2022 PRI²DE 创造营——『移步“椅”景』可移动座椅国际设计竞赛



I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one.

—Luis Barragan


When it comes to great architecture, the most important thing isn’t always the building or its surroundings. Often what makes the biggest difference is the so-called “grey spaces.” These transitional, in-between elements such as staircases, hallways, porches, eaves and vestibules can blur, or even eliminate the boundaries between the inside and outside. They play a major role in determining whether a development is functional, or a living, breathing environment.

Contemporary architecture embraces grey spaces, such as open ground floors and terraces, to provide shelter from the wind and rain, or sunny places where people can relax and interact in comfort. The idea is not a new one. Traditional Chinese residences frequently feature grey spaces, including colonnades and corridors, windowed verandas, platforms, porches, waterside pavilions and boat houses. Classical Chinese gardens in towns on the southern reaches of the Yangtze River are often defined by their creative use of grey spaces.


In fact, grey space is a perfect representation of the Chinese philosophy “Unity of Man and Nature.” Rather than emphasising its existence and tangibility, grey space conjures images and creates an emotional connection between the building and its nearby environment when people are exposed to varied landscapes with every step they make.

北京故宫博物院藏·张择端《清明上河图》中的亭台楼阁 (图片来源于网络)

The pavilions, terraces and open halls featured in Zhang Zeduan’s “Along the River During the Qingming Festival (Qingming Shanghe Tu)”, a collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing.

(左上)苏州拙政园与谁同坐轩/(左下1)苏州留园又一村/(左下2)苏州留园游廊/(右图)苏州拙政园小飞虹 (图片来源于网络)

(Top left) The Whom-to-Sit-With Pavilion, Humble Administrator’s Garden, Suzhou/(Bottom far left) The Youyicun Garden, Lingering Garden, Suzhou/(Bottom left) The Winding Roofed Corridor, Lingering Garden, Suzhou/(Right) The Xiao Fei Hong Bridge, Humble Administrator’s Garden, Suzhou


All contents are subject to designverse official website


Modern cities feature many underutilised grey spaces on public or private lots including areas under expressways, open spaces between residential buildings, unused parts of shopping malls, hidden corners in leisure plazas and public spaces inside hotels. The question is how to unlock the potential of these grey spaces through creative design? How to create more rest areas and leisure spots in bustling cities? Building upon the motto “We Create a Lifestyle”, HKR International (HKRI) strives to provide the best solution.

新加坡海军部社区底层架空公共空间 /日本北青山混凝土退台公寓 (图片来源于网络)

Public space underneath the Kampung Admiralty, Singapore/Terraces of The Kita Aoyama Apartments, Tokyo

多伦多高架桥下空间Bentway (图片来源于网络)

Spaces under The Bentway, Toronto

纽约曼哈顿口袋公园——布莱恩特公园 (图片来源于网络)

Bryant Park, a pocket park in Manhattan, New York

泰国Mega Food Walk商业综合体 (图片来源于网络)

Mega Food Walk, a commercial complex in Thailand

纽约布鲁克林Ace酒店大堂室外空间 &芝加哥Ace酒店屋顶活动空间(图片来源于网络)

Outdoor lobby of Ace Hotel Brooklyn & rooftop event space of Ace Hotel Chicago

香港兴业国际集团于 2019 年发起 “PRI²DE 创造营” 青年设计师成长计划,致力于为年轻设计师、艺术家搭建创作平台,提供实践机会。

HKRI launched the “PRI²DE Creative Camp” Young Designers Development Programme in 2019, with the aim to build a platform for showcasing creative work and provide opportunities for young designers and artists to put their work into practice.

本次竞赛项目由香港兴业国际联合国际竞赛平台 Young Bird Plan 共同发布。恰逢香港兴业国际成立 45 周年,因而以其坐落在上海、香港 及曼谷的指定项目为实现场景,围绕“45”这一主题元素,向全球征集可移动座椅概念设计方案。

Hosted jointly by HKRI and the international competition platform, Young Bird Plan, the initiative is aimed at collecting design works of movable chairs from around the world. Using HKRI’s successful projects in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bangkok as launchpads, the key thematic element “45” was chosen to celebrate HKRI’s 45th anniversary.


With the goal of creating a sense of place and delighting users through creative works from talented designers worldwide, the competition is aimed at bringing vitality to a variety of indoor and outdoor public spaces in Discovery Bay of Hong Kong, HKRI Taikoo Hui and The Sukhothai Bangkok. It also showcases the forward thinking and creativity of the HKRI brand through online and offline publicity, which helps increase awareness among the global design industry practitioners.


