2019北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


Innovation is to make all sorts of things together.


—— Follow Your Heart by Steve Jobs




50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网
N/A, the letter N represents North Design Union, which is also the first letter of Chinese character NA and means the wise man listens to all sides. The blue background is designed to express the meaning of the ocean, while the colorful waves with different features race each other in vast oceans and move forward hand in hand. Just like enterprises in North Design Union, they learn widely from others’ strong points and bloom together while also reach a powerful combination. Besides, colorful waves also represent freshness, which means more and more innovative designers and enterprises will join North Design Union and fresh blood will be injected.


By cooperating with Young Bird Plan (an international competition platform), the union expects to attract more design institutes and designers in order to strengthen its foundation. Meanwhile, with the aim of innovation, integration and mutual benefit, North Design Union is eager to create a union center integrating industry giants in North China.

联盟将通过携手 Young Bird Plan 打造大赛IP,通过联合举办大赛的形式不断吸纳更多设计机构和设计师加入,不断壮大,并以“创新、融合、共赢”为宗旨,打造强强联合的北方设计联盟阵营。


> Catalogue
- Brief 竞赛概念

- Site 场地描述

- Jury & Mentor 评委与导师

- Challenge 设计目标

- Evaluation 考核标准

- Submission 作品要求

- Eligibility 参赛资格

- Timeline 时间表

- Awards 奖项设置

- Documentation 资料包

- Organizer 竞赛主办方

- Co-organizer 竞赛联合主办方

- Supporter 竞赛协办方

- Copyright 版权与声明


50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

When we enter to the information age, science and technology makes a revolutionary progress in our daily life and working mode. With the dramatic change of lifestyle and urban re-centralization, interactive and flexible building clusters become more accessible to inspire staff and search for excellent partners for them. Thus, innovation, integration and mutual benefit become key points of such industry centers.



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Steve Jobs Theater in Apple Park


Undoubtedly, design practitioners are one of groups who are demanding in spatial use. Designers will create more possibilities for space and realize them after reviewing explosive information and integrating them reasonably.



Under such a condition, designers’ working environment and industrial chains’ requirements will lead and be worked as prototypes among all industries, which represent endless possibilities yet different from all industries.



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

La Foundation Louis Vuitton(可左右滑动)

In the near future, NDU will introduce and foster new generation of comprehensive design talents with international influence and strong ingenuity. Then, traditional headquarters and office buildings become barriers to design thinking.



Adaptability is the most important feature in design industry. Meanwhile complete cooperative mechanism, perfect match among industry chains, endless possibilities of industry expansion, strong interaction, and instant information spread also play significant roles in designing modern space to meet people’s requirements. It is undoubted that such a design center will gather around enterprises from different fields, which will generate huge polymerization effect.



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Microsoft New-England Research Development Center


One certain space can be worked as a gallery, a lecture hall or an office depending on different period and users. In that case, public space like meeting rooms, guest rooms and libraries can be shared in various ways which can minimize personal costs and double the utilization efficiency. Besides, people will improve their working efficiency when sharing information through more interaction.



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Bloomberg Headquarters


Also, North Design Union plans to build buildings for design research in the industrial park to promote Chentang Slef Innovation Demonstration District and makes it a cluster for design industry.



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Faraday Future Campus


By 2020, North Design Union will become one of the most influential demonstration unions, which gathers design industries. And Hexi District will be the most powerful national demonstration district featuring in strong capability, sustainability and friendliness in North China.



And by 2025, the international design center will be built in north with high quality along with innovative design industrial chain. Accordingly, the cooperative mechanism and service platform of NDU will be improved, which will expand industrial chain and value chain of enterprises in the union and make their demands match with each other more efficiently.


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Hilversum Media Park(可左右滑动)

So what will be the future headquarters for design industry? How it can meet above demands? What are the style, space and spatial order of the headquarters when we enter to the future information age?



This competition is launched by North Design Union and Young Bird Plan (an international platform) and supported by Shanghai TACTER Management and Consulting., Ltd.

「本次竞赛由北方设计联盟联合国际竞赛平台Young Bird Plan共同发起,并由上海天强投资管理有限公司协办。」以打造具有国际影响力的区域设计中心,推动国家自主创新示范区成为具有辐射带动效应的设计产业聚集区为目标,针对设计及相关产业从业者日常工作流以及空间使用需求进行假设和推断,提供具有多重可能性、极高完成度和整体空间质量的设计中心方案。同时,通过空间和产业资源整合营造高行业聚合度的场地空间,探索和发现设计产业多重复合的新型办公总部综混合空间途径。


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Chentang Science & Technology Business District, located at the center of Hexi District, covers an area of 2.78 square kilometers, which used to be an old industrial zone in Tianjin. With the strategic eastward movement of the core of industrial layout in Tianjin, it has gradually shifted to the development of urban industries. In 2014, it ushered in the historical development opportunity as Tianjin was approved as the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone. As one of “21 parks in the district”, Chentang Innovation Demonstration Area (CIDA) expands its area coverage to 12.74 square kilometers on the basis of the original area of Chentang Science & Technology Business District.



