2019 · 第八届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

2019 · 第八届中信戴卡杯国际车轮设计大赛征集公告

The 8th “CITIC DICASTAL CUP” International Wheel Design Competition







2030年,在共享汽车、自动驾驶的时代,我们探索了未来智慧出行的方式。届时全自动化汽车、先进机器人和 人工智能有望融入人们的日常生活,车轮在未来智慧出行的全新服务领域发挥显著的作用。


2019年3月11日 大赛正式启动
2019年5月31日 作品征集提交截止,参赛选手提交设计版面
2019年6月14日 公布入围选手名单及作品
2019年6月30日 入围选手作品提交3D文件
2019年7月28日 由中信戴卡统一完成1:1模型制作
2019年8月3日 最终评选;公布最终获奖名单
2019年8月15日 举行颁奖仪式;参加设计沙龙


3D数字模型文件:(文件名称:学校/单位简称-选手姓名-作品名称,举例:ABCD-EFG-HIJK): igs或stp格式3D数据;色彩设计定义文件;
以上所有文件打包为RAR格式,文件单个附件尺寸请控制在15 MB以内,可发送多个附件;




金奖 1名 奖金:6万元 获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
银奖 3名 奖金:3万元 获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
铜奖 6名 奖金:1万元 获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
优胜奖 30名 奖金:0.3万元 获奖证书1本







联系人:樊红 电话:18936978580
朱捷 电话:18360245852





2019 · The 8th “CITIC DICASTAL CUP” International Wheel Design Competition

1 Competition background

As the world’s leading manufacturer of aluminium alloy wheels, CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd. is a large automotive parts enterprise group integrating aluminium wheel manufacturing, automotive chassis, powertrain, automotive body parts manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, product surface treatment and mould manufacturing. Dicastal will continue to strengthen its R&D efforts in science and technology for the improvement of its brand. That strives to build Dicastal into a world-class automotive parts research and development as well as manufacturing enterprise, so as to play a more active role in improving the overall level of China’s automotive industry . The 8th ‘CITIC DICASTAL CUP’ International Wheel Design Competition aims to promote the development of industrial design in China with colleagues. That will play the leading role of innovation in industrial design, improve future driving through wheel innovation, and create a better travel experience and driving freedom for users.

2 Competition theme
Innovation Leads the Future

3 Design task
Dicastal:2030-Wheel mobile system
In 2030, in the era of shared cars and automatic driving, we explored the way of smart travel in the future. At that time, fully automated automobiles, advanced robots and artificial intelligence are expected to be integrated into people’s daily lives, and the wheels will play a significant role in the new service field of intelligent travel in the future.
We need to conceive the “2030-Wheel Mobile System” creatively, and use the exploration of wheel mobile system as a starting point for research and design. Your design can point to a new vehicle in the future, meet the emotional needs of users, and bring customers more fun and freedom in travelling.

4 Schedule
● Mar. 11, 2019 Kick off the competition event;
● May. 31, 2019 Deadline for work submission, contestants submit design layout;
● Jun. 14, 2019 Announce name list of candidates who survive the first round;
● Jun. 30, 2019 Finalists submit 3D files;
● Jul. 28, 2019 CITIC DICASTAL makes 1: 1 models;
● Aug. 3, 2019 Announcement of the final winners;
● Aug. 15, 2019 Held the award ceremony and design salon.

5 Work requirements
Please read the following carefully and fill in the application form(file name: school/unit for short – name of player)and submit the following contents:
● The plan shows A3 size [420 x 297mm], CMYK mode, JPEG format and resolution not less than 300DPI, layout format horizontal layout (file name: school/unit for short – name of player – name of work, for example: ABCD- EFG-HIJK) .The content must include: the name of work, the 45 degree renderings of the wheel face, the view of the effect diagram, the loading effect diagram, the design image drawing, the concept sketch, the explosion detail drawing (suggestion), the text description and so on.
● Design work and 3D digital model file (file name: school/unit for short – name of player – name of work, for example: ABCD- EFG-HIJK) : igs or stp format 3D digital and color design definition file.
Electronic version of a vaild ID card (file name: name of player-ID card) and 1 recent photo (file name: name of player-photo) (JPG format, resolution ratio greater than 300dpi, photo according to life or art).
● All of the above files are packaged in RAR format. Please control the size of the file in a single attachment within 15 MB and you can send multiple attachments.
Official email address: sylgcy@163.com.

6 Competition qualifications
Design professional students and teams
OEM design studios
Independent design studios
Individual designers
Automotive suppliers
Requirements :
● The entry must be made by the contestants for the competition and must be an original design that has not yet been published in any form.
● No copyrighted work is allowed in the works, otherwise the entries will be automatically lost. The winners will still be deprived of their awards if any tip-offs during publicity is comfirmed.
● In order to ensure the impartiality of the judging, any words or marks other than those required in the competition requirement can not appear on the front and back of the work.
● Each participant or team can submit 3 copies at most of design work.

7 Awards setting
Gold prize Bonus: 60,000 RMB 1 award-winning certificate, a trophy
Silver prize Bonus: 30,000 RMB 1 award-winning certificate, a trophy
Bronze prize Bonus: 10,000 RMB 1 award-winning certificate, a trophy
Entry prize Bonus: 3,000 RMB 1 award-winning certificate
● Winners will receive an invitation to visit the future plant at Dicastal as well as the Innovation Center.
● Winners will receive priority hires.
● Winners of the gold, silver and bronze awards will be invited to attend the ceremony in Shanghai and will be reimbursed for travel expenses and related expenses.

8 Evaluation criteria
● Theme Expression : The design theme of the work needs to be consistent with the theme of the competition, reflecting the designer’s ability to understand and grasp the theme.
● Concept originality : Forward-looking design concepts lead the product development trend, creative thinking to reflect the design value of the work.
● Design value : An excellent work is equally important in terms of aesthetic expression, tactical performance, color matching, and surface treatment.
● Development potentiality : Combined with science and technology, there is potential for further research.

9 Announcements
● The ownership of the entry belongs to the host institution, and the winner of the entry should not be allowed to make any public announcement without the permission of the host institution.
● Participants are solely responsible for participating in this event.
● The Contestants agree that the Organizer is not responsible for any claim or claim of any kind.
● The Bouns is pre-tax, and the winners must obey state regulations and relevant laws to pay individual income tax.
● If there is any dispute over the result of the award, the final result of the competition shall be based on the decision of organizing committee.
● The organizing committee has the final interpretation right of this contest.

10 The information of committee
● Address:Guilin Road No.6 ,the second floor of A Zone of Wheel Building, Siyang Economic Development Zone,Jiangsu
● Postcode:223700
● Contact :Hong Fan Tel:18936978580
Jie Zhu Tel:18360245852
● Tel:0527-80833166
● Fax:0527-80833158
● Official website:www.chinacaw.org.cn
● Official email :sylgcy@163.com

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