香港愉景湾 —— 亚洲环保小镇典范

Discovery Bay in Hong Kong – An exemplification of Asia’s sustainable community development


Hong Kong's Discovery Bay Location Map — Located on the northeastern part of Lantau Island, Discovery Bay is by far the largest private development project in Hong Kong. (Photo courtesy of HKRI)


Discovery Bay Overview

•占地面积:650 公顷


•总楼面面积:约1,006,000 平方米


•当前人口数量:来自50个国家及地区的近2万常驻人口, 50% 以上为外籍人士


- 乘渡轮前往市区

- 乘巴士前往港铁站及香港國際機場

- 高尔夫球车 (社区内)

·Area: 650 hectares

·Project commencement year: 1979

·Total GFA: Approx. 1,006,000 ㎡

·Overall plot ratio: 0.16

·Current population: Approximately 20,000 permanent residents from 50 countries and regions, over 50% of whom are foreigners.


- Ferry services offer a direct connection to downtown

- Bus services connect to the Hong Kong International Airport and MTR station

- Golf carts connecting the community


Hong Kong's Discovery Bay Panorama

上海兴业太古汇 —— 都市潮奢购物地标

HKRI Taikoo Hui – A lifestyle shopping mall and a Shanghai landmark


HKRI Taikoo Hui is located at the intersection of Shanghai’s Yan’an Elevated Road and the North-South Elevated Road. The plot, which was formerly known as Dazhongli when it hosted one of the largest clusters of Shikumen buildings in Shanghai, is a typical urban renewal project.


HKRI Taikoo Hui Overview

• 2017年11月盛大开业

• 总楼面面积 32 万平方米,包含1个购物中心,1个地铁商业区域,2 幢甲级办公楼,3家精品酒店及公寓式酒店,和1栋百年建筑查公馆

• 项目整体绿化覆盖率达到20%

• 项目内所有建筑均已获得LEED认证

• 地铁13号线上盖,毗连12和2号线南京西路站

• 辐射南京路周边超过20万白领消费客群,及周边30万常驻人口

· Grand opening: November 2017

· Total GFA: 320,000 ㎡, including a shopping mall, a subway with commercial space, 2 Grade-A office towers, 2 boutique hotels and a serviced apartment block, and Cha House, a century-old European style mansion

· Overall green coverage: 20%

· LEED certification: All HKRI Taikoo Hui buildings are LEED certified

· Metro: Above Metro Line 13, and adjacent to the West Nanjing Road Station for Metro Line 12 & 2

· Population: Connects over 200,000 white-collar workers from nearby Nanjing Road, and 300,000 permanent residents in the surrounding area

素凯泰酒店及度假村 —— 喧嚣都市中的出离之境

The Sukhothai Hotels & Resorts – An escape from the hustle and bustle of the city


Sukhothai means “dawn of happiness” in Sanskrit. The Sukhothai Hotels & Resorts is a curated collection of individualised hotels, each of which reflects the distinctive culture of its destination, and no two Sukhothai hotels are the same. Their sophisticated design, high quality facilities and hospitality that touches the heart mean that guests always feel at home.


The Sukhothai Bangkok – An urban oasis / The Sukhothai Shanghai – A place apart


The Sukhothai Bangkok – An urban oasis

• 曼谷最知名的度假酒店之一,位于市中心商业及使馆区,设有210间客房

• 酒店由知名设计师 Kerry Hill 和 Edward Tuttle 联手打造。灵感源自泰国古都素凯泰,精心构建的寺庙佛塔和莲池完美再现暹罗王朝时期的辉煌遗韵。

• 餐厅 La Scala 及Celadon,以及 Spa Botanica 水疗设施享负盛名

• 酒店多年来获颁多个地区性及国际性的奖项,包括:

Ø Forbes Travel Guide – 4 Star Hotel

Ø Travel + Leisure Magazine – 曼谷最佳城市酒店

· One of the city’s most famous resort hotels, the 210-room Sukhothai Bangkok is located in the heart of downtown and surrounded by commercial areas and embassies.

· Created by renowned designers Kerry Hill and Edward Tuttle, the hotel takes its inspiration from Thailand’s ancient capital, Sukhothai. It is surrounded by Buddhist temples and pagodas, as well as meticulously constructed lotus ponds that pay homage to the old-world elegance and beauty of the Kingdom of Siam.

· Its La Scala and Celadon restaurants and Spa Botanica have earned an excellent reputation.

