





同济大学上海国际设计创新研究院常务副院长苏运升,意中商会中国区负责人、优迦文化联合创始人/CEO黎音,EUCA优迦文化设计合伙人汤涤,上海创意设计师协会主席团成员、常务理事、空间专委会主任何根祥, 广州美术学院当代城市文化与建筑艺术创作中心副主任曹恺予。


The International Cultural & Product Innovation Design Contest themed on 'Revitalizing the World Heritage with Design' was officially launched on June 28, 2020, and ended on October 30, 2020.

On-site guests were: Han Ming, President of China Hotel Association and Executive Director of International Hotel and Restaurant Association; Liu Jianlin, Party Secretary, Chairman, Chief Editor of China Energy Automobile Communication Group, and Chief Editor of China Energy News; Chen Hang, First-level Inspector of Guangdong Culture and Tourism Department; Zheng Xiaoyi, Deputy Mayor of Jiangmen Municipal People’s Government; Kuang Jikang, Director of Jiangmen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports; Cao Zhiming, Deputy Director of Jiangmen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; Municipal leaders of Kaiping: Pang Zhenghua, Ma Pingao, Liang Minyue, Yan Haina, Wu Debin, Chen Jiewen, Li Baozhen, Liang Jianfen and heads of towns (sub-districts), relevant municipal units, and cultural tourism enterprises; Su Yunsheng, Executive Vice-President of Shanghai International Institute of Design and Innovation, Tongji University; LI Yin, Head of Italy-China Chamber of Commerce in China, CEO/Co-founder of EUCA Culture; TANG Di, Design Partner of EUCA Culture; HE Genxiang, Member of the Presidium of Shanghai Innovation Association/Director of the Special Committee; and CAO Kaiyu, Deputy Director of Contemporary Urban Culture and Architectural Art Creation Center of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.



Su Yunsheng,Executive Vice-President of Shanghai International Institute of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, announced the winner list.

Designers from all over the world are invited to the contest. Owning Diaolou and villages, the only world cultural heritage in Guangdong Province, the city of Kaiping, as China's first hometown for world famous chefs, is aimed to be revitalized and upgraded with innovative design and technology based on unique cultural tourism and local cuisine resources, particularly in the field of smart cultural tourism development, travel souvenirs, and local cuisines featuring family feast in Kaiping.



Submissions are classified into two categories: The design works featuring hometown souvenirs are encouraged to add into Kaiping's heritage elements and the urban and rural culture in Kaiping. Submissions include urban souvenir design and business souvenir design for the government and enterprises.

The design works featuring innovative design of local cuisines are encouraged to focus on the elements that inherit Chinese traditional culture, including the world heritage Diaolou, the time-honored cuisines, and the local characteristic products. Based on Kaiping's reputation of 'home to world famous chefs', participants should focus more on life scenes and integrate these traditional cultural elements into their design on future life and innovation. Submissions include creative design on local cuisines, packaging, tableware products, street stalls, and services.

125 submissions are ultimately received. Adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, the expert jury evaluated all submissions from three dimensions including innovative ideas, landability, and clarity of expressions. After comprehensive concerns on the novel creativity, unique design, cultural connotation, world heritage concepts, and  compassionate care of each work, ownership of awards were finally determined. In addition to Public Prize, First Prize/Jury Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, and Nominee Awardswere recognized.



The awards are announced as follows:

First Prize/Jury Prize

《一羽马冈鹅/YiYu MaGang Goose》

作者-张少涵/designer-Shaohan ZHANG


Second Prize

《百合镇钱币博物馆识别系统/Baihe Town Coin Museum Identification System》

作者-房立霄、周奕杉/designer-Lixiao FANG, Yishan ZHOU

《赤坎古镇品牌形象设计/Brand Image Design of Chikan Ancient Town》

作者-王舒、李亚妮、揭光招/designer-Shu WANG, Yani LI, Guangzhao JIE

《广合腐乳包装设计/Guanghe Fermented Bean Curd Packaging Design》

作者-劳颖锋/designer-Yingfeng LAO

Third Prize
《马冈濑粉品牌设计/Brand Design of Magang Seto Powder》

作者-孙哲、申由甲/designer-Zhe SUN, Youjia SHEN

《每日一蒜包装设计/Mei Ri Yi Suan Packaging Design》

作者-江门市白曜文化创意有限公司/designer-L 'AUBE CULTURAL&CREATIVE CO, Ltd

《广为人知、天作之合/Guang Wei Ren Zhi, Tian Zuo Zhi He》

作者-朱映霖、陈晓岚、赵宇航、何珍桂、朱盈璋/designer-Yinglin ZHU, Xiaolan CHEN, Yuhang ZHAO, Zhengui HE, Yingzhang ZHU

《她说/Her Words》

作者-关昊、段钟伟/designer-Hao GUAN, Zhongwei DUAN

《开平之旅侨乡特色手绘风桌游设计/Hand-drawing Board Game Design of Kaiping Trip》

作者-殷晓涵/designer-Xiaohan YIN

《开箱 · 开平香/Unboxing · Kaiping Incense》

作者-曹忞竹、吴文轩/designer-Minzhu CAO, Wenxuan WU


Nominee Awards
《“守卫新鲜” 开平世遗碉楼微气候文创保鲜盒/"Shou Wei Xin Xian" Kaiping World Heritage Diaolou Microclimate Cultural and Creative Fresh-keeping Box》

