
2022 International Competition of Carbon-neutral future life innovative design2022 碳中和未来生活创新设计国际竞赛The theme of the 2022 International Competition of Carbon-neutral Future Life Innovation Design is "Creating Green Community Environment with Intelligence". Participants are required to analyze the theme from the perspective of "Green, Intelligence, and Innovation", and design the future life in cities.This competition is open to participants from all walks of life, which provides an international platform for college students of all majors and in-service personnel. All participants can submit proposals to the committee, and exchange their ideas during the competition. This competition is committed to creating a new form of knowledge and competition ecology, and welcome participants of all circles, which helps to incubate innovative talents.



Creating Green Community Environment with Intelligence


China is the only major developing country that has made a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality, and strives to realize emissions of carbon dioxide peak by 2030. In the age of AI, intelligence and digitalization should be integrated with green development. There are a lot of Chinese wisdom of “green development” and “community” in the traditional living environment of China, which contains the rationality and innovation of the Chinese nation. Realizing energy conservation and emission reduction through "communities" is the sure path for Chinese people to pursue a better living space and a better life.

Participants in this competition should focus on the theme of "Creating Green Community Environment with Intelligence", and think about ways to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon sinks on a large scale in the overall community environment (including indoor and outdoor built environments). Participants are asked to independently select a design base, interpret the theme and make their own plans by using different design methods and technical means to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.



Evaluation & Awards评审及奖项

The evaluation would combine the results of 2 rounds of Jury reviews and online voting;
Winning works are awarded:

1 Carbon Neutral Green Dot Pioneer Award(RMB 60,000 per item)

4 Carbon Neutral Green Dot Masterpiece Award(RMB 15,000 per item)

15 Carbon Neutral Green Dot Nomination Award(RMB 4,000 per item)

10 Carbon Neutral Green Dot Popularity Awards(RMB 2,000 per item)


碳中和绿点先锋奖 1份(奖金6万元/项)

碳中和绿点佳作奖 4份(奖金1.5万元/项)

碳中和绿点提名奖 15份(奖金4千元/项)


The Jury评委会

Competition Timetable赛事时间表

Nov.06 2021 --Registration and Submission Opens

In order to avoid network congestion, please upload the work in time after completion. Please pay attention to the remaining stock quota.

Jan.25 2022(24:00 Beijing time)--Submission Closes

If all the 120 available places are occupied, the committee will have the right to end the entry and submission system early. Attention, please!

Mar.21 2022 -- Finalist of Carbon-neutral Green Dot Pioneer Award, Masterpiece Award, and Nomination Award

Late March 2022 -- Popularity Award Voting opens

Early June 2022 -- Finalist of Popularity Awards

2021年11月06日 --注册报名与成果提交开启(120个存量名额)


2022年01月25日 (北京时间24:00)--报名与作品上传截至参考日期


2022年3月21日 - 碳中和绿点先锋奖、碳中和绿点佳作奖、碳中和绿点提名奖公布

2022年3月下旬 - 碳中和绿点人气奖投票开启

2022年6月上旬 - 碳中和绿点人气奖获奖公布















II.The entry requirements

1. Qualification requirements for contestants

(1) After all members get registered on WUPEN, the team leader should go to the competition page to sign up.

(2) The competition is open to college students majoring in urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, environmental design, and other related majors (undergraduates, postgraduates and doctors are all welcome), as well as in-service staff in design and planning institutes, research institutions and others. Individuals and teams are all accepted. Cross-professional teams are encouraged, and cross-school and cross-grade teams are also supported.

(3) Students and in-service staff will participant in the competition within the same group. Their works will be reviewed collectively without affection caused by the identity of the contestants.

Contestants who are not students are required to upload a scanned copy of their identifiable ID. (Contestants from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan as well as foreign countries should provide a scanned copy of their passports. The student team should upload student ID information).

2. Requirements for the number of works

(1)Each team can only submit one plan, and the number of team members should not exceed 4 (including the team leader). Tutors should also be recorded on the form and the number of tutors should not exceed 3. Each contestant can only sign one work (whether as a leader or a member), and each account can only fill in one registration form. Contestants can sign up for other competitions on WUPEN at the same time.

(2)There is no restriction on the number of works of the same school, the same tutor and the same company.

3. Qualification requirements for works

Participants can design their works by integrating with programs under research based on the competition requirement. They can also give examples that have been already built.

Students are encouraged to combine the competition plan with the design course homework in their school, and the creation of independent topics is also supported.



