Group is first added into Young Bird Plan competitions. We hope this mode will gather advantages from industries and integrate various opinions so that participants may be inspired in their designs. The observers will comment on entries in an accurate and unique way through their professional experience.  By the evaluation from three parts, the potential of participants will be further inspired and the most innovative brainstrom will hit the design industry in the world. 


The Jury

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛



设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛


张海翱连续参加北京卫视“暖暖的新家”建筑改造节目,并获得节目最高收视率。其中在网络引起热议的“北京机械车库之家”,“上海集装箱之家”“上海垂园”,被“一条”及其他各媒体争相转载,成为了现象级改造项目。项目先后获得了德国IF奖,意大利THE PLAN奖,红点最佳设计奖以及上海建筑学会创作奖最高奖。2017年带领吴彦祖等明星参加了浙江卫视“漂亮的房子”建筑类节目并主持设计了木兰围场草原之家,入围RIBA英国皇家建筑师学会奖,获得2018红点最佳设计奖,代表中国建筑师参加威尼斯建筑节主题演讲。


Zhang Hai’ao has successively participated in an architectural reconstruction TV program “A Warm New Home” organized by BTV-1,which has caught eyes of audience and arouse hot discussion, especially his works including "transformable smart house in Beijing", "stacks container boxes into atransformable smart home" and "vertical garden in Shanghai". Above projects respectively won IF Design Award, The Plan Award, the best design of Red Dot and the most innovative project horned by the Architectural Society of Shanghai. In 2017, he took part in the architectural TV program “Beautiful Houses” organized by Zhejiang TV along with TV stars like Daniel Wu. And his project “Mulan weichang” which is located in the northeast of Hebei province was nominated for RIBA the Stirling Prize and awarded the best design of 2018 Red Dot. Therefore, on behalf of Chinese architects, he made a theme speech in Venice Architecture Biennale.

Zhang Hai’ao also leads plenty of landmark architectural projects both at home and abroad as he is the leading designer of Sunrise Kempinski Hotel Beijing project which is a main building for APEC summit. Besides, he is the first Chinese architect who endorses international high-end brand by cooperating with France brand DS.

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Observation Group

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设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛


This competition challenges creative minds to select one of the sites (located in Sanjiao Town, Songgai Town, and Zhutuo Town) provided in the site description, and design a public toilet.


Entrants are required to think out of the box and design a 30 to 70 square meters public toilet without height limitation in Yongchuan District, based on hygienic, convenient, safe and energy-saving principles.(schemes should be limited within above size standards) The public toliet should consist of male toilets, women toilets, unisex toilets and management room. Besides, management room is for cleaning and management. This user-centered toilet should speak for local culture, serving as a building icon that harmonizes with surrounding landscape. 



Designers are also required to choose materials or products provided by Dongpeng Group (including Dong Peng Ceramic and Dong Peng Bathroom Design Service), the co-organizer of this competition. (The products information can be found in the information kit.)

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Aerial image of Zhutuo Town

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An ancient village in Songgai Town

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

『 文化尊重 』


『 先锋要素 』

理解命题中对On the Frontier即先锋性的解读,通过设计作品充分并准确表达参赛者个人对先锋性的诠释。

『 绿色环保 


『 落地性 』


『 材料运用 』


『 Culture-respecting 

Careful consideration and flexible use of the physical geography, location, resources, convention of the site; innovative reflection of local uniqueness (culture and custom).

『 Frontier 

Fully understand the description of "On the Frontier" in the competition theme and illustrate your understanding towards the theme in schemes.

『 Eco-friendly 

Taking “energy-efficient, land-saving, green” as goals, it should give priority to ecological features and people’s livelihood. When using products provided by Dong Peng (including Dong Peng Ceramic and Dong Peng Bathroom Design Service), designers should consider how to optimize or utilize its products so that the architecture will be eco-friendly and even recycling.

『 Practicable 

Toilet is the most basic facility of infrastructure. Local common materials, techniques and their cost need to be considered when designing. The scheme should be practicable, functional and aesthetic.


Rational utilizing appointed products and materials offered by Dong Peng (including Dong Peng Ceramic and Dong Peng Bathroom Design Service), deep understanding of Dong Peng spirit and outstanding interpretation of "Frontier" will be a plus.


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛



-报名编号:位于图纸右上角。编号要求字体:Arial 字号:20;









 A scheme shall be presented in two A2 sheets in a clear, vertical way and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) and include following parts:

-Descriptive text no longer than 300 English words (except notes);

-Registration No. shall be put in the upper right corner of the sheets, in Arial 20pt font;

-A scheme shall contain plans, elevations, bird view, concept evolution, concept analysis diagrams, and renderings for different spaces; other details;

 A maximum of two A2 sheets in JPG format (no larger than 20MB for each) can be submitted.

