Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


“ 随着商业生态与互联网基础设施的变化,反经验成为创新之始,跳出经验、打破惯性、不符合逻辑,才能真正有机会触碰到新价值生长的破局点。新世代的用户属性发生着剧烈变化,情感需要、文化认同、个体表达、社交属性——用户已经完成精神消费的完整迭代,也必然带来产品逻辑的变化。”


With the reform of business ecology and Internet infrastructure, anti-experience becomes the beginning of innovation. Only when the person breaks away with traditional thoughts, can he or she witness the growth of new value. Nowadays, users’ attributes like affection demand, cultural identification, individual expression and social characteristics have been dramatically changed. Accordingly, their spiritual consumption has been completely upgraded, which inevitably contributes to the transformation of product logic.

——XSPECIES by Sheng Wu

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!

In recent years, countless brands have upgraded their products, and made products more attractive to young consumers, especially those top luxury brands. In this August, Burberry, the traditional luxury brand in UK, adopted bold letters as its logo instead of the original knight image and published its new logo graph. Besides, in late 2016, Burberry invited young idol Kris Wu as its brand endorser. Undoubtedly, the world is continuously re-constructed and everything deserves to be redone in the era of consumption update. Ranging from urban renovation to living necessities, it is your value that makes you successful, and it is the person who is dependent on you determines the trend.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!

Gucci、Fendi、Louis Vuitton、Chanel 也纷纷作出了一系列更立体化、更多维度的年轻化“变革”,涵盖从线上到线下、从传播方式到产品理念、从代言人到产品本身的露出。

Gucci, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Chanel promote a series of products in succession to attract young people. The reform covers online and offline promotion from mass media, products concepts to brand endorsers and products features.


Just as the poet says, with wind it steals in night, mute, it wets everything. So when re-construction permeates through our daily life, it is always in a gentle way which can’t be rejected. We may come to a new stage of happy life if we change original living norms. So do tea.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


茶,一片生长在山野的神奇树叶,穿越了上千年的历史长河,一直以来,都是文人雅士推崇备至的精神饮品,却和中国当下80后、90后有着一种不可名状的距离感。然而,在当代中国文化复兴和消费升级的主流趋势推动下,中国茶叶市场正从传统型区域消费模式向更为现代化、多元化和年轻化的消费模式转型。权威数据表明,近些年, 80后、90后对茶叶和茶饮生活方式的关注度已经大大提升,茶一跃成为咖啡、碳酸饮料的最佳替代品。

Tea, a leaf grown in deep forests and remote mountains is always the spiritual drink of scholars through thousands of years’ accumulation. However, it can’t be accepted by 80s and 90s young generations in China. Under the promotion of cultural rejuvenation and consumption update, tea market is changing its traditional sales mode to a more diversified, modern and younger sales mode. As a result, it is reported that young people pay more attention to tea and tea-drinking lifestyle than before and tea becomes the best substitution of coffee and soft drinks.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Xiao Guan Tea Brand Image Version 1


Xiao Guan Tea, a high-endChinese tea brand covering all tea categories takes its responsibilities toexplore a happy lifestyle and improve people’s living standards. It begins its businessfrom scratch and becomes a legend in the industry within only two years. Apart from its high quality, Xiao Guan Tea makes every effort to promote the importance of innovation and make Chinese tea younger and more fashionable.





Since theemergence of tea bags, the western changed their way to drink tea, which hastenedthe birth of Lipton, a world-level tea brand. Based on that, Xiao Guan Teaexpects to change Chinese people’s experience of original leaf tea by beautifying tea package.

After three years’ exploration and over 10 packagematerials’ trials, food grade aluminum jar was selected as the package of XiaoGuan Tea. The aluminum jar is both safe and environmental, which can berecycled. Meanwhile, one jar for one cup of tea is really convenient for theyoung, and the jar becomes one of the most innovative attempts in tea packageindustry.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!




