
国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计

The Public Bid announcement of Schematic Design and Architecture Development Design of the Project of The 3rd Children's Hospital of Shenzhen is officially released today, on April 29, 2020. Sincerely we invite outstanding design teams to participate in.

01  项目定位  Project Positioning

The development positioning of The 3rd Children's Hospital of Shenzhen is a modern comprehensive third-class children hospital. It serves all the districts of Shenzhen City. To adapt itself to the rapid development of economy and society and meet ever-increasing medical health demands, in aspect of overall planning, the project should feature foresight, scientificity, advancement and adaptability, insist on "human-oriented", highlight "children's characteristics", pay attention to environmental protection, embody the design concepts of sustainable development and circular economy


02  项目概况  Project Overview

1项目区位及范围  Project location and scope

The project site is located in Wulian Community, Longgang Sub-district, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, northeast of Zhengquan Mountain Park and the intersection of Qingyou Road and Xieping Road. On the legal map, it is the Longgang 202-09 area and 07-20 land parcel.


国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计
国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计
国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计
国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计
Project location and surrounding environment
The site, which is an open area with a river about 7m wide passing through it, sits in the northeast of a local mountain park—— Zhengquanshan Park. No buildings or structures should be built within the scope of the river management.

The project covers a land area of 35,319.04m2. The total building area is about 100,000m2. 500 sickbeds are configured. The construction content is mainly about main body architecture of 500-sickbed children hospital and other auxiliary facilities.

03  设计内容  Design Scope


The content of the bid invitation is schematic design and preliminary design of the construction works.

The involving scope includes but not limited to: Planning, general plan, architecture, structure, electrical works, water supply and drainage, ventilation and air conditioning, indoor design, intelligent architecture, fire protection, landscape, green architecture, fuel gas, elevator, steel structure, curtain wall, road (including setting of intersection), civil air defense, medical process design, BIM design, sponge cities, floodlighting, identification system, pipeline introduction outside the scope of the construction land (excluding 10KV outside wiring works), kitchen, industrial design, acoustic design, lab and riverway reconstruction (including landscape) of Phase I and Phase II, etc.

04  报名及资格条件要求  Pre-Qualification Application


This public tender is open to all. The bid applicant shall be an enterprise or institute incorporated within or outside the territory of the People's Republic of China.


The bid applicant shall have qualification of class A or above of the architecture industry (construction works).


Bid of consortium is acceptable. Bid of an individual or a group of several individuals is unacceptable. Partners which submit a bid as a consortium shall meet the following requirements:


The consortium shall include two members at most.


Members of the consortium shall not separately or in other names form other consortia with other design units to participate in application.


Partners of the consortium shall sign a Consortium Agreement with legal effects to specify the leading unit, both parties' labor division mode, amortization ratio and distribution mode of the design fee, etc. in each design stage.

05  招标程序  Tender Rules

1第一阶段: 资格预审阶段 Prequalification

The bid inviter legally organizes the prequalification review committee to review effective prequalification application documents submitted by bid applicants. Nine candidate units without a ranking and two candidate units with a ranking are determined, in the way of disclosed ballot.


Nine bid applicant candidates passing prequalification shall submit the Bid Confirmation Letter on time. If some candidate of these nine candidate bid applicants exits bid competition of the second stage within three working days after the bid invitation document is released, the standby bid applicant will substitute this one in order.


In case the bid invitation unit submitting the Bid Confirmation Letter withdraws in the midway or waives the bidding finally due to force majeure factors, the bid inviter has the right to refuse such bid invited to participate in its bid invitation of any other construction projects in the future.

2第二阶段 : 设计竞标阶段 Design bidding stage


The bid inviter legally organizes the scheme review committee of the second stage.The scheme review committee will review all the achievement documents submitted.


The review committee adopts vote by open ballot to determine the top 3 candidates for winners without ranking, and put forward the optimization opinions to top 3 candidates.


Review applies the sealed bid mode. And bid units do not need to report on site.


Each bid unit should only submit one scheme for bid competition.

3第三阶段 : 定标阶段 Bid Award Link


Bidding method: Direct voting method

根据(深府[2015]73号文)规定,由招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从方案评标委员会[1] 推荐的3名中标候选人中确定1名中标人,中标方案的设计单位将获得本项目的设计合同。

According to the provisions of (SF [2015] No. 73), the bid inviter legally organizes the committee for award of bid and determines one bid winner from three candidates for winning the bid recommended by the scheme review committee.

06  招标日程安排  Tendering Schedule

国际竞赛公告 | 深圳市第三儿童医院项目方案及建筑专业初步设计



All the time shall be subject to Beijing Time. The bid inviter reserves the right to adjust the schedule.


07  设计费及未中标优秀方案补偿费  Design Fee & Honorarium


The total design fee is about RMB 11.84 million, including the basic design fee, BIM fee and the Compensation for non-winning schemes.



Two units which are selected as the bid winner candidate but lose the bid will be compensated RMB 300,000 respectively. Six units which pass the prequalification review phase but fail to be selected as the bid award candidate will be compensated RMB 150,000 respectively. The compensation fee is fixed and will not be adjusted at the time of settlement.


The bid compensation shall be paid in CNY, and the above expenses are tax inclusive. The bidders who are qualified for compensation for excellent schemes not winning the bid shall provide the payment request information. After the contract is signed by the client and the winning bidder, and pay the first schedule design fee (including compensation for excellent schemes not winning the bid), winning bidder should pay the bid compensation to corresponding bidders.


08  招标信息发布  Tender Announcement


The specific bidding content and schedule are subject to the official tendernotice. The Tender Notice will be released on the homepage of Project Exchange Service Network of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Construction.


Bid invitation announcement release platform:



Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trading Service Website:




Connection of this bidding announcement:



09  组织机构  Project Positioning


Bid Inviter: Engineering Design Management Center, Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality.

咨询邮箱 Inquiry email :


项目咨询电话 Project Consulting Tel :

何工,电话 +86-0755-88134711

Ms He, Tel: +86-0755-88134711

张工,电话 +86-18823385584

Mr Zhang, Tel: +86-0755-88134711


(9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 from Monday to Friday, Beijing Time)


Service Assistant Party:FuturePlus Academy

招标咨询电话 Inquiry Tel :

+86 13923439321


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