2019 Golden Crown™金戴奖™国际博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


Golden Crown™金戴奖™国际博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网征集公告


Golden Crown™ International Design AwardSolicitation Announcement



金戴奖 ™Golden Crown™ International Design Award,是由金戴国际创意中心发起并主持的国际性的面向全球范围内设计机构、个人设计师、院校设计专业学生的国际性设计大奖赛。





Golden Crown™ Award (full name: Golden Crown International Design Award) is an international  design award competition for the global design institutions, individual designers and students at the design major of colleges and universities initiated and hosted by Golden Crown Award International Creative Center.

Based on Asia and facing the world, the competition strives to create a high-profile professional design brand in the Asian design industry. The competition is held to fully explore the experiment and exploration of the design, further develop and promote the practicality and aesthetics, and accelerate the integration of the creative design industry.

The Golden Crown Design Award Competition can promote exchanges, strengthen focus and attention to the culture, art, environment and society around the world, thereby the exchange and cooperation of international art design can be promoted and the influence of the design community in the world can be driven.

The preliminary and final evaluations of the competition should be conducted in accordance with the evaluation principle of fairness, notarization, openness, item-by-item and preferential selection.




Host Units:
Sponsored by: Golden Crown International Creative Center
Undertaken by: Organizing Committee of Golden Crown International Design Award






Entry Rules:


The entries must be original designs, which can be submitted by the company or individual.


The entries must be the ones completed by the postgraduate, undergraduate, junior college or secondary specialized students or the above-mentioned students in school. The student's entry may be a design work that has been applied in practice or a practice that has not been applied in practice.














Competing Category:

A.Visual communication category (brand, VI system, logo, packaging, books, mascots, fonts, posters, bills, illustrations, etc.)
B.Product modeling category (appearance, shape, structure, process, materials, etc. of various industrial products)
C.Environmental space category (landscape, garden, architecture, interior, exhibition, planning, etc.)
D.Clothing decoration category (clothing, jewelry, dyeing, fabrics, shoes and hats, wearing jewelry, etc.)
E.Public service advertisement category (not limited to the specific art forms, please enter the competition in the picture form)
F.Media creation category (architectural environment animation, self-media creation, film and television cartoon, film and television promotional video, etc.)



① 各类设立:

金戴奖 (全场最高奖)、金奖、银奖、铜奖、优秀奖、入围奖。

② 金戴成果奖:


Award Setting:

According to the evaluation criteria of the Organizing Committee of Golden Crown International  Design Award, the design works with accurate content conveyance, perfect artistic expression and unique works originality will be selected from all the entries and then the wards will be set respectively:
① Establishment of Various Wards:
Golden Crown Award (the highest award on site), Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, Excellence Award and Finalist.
② Golden Crown Achievement Award:
Golden Crown Achievement Award is divided into ①Art Design Industry Contribution Award, ②Best Organizational Unit Award and ③Best Guide Award, and the winners are institutions, colleges, universities and instructors who have organized more than 15 participants (for ease of management, a unified mail registration is required and the declaration information for the Golden Crown Achievement Award must be completed.)



所有获得优秀奖以上等级的获奖者,可永久使用Golden Crown™标识,但只限于获奖者的博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网的标识说明之用。


The Excellence Award is the initial evaluation award (nomination award) and the winner will be nominated for the final evaluation award; Golden Crown Award (the highest award on site), Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award belong to the final evaluation award, and the above award winners will obtain the Award Certificate issued by the organization unit and an additional certificate will be issued to the winner who has won the Golden Crown Achievement Award.
Note: Any winner who has received the Excellence Award or above may use the Golden Crown Logo forever but only for the logo description in the winner's prize-winning works.





Work Submitted:

In order to advocate environmental protection, all the works collected this time need to be submitted by the online mailbox for evaluation, and if necessary for the follow-up works, the organizing committee can notify the relevant author to submit the original work.
Submission requirements: The electronic document of the work should be submitted in A4 format (vertical), 300dpi(<2M) and RGB mode, the Work Registration Form should be filled out and submitted, and the mail name format should be as follows: Category + competitor's name, should be sent to the mail box:GoldenCrown@163.com


① 早鸟提交期 Deadline Early Bird Submission Period:

2019年10月1日 - 2019年12月31日;From October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019;

② 常规提交期 Regular Submission Period:

2020年1月1日至2020年4月30日; From January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020;

③ 作品初评期 Preliminary Works Assessment Period:

2020年5月1日; May 1, 2020

④ 作品终评期 Final Words Assessment Period:

2020年6月1日; June 1, 2020

⑤ 获奖公告期 Award Winning Announcement Period:

2020年7月1日; July 1, 2020

⑥ 颁发证书: 2020年7月15

The certificate will be mailed on July 15.


If there is a change in the certificate mailing, the time should be adjusted according to the actual situations, and a further notice will be given!

八、参赛费用Entry Fee:

(1)初评费 Initial Evaluation Fee:

① 早鸟期参赛费:

Entry Fee during Early Bird Period:

专业组¥150元/件 ,学生组¥100元/件(系列作品按一件作品计算)

Professionals: RMB150 / piece, students: RMB100 / piece (series works: subject to one piece)

② 常规期参赛费:

Entry Fee during Regular Period:

专业组¥250元/件 ,学生组¥150元/件(系列作品按一件作品计算)

Professionals: RMB250 / piece, students: RMB150 / piece (series works: subject to one piece)


Note: All entry fees will be used for work evaluation, printing, award certificate mailing, and competition operation.

(2)终评费 Final Evaluation Fee:


Those who have passed the preliminary evaluation and been evaluated as nominees for the award need to pay the final evaluation fee of the Golden Crown Award amounting to RMB100/piece (the fee of the professionals is the same as that of the students).





The judging panel will only perform the final evaluation of the Golden Crown Award (the highest award on site), Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award on the nominees for the award who have paid the final evaluation fee. (Please refer to the award setting description for the settings of various awards).
The nominees for the award who have not paid the final evaluation fee will receive the Excellence Award and the Finalist Award Certificates.



支付宝账号:18948771114 (认准Golden Crown ™标识)


Payment Methods:

At present, only Alipay supports the payment of the entry fee.
Alipay account: 18948771114(Golden Crown ™Logo)
Please indicate the name of the author when remittance, take a photo of the remittance voucher (screenshot) simultaneously and then send it to the designated mailbox along with the work.


Carl (中国区)

Tel:189-4877-1114    QQ:4286-11178




① 投稿者自负稿责,作者完全拥有作品知识产权。

② 主办方拥有入选作品的宣传、出版、发行、展示、展览的权利。

③ 投稿者视为同意此大赛的各条款,本组委会拥有最终解释权。

④ 对本次设计奖规则产生的任何疑议,组委会保留最终解释权,与本次设计奖有关的任何未尽事宜,均由组委会进一步制定规则并进行解释。

Relevant Declarations:

① The contributor is responsible for the manuscript and the author should fully own the intellectual property of the work.
② The organizer has the right to propagandize, publish, distribute, display and exhibit the selected works.
③ The contribution is deemed to be in agreement with the terms of this letter, and the organizing committee has the right of final interpretation.
④ The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation for any doubts arising from this design award rule, and in case of any uncovered matters related to this design award, the rules should be further formulated and explained by the organizing committee.



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