· The hotel has won numerous domestic and international awards, including:

Ø Forbes Travel Guide – 4 Star Hotel

Ø Travel + Leisure Magazine – Best City Hotel in Bangkok


The Sukhothai Shanghai – A place apart

• 素凯泰品牌旗下的第二家酒店,位于上海兴业太古汇项目综合体内

• 享誉国际的如恩设计研究室(Neri & Hu)的设计力作

• 揉合泰国传统的殷勤待客精神、绝佳的服务和时尚摩登的舒适体验

• 一流的服务


· The second in The Sukhothai Hotels & Resorts chain, The Sukhothai Shanghai is located within  HKRI Taikoo Hui commercial complex.

· A masterpiece created by the internationally renowned architecture firm, Neri & Hu.

· The blend of traditional Thai hospitality, great service and modern comfort delivers an exceptional experience.

· First class service

· Member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH) community


2. 体现香港兴业国际的品牌故事和理念,特别在设计中体现香港兴业国际成立 45 周年的“45”主题元素。

3. 设计材料不限,但奖励环保、可回收材料的运用。

4. 设计可落地,样品能以3D打印方式呈现。

1. The Entrant is required to choose either Discovery Bay, HKRI Taikoo Hui or one of the hotels from The Sukhothai Hotels & Resorts (in Bangkok or Shanghai) as the scene for its design. The design for the movable chair should revolve around eco-friendly towns or grey spaces in commercial projects in the core areas of the city, including shopping malls, residences, hotels, clubs, waterfront promenades, and leisure squares. Whether they are intended for indoor, semi-outdoor or outdoor use, the chairs must be easy to carry and display.

2. The design should reflect HKRI’s brand story, revealing in particular the theme element “45,” which celebrates HKRI’s 45th anniversary.

3. There are no restrictions in terms of materials, but the use of recyclable and environmentally friendly materials are encouraged.

4. Practicality and functionality of the chair design shall be taken into account. The prototype can be 3D printed.

1. 契合香港兴业国际的愿景、使命及价值观。在设计中体现香港兴业国际45周年的概念,融入“45”主题元素。

· 愿景:执业界牛耳  创生活空间

· 使命:群策群力、创新为先、卓越为求、健康为本独树风格生活体验

· 价值观:PRI²DE——Pioneer推陈出新,Respect尊人重土,Innovation不同凡“想”,Integrity坚守诚信,Devotion倾心倾“诚”,Excellence止于至善。

2. 具有创造力和当代性,整体美观及令人印象深刻。

3. 融入商业及社区等空间并注入活力,为使用者营造贴近生活的艺术体验。

4. 考虑实用性和可移动性,可落地。样品可以3D打印方式呈现,易于搬运移动。

5. 考虑可持续发展,鼓励使用环保、可回收材料。

1. Match HKRI’s vision, mission and values. The design should showcase HKRI’s 45th anniversary by integrating the theme element “45”.

· Vision: To be the pioneer of innovative living space.

· Mission: We strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through teamwork and passionate pursuit of innovation and excellence.

· Values: PRI²DE – Pioneer - Break new grounds; Respect - Value the individual and cherish our environment; Innovation - Think outside the box; Integrity - Uphold high ethical standards; Devotion - Be committed and passionate; Excellence – Consistency in the pursuit of quality standards.

2. Creative and contemporary: The overall design should be modern and aesthetically impressive.

3. Integrated: Inject vitality into commercial and community spaces to create an artistic lifestyle experience for users.

4. Practical and movable: The work shall be able to execute in the real world. The prototype can be 3D printed and easy to transport.

5. Sustainable: The use of materials for environmental protection and recyling is encouraged.

1. 香港兴业国际宣传视频

2. 香港兴业国际四十周年图册

3. 《未艾·方兴——从大中里到兴业太古汇》

4. 香港愉景湾

5. 上海兴业太古汇

6. 曼谷素凯泰酒店

7. 上海素凯泰酒店

8. 灰空间相关资料

1. HKRI Corporate Video

2. HKRI 40th Anniversary Commemorative Book

3. On the RISE – From Dazhongli to HKRI Taikoo Hui

4. Discovery Bay, Hong Kong

5. HKRI Taikoo Hui

6. The Sukhothai Bangkok

7. The Sukhothai Shanghai

8. Related grey spaces information

可移动座椅案例Movable Chair Design Examples

001 F.U.A. Urban Furniture Design in Madrid by David Cárdenas + Enrique Espinosa + Juanito Jones + Maria Mallo + Lys Villalba + Zuloark

001 F.U.A.城市家具设计,马德里 by David Cárdenas + Enrique Espinosa + Juanito Jones + Maria Mallo + Lys Villalba + Zuloark


F.U.A. is a prototype urban furniture ecosystem that perfectly integrates the social, the energetic and the environmental spaces. The entire sustainable urban furniture collection is built based on a vision of reuse, ease of use and mobility. The urban furniture system consists of a series of seating spaces. Material for the seats was recycled from abandoned wooden benches in Madrid that had previously been piled up in the city council's furniture warehouse.