作者-罗轶/designer-Yi LUO

《开平市餐旅行业协会标志设计/Logo Design of Kaiping Food and Travel Industry Association》

作者-王蓬勃/designer-Pengbo WANG

《“马岗鹅小厨”IP设计/"Magang Goose" IP Design》

作者-殷晓涵/designer-Xiaohan YIN

《开平瑞石碉楼茶语/Kaiping Ruishi Diaolou Cha Yu》

作者-林界平/designer-Jieping LIN

《广合腐乳传统美食包装设计/Guanghe Fermented Bean Curd Traditional Food Packaging Design》

作者-姚田,张萌 /designer-Tian YAO, Meng ZHANG

《好hia(三声)/Hao Hiǎ》

作者-孟芊辰/designer-Qianchen MENG

《竹布结合-可拆卸手提包/Bamboo Cloth Combination-Detachable Handbag》

作者-刘阳皇甫 /designer-Yanghuangfu LIU

《“乐”动碉楼-音乐盒及周边设计/"Yue" Dong Diaolou》

作者-梁灵欢、司徒秀瑜、莫若非、陈健熙/designer-Linghuan LIANG, Ruofei MO, Jianxi CHEN

《梦回立园插画及衍生品设计/Design on Liyuan illustrations》

作者-陈玉萍、刘彦余、宋柏华、罗敏/designer-Yuping CHEN, Yanyu LIU, Baihua SONG, Min LUO

《开平碉楼纸雕灯设计/Kaiping Diaolou Paper Carving Lamp Design

作者-李珊珊/designer-Shanshan LI

《侨乡手信——好禮在開平/Hometown Souvenirs》

作者-梁嘉敏/designer-Jiamin LIANG


作者-温国健、黄益恒 /designer-Guojian WEN, Yiheng HUANG

《红腐乳-开平特产包装设计/Red Fermented Bean Curd-Kaiping Specialty Packaging Design》

作者-韩振民/designer-Zhenmin HAN

《糍粒家族/Ci Li Family》

作者-张少涵、徐倩/designer-Shaohan ZHANG, Qian XU

《塔食-中华餐具伴手礼/Ta Shi-Chinese Tableware Souvenir》

作者-刘阳皇甫/designer-Yanghuangfu LIU

《碉楼印象/Diaolou Impression》

作者-冼诗仪、罗敏、宋柏华、卢燕晴/designer-Shiyi XIAN, Min LUO, Baihua SONG, Yanqing LU

《开平碉楼系列/Kaiping Diaolou Series》

作者-邓景威、司徒秀瑜、莫若非、陈健熙/designer-Jingwei DENG, Xiuyu SITU, Ruofei MO,Jianxi CHEN

《开平世遗建筑及村落习俗系列文创设计/Kaiping World Heritage Architecture and Village Custom Series Cultural Design》

作者-吴志杰、司徒秀瑜、陈健熙、莫若非/designer-Zhijie WU, Xiuyu SITU, Jianxi CHEN, Ruofei MO

《雕楼之旅/Diaolou Tour》

作者-张家豪/designer-Jiahao ZHANG

《开平风情/Kaiping Style》

作者-钟展辉、司徒秀瑜、陈健熙、莫若非/designer-Zhanhui ZHONG, Xiuyu SITU, Jianxi CHEN, Ruofei MO

《开平碉楼食盒包装/Kaiping Diaolou Food Box Packaging》

作者-何文杰、戴楷林/designer-Wenjie HE, Kailin DAI

《开平方:寻根千里 开平一方/Kaiping Fang》

作者-万兴凯、袁芃凡、黄然/designer-Xingkai WAN, Pengfan YUAN, Ran HUANG

《燕南归——开平家宴设计/Yan Nan Gui-Kaiping Family Banquet Design》

作者-侯文婷、胡芷芊、乔越、黄健敏/designer-Wenting HOU, Zhiqian HU, Yue QIAO, Jianmin HUANG

《“鸡不可失”开平传统美食包装设计/"Ji Bu Ke Shi" Kaiping Traditional Food Packaging Design》

作者-姚田,陆依超/designer-Tian YAO, Yichao LU

《广合腐乳传统美食包装设计/Guanghe Fermented Bean Curd Traditional Food Packaging Design》

作者-姚田,买嘉宝/designer-Tian YAO, Jiabao MAI

《开平特产设计/Kaiping Specialty Design》

作者-彭殊丹、蒋楠/designer-Shudan PENG, Nan JIANG

《开平味,泥鸡道/Kaiping Taste, Ni Ji Taste》

作者-张一蕾、刘乘源、朱榴奕/designer-Yilei ZHANG, ChenYuan LIU, Liuyi ZHU

Congratulations !
请以上获奖者发送个人信息确认邮件至大赛官方邮箱(info@siidi.cn) 领取电子证书,如需纸质证书,请在邮件中附申请说明,大赛组委会将统一安排线下领取(奖金及设计作品打样费发放时间将另行通知)。
All prize winners listed above are required to send a personal information confirmation email to the official mailbox (info@siidi.cn) to get the e-certificate. If a paper certificate is needed, please attach the application instructions in the email. And the contest organizing committee will make unified arrangements on the offline collection. (Time for receiving the bonus and sample fee will be notified separately ).




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