To simplify the way Chinese people drink tea,innovative tea set shall be also provided. The fashion and modern tea setdesigned by Xiao Guan Tea makes tea drinking easier and more convenient. It also combinesthe function of covered bowl and Kowloon cup while integrates the style ofwestern modern tea set. Accordingly, the tea set brings a new experience to people who drink tea.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Xiao Guan Tea Brand Image Version 2


Xiao Guan Tea locateditself as world Chinese tea, which aims to make Chinese tea more well-known tothe whole world by reconstructing traditional tea culture and tea industry. Standardizedproducts make the consumption process more efficient and simplified. Besides,the fashionable package design attracts more young people. Xiao Guan Teadevelops its products based on users’ experience while taking all details inthe process of tea drinking into account. As a result, the Chinese tea cultureand its traditional industry frame are combined and rebuilt by Xiao Guan Tea.

这一次,小罐茶携手国际竞赛平台Young Bird Plan发起“有型有罐产品设计国际竞赛,旨在通过更年轻、更有活力的革命性设计能量的注入,打造全新的产品系列以创造青年一代的“习茶”场景。以上述标准化、时尚化及深度用户体验为核心,进行深化设计,同时表达降低茶饮消费和品鉴的门槛,从而培养“千禧一代”的“习茶”生活方式。

This time, Xiao Guan Tea,along with international competition platform Young Bird Plan, launches “Guanish” product designinternational competition. It calls for younger and creative minds to design a newseries of tea drinking products which may create new style for young generationto drink tea.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Current condition of millennial generation


Millennial generation isdefined as the generation born between 1980 and 1996, while Generation Zbetween 1997 and 2010. The general editor of Kantar China Insights saysmillennials and generation Z may respectively correspond to 80s and 90s groupin China. However, it’s interesting to find that the gap between above twogenerations becomes more and more blurred in pace with your deeper exploration.And it is even widely recognized that the two generations have combined intoone strong group with great power which will reshape the consumption culture inthe global market.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!

小罐茶 VS 传统茶叶

Xiao Guan Tea VS Traditional Tea


It is undoubted that how towin millennials and generation Z becomes the key point in the commercialworld. Let’s wait and see how will the Guanlish Product Design Competition  catchthe eyes of new generation.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!



? 彩色小罐(时尚、酷炫、吸引年轻人群);
? 彩色茶具(不限规格,不限定时功能,最大限度激发选手创意);
? 小罐包装盒、茶具包装盒、套装包装盒。


Whole design schemes for Xiao Guan Tea shall include:

? Colorful tea jar (it shall be fashionable, cool and attractive to young people);

? Colorful tea set;

? Package jar for the tea; package for the tea set; package for the whole suit.

Package materials are not limited, but environmental protection and sustainability shall be considered.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


? 深度洞察新世代茶文化需求,以分析图或其他方式进行分析并且在成果中进行适当表达;

? 设计需个性化地解构传统茶文化的形象和认知,但同时保留传统茶文化(例如:造、别、器、火、水、炙、末、煮、饮等方面)的精髓元素,以新的途径塑造此类元素在新的生活方式中的应用方式,符合现代人简约,方便的使用习惯,打造茶文化新形象;

? 设计需充满世代嗅觉,能够充分地激发年轻世代对于茶及茶文化的兴趣;

? 设计需满足工业设计的基本需求:经济,实用,美观。设计本身具有一定操作和落地性、可行性较高。设计应可批量生产,且成本可控;

? 满足以上几点要求的情况下,考虑环保等因素可酌情加分。


? Deep understanding of tea culture demands in modern era, which shall be presented in your design work. (both analysis graph and text description are ok);

? Your design shall deconstruct the image and people’s cognition of traditional tea culture in an individual way, while maintain key elements in traditional tea culture;

? Your design shall be fashionable and can stimulate interest in tea and tea culture of the young;

?Your design shall be economic, practicable and aesthetic. Besides, your design shall be easy to be realized and manufactured in low cost and large scale;

? Environmental protection will be a plus.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


❶ 方案需完整呈现于2-3张A2纵向图纸上,要求图纸清晰,标注可读(页面边距10毫米),包含:


