2022第六届德国火花海报设计奖ANFACHEN AWARD



In 2016 the Anfachen Award started with "Women", in the second year it was dedicated to the topic "Tolerance". Anfachen Award III was dedicated to the topic "Living" and Anfachen Award IV to the topic "Water". With hundreds of international submissions, a top-class jury and the unique presentation in the German and international public space, the poster competition not only inspires the participants, but above all the urban public. From the very beginning, the broad media response also helped the award to attract greater attention to socio-politically explosive topics.

德国火花 Anfachen 奖授予那些在美学上激发灵感并引起轰动的海报。

The Anfachen Award is given to posters that inspire aesthetically and create a stir.

大赛主题   TOPIC

Anfachen VI 也是关于基础知识的。这一次,我们想看看你如何感知、解释和艺术地呈现“自然”的概念!

Anfachen VI, too, is about the basics. This time we want to see how you perceive, interpret and artistically render the idea of NATURE!



You are free to choose from which personal, political, aesthetic or formal angle you want to approach the subject of "democracy". We accept photographic, painted, graphic and typographic works. With your participation you accept the following conditions.

作品展览  PUBLIC

25 幅最佳海报将由国际评审团选出,并将首先在汉堡展出。他们将在繁忙的街道和人流频繁的广场上与公众碰面,成为讨论和反思的主题,从而鼓励就该主题进行广泛而持续的辩论。

The 25 best posters will be selected by an international jury and will first be displayed in Hamburg. They will confront the public in busy streets and highly frequented squares, become a subject of discussion and reflection, and thus encourage a broad and sustained debate on the topic.


2022 年 4 月 30 日: 提交截止

2022 年 6 月: 评审

2022 年 7月: 汉堡街头海报展开幕

2022年 8 月: 全球范围内展示

30th of April 2022: Submission deadline
June 2022 : Jury meeting
from July 2022: Opening of the poster exhibition in the streets of Hamburg
August 2022: Posters can be displayed worldwide

参赛费用  COSTS

参赛者将被收取每张海报 12 欧元或三张海报 30 欧元的费用,用于以 DIN A2 打印海报以提交给评审团。如果这笔费用构成障碍,请通过 presse@anfachenaward.de 与我们联系。


Anfachen Award / Julia Melzner, IBAN DE80 2005 0550 1501 3783 66, BIC HASPDEHH,

Haspa Hamburg 或通过 Paypal,请查看网站。

Participants will be charged a fee of 12 Euros per poster or 30 Euros for three posters for printing the posters in DIN A2 for presentation to the jury. Should this fee constitute an obstacle, please contact us via presse@anfachenaward.de.
Please transfer the money to this bank account:
Anfachen Award / Julia Melzner, IBAN DE80 2005 0550 1501 3783 66, BIC HASPDEHH,
Haspa Hamburg or via Paypal, please have a look on the Website.


使用 Anfachen 奖网站 ( https://registrierung.anfachenaward.de ) 上的适当工具进行注册。

Registration is done using the appropriate tool on the Anfachen Award website (https://registrierung.anfachenaward.de).

评审嘉宾  JURY

coming soon

patron: Klaus Staeck (GER)




最多可提交三张海报。海报采用 DIN A0 / 841 mm x 1189 mm 格式。我们只接受纵向格式的设计。如果海报被选为前 25 名之一,将单独请求可打印数据。必须将文件命名如下:AnfachenVI_surname_draft number;例如:AnfachenVI_Mustermann_1。

A maximum of three posters can be submitted. The posters are to be in DIN A0 / 841 mm x 1189 mm format. We only accept designs in portrait format. If a poster is selected as one of the top 25, the printable data will be requested separately. It is essential to name the files as follows: AnfachenVI_surname_draft number; e.g: AnfachenVI_Mustermann_1.



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