002 帝国广场社区办公大楼入口空间可移动座椅,东京 by ikg inc.

002 Tuning Zone in Tokyo by ikg inc.


The Tuning Zone is designed to be an "Oasis that stimulates the human five senses". The organic space fuses greenery, light, sound and natural forest scents to create a relaxing atmosphere. It is an inclusive space where people can casually stop by to relax, chat, or work. The chairs and benches can be moved around for events and concerts.


003 3D打印树盆座椅,希腊   

003 3D Printed Tree Pot Chair in Greece

“打印城市”是荷兰The New Raw研究设计工作室发起的一项计划,旨在通过回收塑料垃圾来重塑城市的公共空间。其与希腊可口可乐公司合作建立的“零浪费实验室”,为市民提供3D打印定制的城市家具。此案例为其中一件打印作品。

'Printing the City' is an initiative by the Dutch research and design studio, The New Raw, to reinvent a city's public spaces by recycling plastic waste. Its “Zero Waste Lab,” established in cooperation with the Coca-Cola Company of Greece, provides citizens with customised, 3D printed urban furniture. The Tree Pot Chair is one example.


1.方案需整体呈现于不少于 2 张 A2 纵向图纸上(上限5张),要求图纸清晰,标注可读(页边距10mm),包含:










1. The design proposal should be presented on no less than 2 sheets of A2 vertical drawings (a maximum of 5), which should be clear and readable (with a margin of 10mm), including:

- Short description: No more than 1,200 words, with details about the materials and technical processes used;

- Registration number: Located on the upper right corner of the drawing and set in 20 point Arial font.

- Drawings should include elevation, axonometric, renderings, detail drawing, model drawing or exploded views.

2. Drawings can be submitted in JPG format (no larger than 10MB for each sheet).

3. The proposal’s title shall be as simple as possible. File name should be saved in the following format: Registration No. – Proposal Title

4. The submitted proposal shall be in English or bilingual (English and Chinese).

5. When drawings and text are submitted online, the work shall be placed within the frame provided by the Organisers.

6. The cover, which is the key visual image of your design work, must be submitted online and uploaded as 1045×654 pixel, 72 dpi, less than 2MB.

7. All drawings and descriptive text must not disclose any of the Entrant’s identity information (such as Name, School Name/ Organisation Name). Any violation of this policy will result in the Entrant’s disqualification.


Work Submission Reference


Diagrams, structural analysis, structural details and models




2. 任何设计、艺术相关学科背景的从业人员、学生、爱好者均可参加,包括但不限于,产品设计、建筑、公共艺术、室内、景观等专业设计师以及设计爱好者。

3. 每个参赛编号最多能提交 2 份作品,大于两份作品时,需另外注册账号获取参赛编号。

4. 团队所有成员均需预先在 designverse 设计宇宙官网注册,再由组长邀请完成组队,常见问题请关注官网Q&A。

1.The Competition is aimed at nurturing and supporting young designers. Entrants may participate as individuals or in groups. However, each group shall not exceed 3 persons. The team leader of each Entrant shall be under 35 years of age.

2. The Competition is open to professionals, students and amateurs with a background in design and art, including but not limited to product design, interior design, architectural design, landscape design and public art.

3. Each registration number can submit a maximum of 2 entries. If you wish to submit more than 2 entries, you should register separately to obtain another registration number.

4. All team members must register on the designverse’s official website in advance, and then be invited by the team leader to complete the team formation. For frequently asked questions, please browse the Q&A section on the official website.

2022年4月14日   竞赛发布

2022年6月19日   作品提交截止

2022年6月29日   公布入围

2022年8月01日   公布10强 & 开启大众投票

2022年8月14日   大众投票截止

2022年8月17日   三强及可持续材料特别奖公布

以上时间表仅供参考,具体时间以 designverse官网发布为准。

2022.4.14     Call for entries

2022.6.19     Submission deadline

2022.6.29     Release of shortlisted winners

2022.8.01     Release of Top 10 & public voting

2022.8.14     Public voting deadline

2022.8.17     Release of Top 3, the Champion & Special Award for Sustainable Materials

The above timeline is for reference only. The specific timing is subject to the designverse’s official website.