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

基地区位分析图1 - 天津市


Under the new situation, CIDA actively explores the new path of innovation-driven development, actively gathers enterprise entities and institutions in the field of design, intelligent manufacturing, science and technology financing, environmental protection and cultural industry represented by the establishment of the North Research Institute of NJUST and North Design Union, strengthens the linkage integration between scientific research institutes, colleges and universities and enterprises and builds the core area of innovation-based city and industry innovation center in Tianjin. A large number of high-quality enterprises and projects are stationed, providing sufficient foundation for the rapid economic development of the Area. Since 2016, all enterprises and institutions in CIDA have achieved a sales revenue of more than 100 billion yuan and paid taxes of over 5 billion yuan, making it a core bearing area of industries.



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基地区位分析图2 - 陈塘示范区


There are also oceans and lakes in the north, and 160-meter urban landscape belt in the west with two rivers. One is Fuxing River and the other is Changtai River and both of them run through the business center with an innovative cultural park located in the place where two rivers join up. Within the commercial district, the afforested area reaches to 1,000 acre.



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基地区位分析图3 - 项目基地


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2019 North Design Union Headquarters – Architecture Design Competition is looking for design teams who can break the traditional spatial mode of office buildings and redefine the headquarters for design industry. Based on internet sharing economy and interactive working mode, designers shall design innovative office mode by integrating interdisciplinary ideas ranging from user interface, ecology, interaction, industry chain integration, marketing and cooperation. Your design scheme shall include necessary functional spaces and affiliated functional spaces.



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Necessary space:



Open offices 开放式办公空间;

Independent offices 独立办公空间;

Dining space 餐饮空间;

Research space 研究空间;

Exhibition room 展陈空间;

Lecture hall 报告空间;

AV room 影音空间;

Meeting room 会议空间;

Gymnasium 健身空间;

Resting room 休息空间;

Reading room 图书空间.


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Above spaces can be overlapped or merged depending on different requirements. And according to the design concept, designers shall arrange space combination and establish spatial relationship to meet the design requirements. (For example, NDU may need BIM research center or environmental protection research center where energy efficiency, smart lighting system and environmental protection shall be considered when designing a scheme.)



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网



Participants can design functional spaces depending on new working modes of designers in the future. Due to sharing economy, furniture, facilities and decorations will impact on functional space. So it is suggested that participants should further deepen their schemes alternatively and make their design more concrete and persuasive.



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Affiliated space and its requirements:



- More innovative: 

Based on human-oriented design concept, designers shall create open and freedom modern environment. The scheme shall include innovative space, individual decorations, relaxing rest room,unique exhibition hall, and space for entertainment and fitness, which will improve people’s working efficiency and design sharing frequency.

- 加大自主创新力度:



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Microsoft New-England Research Development Center


- Promote cooperation between enterprises and 

universities and scientific research institutes: 

Sharing space for meeting, working, negotiating and training shall be covered, which will fasten the development and cooperation among industries, universities and research institutes and also attract more enterprises and scientific research institutes. Besides, the space shall be worked as shared space, for example,BIM research center shall also include elements like architectural energy, smart lighting system and environmental protection.

- 鼓励企业与高校、科研机构合作:



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

Microsoft New-England Research Development Center


- Support the development and promotion of 

information technology products: 

The space shall be available for information and technology research and business office with new science and technology, while functions of discussion, promotion and presentation shall be included. Besides, it should be full of sense of science and technology, fashion, commercial affairs and high quality.

- 支持信息技术产品研发和推广应用:



The final scheme for the NDU headquarters shall meet above requirements. Meanwhile, the most basic point is to keep the balance between concept and form in architectural design, reasonable functions and elevation form, general urban spirit and culture express. In your design, the elements like lighting,decorations, colors and material shall be considered. Participants shall design a comprehensive office building which is not only innovative with design industry spirit, but also forward-looking with epoch-making passion.