 A scheme title shall contain no more than 4 English words in the “registration No. – scheme title – sheet No.1/No.2” format.

 A scheme shall be in bilingual (for Chinese-speaking entrants) or English (for English-speaking entrants).

 A scheme must not include ANY INFORMATION (Name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity.

 Please do not compress your files.

 The cover shall be submitted online to display only one rendering for your design; it must be uploaded in the size of 1024×768 pixels,72 dpi, less than 500 KB.

(Please conform to the above Entry Requirements; any entry that fails to follow these items may be disqualified.)


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛 任何设计、艺术相关学科背景的从业人员、学生、爱好者均可参加,不限国籍和年龄;


 团队所有成员均需在官网注册,常见问题请关注官网Q & A。

 This competition is open to professional designers and students of all ages with industry-specific background or design enthusiasts across the world;

 Each group (three members at most) shall submit only one entry;

 Each participant has to register on our website; for any question, please visit our website.


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

 2018年09月28日        报名启动

 2018年11月14日        报名截止

 2018年11月21日        提交作品截止

 2018年11月30日        TOP 100公布

 2018年12月04日        TOP 30公布

 2018年12月10日        Top 3公布

 2019年01月11日        冠军公布


 2018.09.28        Call for entries

 2018.11.14        Registration deadline

 2018.11.21        Submission deadline

 2018.11.30        Release of Top 100

 2018.12.04        Release of Top 30

 2018.12.10        Release of Top 3

 2019.01.11        Release of the champion


设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛



1名,奖金:RMB 30,000(含税,与三强奖金不叠加),颁发获奖证书。


2名,奖金:RMB 10,000(含税),颁发获奖证书。


★ 100强选手将获得100强荣誉证书,《YoungBirds》定制刊物一份,博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网将有机会发布在YoungBirdPlan官网及定制刊物。



Top 3 projects will be constructed by the co-organizer, Dong Peng Group and supporters in Yongchuan District.

 First Prize

1 winner; 30,000 RMB (pre-tax) and Certificate of Award.

 Top 3 (Except first prize)

2 winners; 10,000 RMB (pre-tax) and Certificate of Award.

 One entrant who receive the most votes during the public voting process on YoungBirdPlan website will win the Certificate of People's Choice Award and be recommended to work in famous design institutes.

 Each of Top 100 will be awarded Certificate of Award, a publication by YoungBirdPlan, and the opportunity to be published on YoungBirdPlan website and publication..

 All selected participants will be awarded certificates.


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❶ 选址布局及区位图;

❷ 选址规划图纸;

❸ 选址优劣描述;

❹ 区域相关航拍图及视频;

❺ 区域地形图及规划CAD图纸;

❻ 联合主办方东鹏集团提供的选材目录。

下载地址(Download Link):


 Regional plan of sites;

 Relative planning drawing of sites;

❸ Pros and cons of three sites;

❹ Aerial images of Zhutuo Town;

 CAD for sites;

 Information of materials and products offered by Dong Peng.

下载地址(Download Link):

设计竞赛丨Young Bird Plan 2018 On the Frontier 重庆永川乡村公厕设计竞赛

Young Bird Plan

YoungBird Plan成立于2013年,是一家面向全球的高品质设计竞赛平台。以目标建造、名师辅导、跨界评委为三大DNA,致力于为中国设计力量的崛起创造一切可能。一方面,秉持着“用竞赛影响世界”的理念,矢志为青年设计师提供更多实践机会;另一方面,不断对接政界、商界、学界的多角度需求,积极缝合设计师、制造商、开发商、城市运营商、使用者之间的断层,推动大量关注于城市空间与日常生活的竞赛设计项目与产品的完美实现,为中国的城市化发展做出贡献,是全球具有影响力的设计竞赛平台之一。

Young Bird Plan, founded in 2013, is an international platform for high-quality design competitions. With three key elements: construction, mentor’s guidance and interdisciplinary jury, the platform makes every effort to create opportunities for young designers in China. On the one hand, it is committed to providing young designers with more practical opportunities with the concept of “Competition makes a different world” . On the other hand, it constantly connects and meets various demands from political, business, and academic circles and actively fills supply and demand gaps among designers, manufacturers, developers, urban operators and users. As a result, design competition projects and related products focusing on urban space and daily life will be further promoted and perfectly made, which contributes to the urbanization in China. It is one of the most influential design competition platforms in the world. 

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