-报名编号:位于图纸右上角。编号要求字体:Arial 字号:20;

-图纸需包含立面图、轴侧图(效果图) 、细部图、模型照片或爆炸图等。

❷ 所有图纸排布不可超过3张A2图纸。提交格式统一为JPG,每张图纸大小不超过20MB;

❸ 参赛方案需自行命名;作品图纸请按照“报名号-方案名称-01/02/03”格式命名文件;

❹ 作品提交语言:中英双语或英语;

❺ 所有图纸和文字说明中,请勿透露个人信息,包括姓名,学校等;

❻ 所有图纸和文字说明在线提交时,请勿打包压缩,以免压缩失败或链接失效;

❼ 作品需上传封面,封面为单张作品渲染图,大小为1024×768,72dpi,500KB以内。



❶ A scheme shall be presented in two or three A2 sheets in aclear, vertical way and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) andinclude following parts:

-Descriptive text within 300 words (except notes);

-Registration No. shall be put in the upper right cornerof the sheets, in Arial 20pt font;

-Elevation, isometric drawing (rendering), detaildrawing, model image or exploded drawing;

❷ A maximum of three A2 sheets in JPG format (no largerthan 20MB for each) can be submitted;

❸ A scheme title shall be named; the scheme shall besaved in the “registration No. – scheme title – sheet No.1/No.2/No.3” format;

❹ A scheme shall be submitted in bilingual (forChinese-speaking entrants) or English (for English-speaking entrants);

❺ A scheme must not include ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION(Name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity;

❻ Please do not compress your files;

❼ The cover must be submitted online which should be a renderingof your design work; it must be uploaded in the size of 1024×768 pixels,72 dpi,less than 500 KB.

(Please conform to the above Entry Requirements; anyentry that fails to follow these items may be disqualified.)


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!  


Deadline: 23:59, 14 February 2019 (GMT+8)



Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


? 任何设计、艺术相关学科背景的从业人员、学生、爱好者均可参加,不限国籍和年龄;

? 组队参赛,每组不超过3人,每组仅限一份作品。

? 团队所有成员均需在官网注册,常见问题请关注官网Q & A。


? This competition is open to professional designers and students of all ages with industry-specific background or design enthusiasts across the world;

? Each group (three members at most) shall submit only one entry;

? Each participant has to register on our website; for any question, please visit our website.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


☞ 2018.11.27       报名启动

☞ 2019.02.07       报名截止

☞ 2019.02.14       提交作品截止

☞ 2019.02.26       入围名单公布

☞ 2019.03.12       Top 30 公布 & 公众投票(30进10,公众投票占20%)

☞ 2019.03.20       Top 10 公布

☞ 待定                  Top 3 及冠军公布仪式



☞ 2018.11.27         Call for entries

 2019.02.07         Registration deadline

 2019.02.14         Submission deadline

 2019.02.26         Release of shortlisted winners

☞ 2019.03.12         Release of Top 30 & Public Voting (account for 20% on Top 10 selecting)

☞ 2019.03.20         Release of Top 10

 TBD                    Ceremony of Top 3 & Champion

The timeline is just for your reference not the final version.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


★ 冠军奖金(1名):人民币60,000元(税前);小罐茶黑罐限量系列+2.0茶具(商务款骨瓷长官杯)。

★ 三强奖金(2名):人民币20,000元(税前);小罐茶金罐系列+商务旅行泡茶杯。


★ 三十强(20名):30强获奖证书。

★ 入围(数名):入围证书。

所有获奖选手(包括入围)都将获得 Young Bird Plan 5周年纪念杂志一份;其作品将有机会发布在 Young Bird Plan 媒体平台及定制刊物。


★ First Prize

1 winner; 60,000 RMB (pre-tax); black-edition tea; 2.0 version tea set.

★ SecondPrize

2 winners; 20,000 RMB each (pre-tax); golden-edition tea; travel mug with tea leaf filter.