50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

La Foundation Louis Vuitton


Comprehensive economic and technical index and control requirements:

- Site area: 8118.7 m2

- Actual land area within boundary: 4911.3 m2

- Planned floor area ratio: 1.55

- Planned building coverage: 35%

- Height limitation of the architecture: 30 m

- Building area: 4911.3*1.55=7612.515 m2


- 总用地面积:8118.7平方米

- 实际边界内用地面积:4911.3平方米

- 规划容积率:1.55

- 规划建筑密度:35%

- 建筑限高:30米

- 建筑面积:4911.3*1.55=7612.515平方米


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- Please register by logging into our website:


- For the latest information about this competition or relevant brand Gallery, please follow our official WeChat account: youngbirdplan-cn or our official Weibo account: @YoungBirdPlan; or you can directly contact the competition team by add YoungBirdPlan as one of your Wechat friends.

- We will remain at your service here for any further questions you may have.

- 登录官方网站www.youngbirdplan.com.cn即可报名参赛。

- 欢迎关注微信公众号:youngbirdplan-cn;官方微博:

@YoungBirdPlan 获得竞赛最新资讯及相关品牌故事。



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 Project completion: 

Participants shall finish their schemes based on aforementioned design challenge.




Spatial innovation: 

Based on the aforementioned design challenge, the revolutionary prototype of office space shall be deduced. Referring to their working process and daily working habits, participants shall design the headquarters with unique characteristics which is different from traditional office space.





Office space in NDU shall offer possibilities for communication and interaction. During the design process, participants shall try their best to take advantage of traditional surplus space and break regular spatial arrangement so that interaction will become the theme of NDU.




Spatial requirements: 

Based on the aforementioned function requirements, functional space shall be designed.





Apart from being stable, practicable andaesthetic, the scheme shall also be cost-saving.




Environmental protection: 

The scheme shall also be eco-friendly based on above five principles.




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❶ A scheme shall be presented in 4 A2 sheets in a clear, vertical way and in readable format (with a 8 mm page margin) and include following parts:

-Descriptive text within 600 English words and economic technology index;

-Registration No. shall be put in the upper right corner of the sheets, in Arial 20pt font;

-A scheme shall contain plans, plan analysis,streamline and functional analysis, function description, elevations, sections and perspective drawings, detailed drawings of part site, node sample diagram and axonometric analysis diagram. All design drawings shall be expressed by analysis diagram and text description to keep the scheme readable.



-报名编号:位于图纸右上角。编号要求字体:Arial 字号:20;



❷ A maximum of four A2 sheets in JPG format (no larger than 20MB for each) can be submitted.



❸ A scheme title shall be given and files shall be submitted in the “registration No. – scheme title – sheet No.1/No.2/No.3/No.4” format.



❹ A scheme shall be in bilingual (for Chinese-speaking entrants) or English (forEnglish-speaking entrants).



❺ Do not disclose ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION including name, organization, school, etc.



❻ Please submit your file in the order of No.1, rendering with high-quality presentations or you may design an extra cover based on your best design drawing; (which may be printed for exhibition in the future) No. 2, plan, plan analysis and text description; No.3, streamline and groups analysis diagram; No.4, perspective drawings and other analysis diagrams including streamline node and detailed design drawings.



❼ Cover which should be the rendering of your scheme must be uploaded in the size of 1024*768 pixels, less than 500 KB.





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➤ This competition is open to professional designers and students of all ages with industry-specific background or design enthusiasts across the world;



➤ Each group (three members at most) shall submit only one entry;



➤ Each participant has to register on our website; for any question, please visit our website.

团队所有成员均需在官网注册,常见问题请关注官网Q & A。


50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

 2018.12.24         Call for entries

 2018年12月24日        报名启动


2019.03.13         Registration deadline

 2019年03月13日        报名截止


2019.03.20         Submission deadline

 2019年03月20日        提交作品截止


2019.04.18         Release of shortlisted winners

 2019年04月18日        入围名单公布


 2019.04.25         Release of Top 30 & Public Voting

 2019年04月25日        TOP 30 公布 & 大众投票


 2019.05.02         Release of Top 9

 2019年05月02日        Top 9 公布


 2019.05.10         Release of Top 3

 2019年05月10日        Top 3 公布


2019.05.30         Release of the Champion

 2019年05月30日        冠军公布


50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


Top 3 design schemes will be referred whenNorth Design Union Headquarters is built.



★ First Prize

1 winner; 200,000 RMB (pre-tax); Certificate of Honor.




★ Second Prize

2 winners; 80,000 RMB each (pre-tax); Certificate of Honor.




★ Top 9

6 winners; 20,000 RMB each (pre-tax); Certificate of Honor.




★ People's Choice Award

1 winners; 20,000 RMB each (pre-tax); Certificate of Honor.




