2021年英国皇家风景园林学会奖(LI Awards)

2021年4月29日,2021年英国皇家风景园林学会奖LI Awards)的参赛作品提交通道已经对外开放,欢迎业界人士参与。On 29th April 2021, the Landscape Institutes Awards 2021 entries has opened for submission, welcoming everyone from the industry to submit their projects and be recognised for their outstanding achievements in landscape.


英国皇家风景园林学会奖(LI Awards)旨在表彰有关人类、场地、自然环境以及融合三者的项目方案。面对环境危机,风景园林的变革力量显得尤为重要,风景园林行业也正面临着严峻的时代考验。风景园林行业从业者在其日常工作中关注改善人类身心健康、提升社会福祉、促进可持续发展、增强气候变化的抵御能力,以及应对生物多样性危机等方面。


The LI Awards are all about celebrating people, place and nature, and the myriad ways that landscape projects can connect them. The transformative power of landscape is never more important than in times of crisis. Our sector is tackling the foremost challenges of our age. Through their everyday work, landscape professionals improve physical and mental health and wellbeing, promote sustainability, build resilience to climate change, and help address the biological diversity crisis.Building on the success of the 2020 Landscape Institute Awards, LI Awards 2021 will do more than ever before to celebrate the exceptional contribution of landscape designers, managers, planners, researchers and more across the world.

The Awards entries will be recognised for the outstanding achievements in landscape, being judged against four main criteria: Sustainability, Value, Professionalism and Design aspects.


英国皇家风景园林学会Landscape Institute

奖项设置Prize Settings

今年的奖项包括:• 专业类别,全面涵盖景观设计、施工、管理等领域(15个)

• 开放类别(所有风景园林专业从业者可参与,5个)

• 国家自然建造奖(1个)

• 学生奖(2个)

• 会员奖(2个)

• 年度最佳景观计划总统奖(1个)

This year, the Awards includes 15 Professional categories, covering all aspects of practice; 5 Open categories for all landscape professionals to enter; Building with Nature National Award; 2 Student Awards; 2 Member Accolades and the President Awards for the Best Landscape Scheme of the Year.

奖项类别完整列表The Full List of the Awards Categories

• 2021年国家自然建造奖(由Building With Nature赞助)• 景观创新奖(由Selux赞助)

• 团队协作奖(由 BALI赞助)

• 西尔维娅·克罗夫人杰出国际贡献奖

• 社区参与优秀奖(由 Ground Control赞助)

• 防洪能力管理层优秀奖(由Marshall’s基金会赞助)

• 遗产和文化优秀奖

• 园艺和种植设计优秀奖(由TillHill赞助)

• 景观和公园管理优秀奖

• 景观建设优秀奖

• 景观设计优秀奖(由Tobermore赞助)

• 景观规划和评估优秀奖(由McParland Finn赞助)

• 总体规划和城市设计优秀奖(由AG赞助)

• 就地再生优秀奖(由Hardscape赞助)

• 公共卫生与健康优秀奖(由Greentech赞助)

• 可持续基础设施优秀奖(由GreenBlue Urban赞助)

• 生物多样性保护与改善优秀奖(由Wildflower Turf赞助)

• 应对气候变化优秀奖(由Vestre赞助)

• 景观遗产奖

• 学生论文奖

• 学生作品奖

• Building with Nature National Award 2021 (Sponsored by Building With Nature)• Landscape Innovation Award  (Sponsored by Selux)

• Partnership and Collaboration Award  (Sponsored by BALI)

• The Dame Sylvia Crowe International Award

• Excellence in Community Engagement (Sponsored by Ground Control)

• Excellence in Flood and Water Management (Sponsored by Marshall' s)

• Excellence in Heritage and Culture

• Excellence in Horticulture and Planting Design (Sponsored by TillHill)

• Excellence in Landscape and Parks Management

• Excellence in Landscape Construction

• Excellence in Landscape Design (Sponsored by Tobermore)

• Excellence in Landscape Planning and Assessment (Sponsored by McParland Finn)

• Excellence in Maste rplanning and Urban Design (Sponsored by AG)

• Excellence in Place Regeneration (Sponsored by Hardscape)

• Excellence in Public Health and Wellbeing (Sponsored by Greentech)

• Excellence in Sustainable Infrastructure (Sponsored by GreenBlue Urban)

• Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement (Sponsored by Wildflower Turf)

• Excellence in Tackling Climate Change (Sponsored by Vestre)

• Landscape Legacy Award

• Student Dissertation Award

• Student Portfolio Award

时间节点Awards Timeline

2021年4月29日—7月8日 报名及缴费系统开放• 2021年4月29日—5月28日 评委征集

2021年8月—9月 奖项评审

2021年9月 入围名单公布

2021年11月25日 LI Awards 颁奖典礼(宣布最终获奖名单)

29 April – 8 July 2021: Entry registrations and payment opens –• 29 April – 28 May 2021: Call for judges for the awards –

August – September 2021: Awards judging –

September 2021: Finalists announced –

25 November 2021: Winners announced at the LI Awards ceremony

注:您可以提交作品、申请担任评委或成为赞助商。Enter your work to be recognised for your outstanding achievements in landscape – or get involved by applying to be a judge or by sponsoring an award.

申报方式Submission and Registrations



For more images, to request an interview or any other questions please contactanna.serazetdinova@landscapeinstitute.org
About the Landscape Institute
英国皇家风景园林学会(Landscape Institute)是英国风景园林专业的官方机构,包括景观设计师、景观和公园管理者、景观规划师和城市设计师。它是一个教育慈善机构,促进艺术和科学的景观实践,以保护公众利益、养护和改善自然环境和建成环境为宗旨。更多信息请访问www.landscapeinstitute.org
The Landscape Institute (LI) is the chartered body for the landscape profession and is the professional home for all landscape practitioners including landscape architects, landscape and parks managers, landscape planners, and urban designers. It is an educational charity that promotes the art and science of landscape practice. The LI' s aim, through the work of its members is to protect, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment for the public benefit.See www.landscapeinstitute.org for more information.
About the Landscape Institute Awards
作为景观界最高荣誉之一,英国皇家风景园林学会奖(LI Awards)每年都会鼓励设计行业从业者展示他们在自然环境和建成环境保护与提升方面的项目,彰显景观在连接人类、场地和自然关系中的价值。更多信息请访问awards.landscapeinstitute.org
Among the landscape industry's highest accolades, the LI Awards celebrate the value of landscape in connecting people, place and nature. Each year, the Awards showcase projects that protect, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment.Find out more at awards.landscapeinstitute.org.
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