★ Top 10

7 winners; silver-edition tea; if the winner do not graduate from school, he or she will be offered an opportunity to practise or work in headquarter of Xiao Guan Tea Group.

★ Top 30

20 winners; Top 30 honor of certificate.

★ Shortlists

Finalist certificate.

All winners (include shortlists) will be awarded YOUNG BIRDS Magazine of 5th anniversary edition;  winning schemes will be published on media platforms of Young Bird Plan and its magazines.

Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!


? 登录官网即可报名。

? 欢迎关注微信公众号:youngbirdplan-cn;官方微博:@YoungBirdPlan获得竞赛最新资讯。



?Please register by logging into our website:

?For the latest information about this competition, please follow our official WeChat account: youngbirdplan-cn or our official Weibo account: @YoungBirdPlan;

?You can directly contact the competition team by add YoungBirdPlan as one of your Wechat friends. We remain at your service here for any further questions you may have.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!



小罐茶是中国文化复兴和消费升级趋势下,诞生的一个全品类高端中国茶品牌。小罐茶联手8位制茶大师,坚持原产地原料和传统工艺,打造8款茗茶,以消费品思维,解决消费者买、喝、送三大需求痛点,邀请日本设计师神原秀夫、苹果Apple Store设计师Tim Kobe,以国际化视野创新传统中国茶的消费体验。


Xiao Guan Tea

Xiao Guan Tea, a high-end Chinese tea brand with various categories, is born under the trend of Chinese cultural renaissance and consumption upgrading.  To solve the most basic problems of tea purchase, drinking and delivery, Xiao Guan Tea cooperates with eight tea masters and persists in making eight different teas with natural raw materials and traditional crafts. Meanwhile, Xiao Guan Tea invites Japanese designer Hideo Kambara and Apple Store designer Tim Kobe to bring a brand new experience of drinking traditional Chinese tea in an international perspective.


Young Bird Plan

Young Bird Plan成立于2013年,是一家面向全球的高品质设计竞赛平台。以目标建造、名师辅导、跨界评委为三大DNA,致力于为中国设计力量的崛起创造一切可能。一方面,秉持着“用竞赛影响世界”的理念,矢志为青年设计师提供更多实践机会;另一方面,不断对接政界、商界、学界的多角度需求,积极缝合设计师、制造商、开发商、城市运营商、使用者之间的断层,推动大量关注于城市空间与日常生活的竞赛设计项目与产品的完美实现,为中国的城市化发展做出贡献,是全球具有影响力的设计竞赛平台之一。


Young Bird Plan

Young Bird Plan, founded in 2013, is an international platform forhigh-quality design competitions. With three key elements: construction,mentor’s guidance and interdisciplinary jury, the platform makes every effortto create opportunities for young designers in China. On the one hand, it iscommitted to providing young designers with more practical opportunities withthe concept of “Competition makes a different world” . On the other hand, itconstantly connects and meets various demands from political, business, andacademic circles and actively fills supply and demand gaps among designers,manufacturers, developers, urban operators and users. As a result, designcompetition projects and related products focusing on urban space and dailylife will be further promoted and perfectly made, which contributes to theurbanization in China. It is one of the most influential design competitionplatforms in the world.


Young Bird Plan 2018“有型有罐”产品设计国际竞赛发布!







In accordance withapplicable laws and regulations, by participating in this competition, eachEntrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the below statements about thecopyrights for all submissions.


1. Statement of Originality


All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure thathis/her entry does not infringe any third party’s rights, including patents,copyrights, trademarks, and so on. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualifiedfrom the competition, and the organizer will withdraw all the sponsorship moneyand materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability ofinfringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all the direct and indirect damages (including but not limited toattorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs,notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the organizer shall be compensated by theEntrant.


2. Statement of Consent


By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to publicly display theworks, and accepts the on-line selection process. And before uploading asubmission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has read and fullyunderstands all of the clauses, and accepts them. The judging panel reservesthe right to make a final decision on entry assessment andaward list.

The detailed Official Rules of this competition will be published onthe Young Bird Plan website soon. Please read them carefully.



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