★ Shortlists

Finalist certificate.




All winners (include shortlists) will be awarded YOUNG BIRDS Magazine of 5th anniversary edition;  winning schemes will be published on media platforms of Young Bird Plan and its magazines.

所有获奖选手将获得《YoungBirds》定制刊物一份,其作品将有机会发表在Young Bird Plan官网、公众号、定制刊物及其它合作媒体平台。


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❶ Project site satellite map



❷ Project site drawings in the form of CAD and PDF



❸ General introduction of project site



❹ General introduction of site's surrounding area



❺ Photos of surroundings



❻ Reference photos of relevant projects



(Click READ MORE to download documentation)




50万奖金池等你挑战 | 2019 北方设计联盟总部 - 建筑博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

North Design Union

Established in 2016, North Design Union (NDU) is a public service platform dedicated to promoting the development of design industry in an innovative way. With the aim of innovation, integration and mutual benefit, NDU strives to attract and develop creative and influential designers based on people-oriented concept. Besides, enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions are encouraged to combine their forces to promote systematic cooperation in production, learning, scientific research andpractical application. Furthermore, NDU keeps on improving the cooperation mechanism of design industry, while positively expands the industrial chain and value chain of enterprises to maximize their agglomeration effect. Gradually, NDU will become the most powerful union which promotes the construction of the Belt and Road initiative and the development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei,while also gives strong momentum for urban renovation and scientific and technological progress.


北方设计联盟(North Design Union)成立于2016年,是致力于推动设计产业协同创新发展的公共服务平台。以“创新、融合、共赢”为宗旨,按照“以人为本”的理念,培育引进具有创新力、影响力的设计人才;鼓励企业、高校、科研机构强强联合,促进产学研用;秉持完善设计产业协作机制,积极拓展企业产业链、价值链,放大聚集效应,为国家一带一路建设,京津冀协同发展,城市升级、科技进步提供强劲动力。


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 Official Website(官网):http://www.tjctcp.cn/


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Young Bird Plan


Young Bird Plan, founded in 2013 by Isa Ye, is an international platform for high-quality design competitions. With three key elements: construction, mentor’s guidance and interdisciplinary jury, the platform makes every effort to create opportunities for young designers in China. By now, it has attracted desginers in 879 universities and colleges and 3388 design institutes from 54 countries in the world.

The platform constantly connects and meets various demands from political, business, andacademic circles and actively fills supply and demand gaps among governments, business circle and academic circle. Meanwhile it offers solutions to promote urban development and product update in order to  provide young designers with more practical opportunities.

Young Bird Plan


YoungBirdPlan 由葉春曦女士发起并成立于2013年,是一家面向全球,以目标建造、名师辅导、跨界评委为三大DNA的高品质设计竞赛平台。至今已吸引54个国家, 879所大学,3388个设计机构的设计师参赛。



Official Website(官网):



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Shanghai TACTER Management and Consulting., Ltd.

Founded in 1999, TACTER is one of one-stop resource integration professional service institutes in China with its headquarters in Shanghai and other offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and Xi'an.

Since its establishment, TACTER insists on developing its business in a commercial and professional way. It also features in state-owned enterprises reform management and engineering research design industry. By now, TACTER has gained great reputation among industry due to its devotion, profession and innovative practice. It has served over 1200 enterprises among which more than 1000 were engineering research design enterprises, held about 200 industry events involved more than 20 thousand people.

Focusing on engineering research design industry for over 10 years, TACTER is the only institute that is recognized by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China to edit five-year industry development plan and annual industry development report. Besides, the institute continuously participates in industry policy research and keep close cooperation with industry organizers including China Engineering and Consulting Association, China International Contractors Association, China Association of Urban Planning, etc.






 Official Website(官网):http://www.tacter.com.cn/


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In accordance withapplicable laws and regulations, by participating in this competition, eachEntrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the below statements about thecopyrights for all submissions.


1. Statement of Originality


All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure thathis/her entry does not infringe any third party’s rights, including patents,copyrights, trademarks, and so on. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualifiedfrom the competition, and the organizer will withdraw all the sponsorship moneyand materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability ofinfringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all the direct and indirect damages (including but not limited toattorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs,notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the organizer shall be compensated by theEntrant.


2. Statement of Consent


By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to publicly display theworks, and accepts the on-line selection process. And before uploading asubmission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has read and fullyunderstands all of the clauses, and accepts them. The judging panel reservesthe right to make a final decision on entry assessment andaward list.

The detailed Official Rules of this competition will be published onthe Young Bird Plan website soon. Please read them carefully.








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