1. 基地选择




2. 设计要求

















III. Work requirements

Special attention: The entries shall not contain any information and tips that disclose the contestants and their schools. Failure to comply with the standards will result in immediate disqualification.

1. Base selection

(1) Self-selected base. (Realistic venue)

(2) Unrestricted land use scale

2. Design requirements

(1) Starting from the perspective of the balance of carbon reduction and carbon sequestration, creative technical routes or methods are proposed. Attention to social hot issues and consideration of economic and social development in the context of ecological civilization in the new era are encouraged.

(2) Contestants should consider how many methods available for carbon reduction and carbon sequestration at the spatial level, and explain them. The design scheme should coordinate with the overall environment, inherit the wisdom of China's human settlement environment, and establish a harmonious relationship between human and the environment.

(3) Comprehensive design schemes can be proposed for existing urban residential areas, urban block environment, urban public space, urban infrastructure, etc., and the transformation potential of various living and production spaces in the city can also be explored and designed.

(4) The scheme can be considered from the perspective of stimulating the growth of the carbon exchange rate and strengthening the capacity of carbon sinks, and the design concept of the scheme shall be accurately elaborated.

(5) Self-determined expression forms and methods.

3. Document and format requirements

(1) Display panel file: JPG format, no more than three sheets. The picture frame is set to A1 (84.1 × 59. 4cm). (The drawing accuracy shall be guaranteed, and the resolution shall not be lower than 300dpi, no edges and no frames.) The total size shall not be larger than 20M, and the file shall be named as "Entry Code-1, Entry Code-2, Entry Code-3 ".

(2) Cover file: One cover picture should be uploaded separately in JPG format with 16: 9. The cover document will be used as the cover displayed on the website of the shortlisted works, so it is suggested to take into account its design and aesthetics. Only the title of the work is allowed in the cover text. The document is named as "Entry Code-Cover File".

(3) Introduction to the work: 200-400 words of design instruction, which will be displayed as introduction to the work. Please fill in it directly on the Registration Form page.

(4) Relevant technical drawings and indicators for technical applications. Clear text and accurate data are required.

(5) Any name, student ID (work ID), text or pattern of the institution (unit) that is not related to the work should not appear in the entry, otherwise it will be deemed as an invalid work.

(6) The work has not been publicly published in other media channels, and has not been awarded in other competitions.

4. Language requirements

Chinese and English are acceptable.








IV. The entry process

This competition adopts the integrated online form of "Registration-Sign-up-Submission" to collect works. Contestants can enter the website page and select the corresponding competition to sign up after registering a WUPEN user account. There is a quota limit of about 120 in this competition. The registration page of the website will update the quota stock in real time. Contestants are requested to check it carefully. If the quota stock on the website is displayed as "0", registration will not be possible.

Whether the contestant gets the quota for the contest is subject to the qualification examination of the contested works. Once the works on the website are uploaded, it is forbidden to modify them.

Whether the contestant gets the quota for the contest is subject to the qualification examination of the contested works. Once the works on the website are uploaded, it is forbidden to modify them.

After entering the form, fill in the required items, click Save to complete the registration and obtain the "Entry Code".

Please note when the application form is finally submitted, the exhibition of work and the award certificate will be sorted in the order in which the team members fill in the form at the time of application.

Duplicate entries are strictly prohibited. If duplicate entries are found, the organizing committee reserves the right to select one of the teams for review.



1. 原创声明




VI. Copyright statement

According to the regulations of this competition, all contestants who take the initiative to participate in this collection event are deemed to have made the following irrevocable declaration on the copyright ownership of the submitted works:

1. Declaration about the originality

The entries must be the original work of the contestant, and shall not infringe any patent right, copyright, trademark right and other legal intellectual property rights of any third party individual or unit. Once it is confirmed that the work is not original, the Organizing Committee has the right to immediately cancel its participation, finalists and award-winning qualifications, withdraw the award and reserve the right to pursue legal responsibilities. If the Organizing Committee is sued or other losses are incurred, the Organizing Committee has the right to demand full compensation from the contestant; If the Organizing Committee has paid the compensation in advance, it has the right to recover all direct and indirect losses (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, preservation fees, appraisal fees, notarial fees, etc.) from the contestants.

2.Declaration of Consent

Online selection is adopted in this competition. By uploading their works, contestants agree to authorize the organizing committee to display their works in the form of signature or anonymity to everyone for the purpose of holding the competition, and agree to the selection method determined by the competition. All entries are carefully read, fully understood and agreed to before submission. The jury of this competition has the final ruling power on the selection results of all award-winning works.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.








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