★ 冠军奖金(1名):人民币50,000元(税前);作品打样;获奖证书

★ TOP2奖金(1名):人民币20,000元(税前);作品打样;获奖证书

★ TOP3奖金(1名):人民币10,000元(税前);作品打样;获奖证书



★ 入围:入围证书。

■ Champion (1 winner): A prize of RMB 50,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour

■ Runner Up (1 winner): A prize of RMB 20,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour

■ Second Runner Up (1 winner): A prize of RMB 10,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour

■ Special Award for Sustainable Materials (1 winner): A prize of RMB 10,000 (pre-tax) + Certificate of Honour

■ Top 10 (7 winners): Prototype for Work + Certificate of Top 10 Honour

■ Shortlist: Honourable Shortlist Certificate

1.登录官网 www.designverse.com.cn 或【阅读原文】即可报名。

2.欢迎关注微信公众号:designverse设计宇宙 / 香港兴业国际 ; 官方微博:@YoungBirdPlan / @香港兴业国际 获得竞赛最新资讯。

3.如有任何疑问,可以添加个人微信号:youngbirdplan 或进入官方网站进行咨询。

1. Register by logging into www.designverse.com.cn or click 【Read More】.

2. For the latest information about this Competition, please follow the official WeChat account: designverse设计宇宙 / 香港兴业国际 or the official Weibo account: @YoungBirdPlan / @香港兴业国际;

3. Contact the Competition Secretariat directly by adding youngbirdplan as your WeChat friend, or submit queries through the official website. We remain at your service to answer any further questions you may have.


■ 原创声明:参赛作品是参赛者原创作品,未侵犯任何他人的任何专利、著作权、商标权及其他知识产权;该作品未在报刊、杂志、网站及其他媒体公开发表,未申请专利或进行版权登记,未参加过其他比赛,未以任何形式进入商业渠道。一旦查实非原创作品,主办单位有权立即取消其参与、入围与资助资格,收回资助资金物资及保留追究法律责任的权利。如主办单位因此被起诉或产生其他损失的,主办单位有权要求该参赛者进行全额赔偿,主办单位已先行赔付的,有权向参赛者追偿所有直接损失及间接损失(包括且不限于律师费、诉讼费、保全费、鉴定费、公证费等)。

■ 同意声明:本次大赛采用线上评选的方式,参赛者上传作品即表示同意授权主办单位为举办大赛目的向所有人署名或隐名的形式展示作品,同意大赛确定的评选方式。参赛者提交作品之前,已仔细阅读所有条款,充分理解并表示同意,本次大赛的评委会对所有博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网的评选结果拥有最终裁定权。




在竞赛结果发布之前,参赛者须对其设计作品保密,直到 2022 PRI²DE 创造营——「移步“椅”景」可移动座椅国际设计竞赛获奖者正式公布。如有违反,将取消参赛资格。

其他更具体的官方规则将发布在 designverse 官网竞赛规则中请仔细阅读。

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations of PRC, by participating in this competition, each Entrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the statements below about the copyrights for all submissions.

■ Statement of Originality

All submissions mustbe original, and each Entrant shall ensure that his/her/their entry doesnot infringe any other’s rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks and intellectualproperty rights. Entrants must not publish their submissions in any media, including but not limited to newspapers, periodicals, magazines and websites. Entrants must not use their Entry to participate in other competitions, or register, patent or copyright any ideas contained therein, or employ any method to take their Entry concept to the commercial market. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualified from the competition, and the organisers will withdraw all subsidies and materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability for any infringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all direct and indirect damages (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs, notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the Organisers shall be compensated by the Entrant.

■ Statement of Consent

By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to authorise the Organisers to publicly display the work, including credited or hidden names, to anyone for the purpose of holding the competition, and accepts online assessment as the selection process in the Competition. Before uploading a submission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has or they have read and fully understood and accept(s) all the clauses mentioned. The judging panel reserves the right to make final decision on the entry assessments and the winning entries.

According to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, the Competition Secretariat invites professional field experts to form a judging panel and work on the appraisal of entries. If there is any dispute on an entry, please contact and report it to the Competition Secretariat with corresponding proof (such as related files of the plagiarised work). If the plagiarism is verified and confirmed after investigation, it will result in automatic disqualification from participating in the Competition or winning an award.

*Under no circumstances shall the Entrant contact or try to contact any member of the judging panel. Any form of violation of this rule will result in automatic disqualification.

The Entrant ownsthe copyright of the Entry according to applicablecopyright Law. No submission shall be altered orreproduced by any others without the consent of theEntrant. The Organisers own the rights topublish, promote andpublicise, display, exhibit and reproduce all award winning works. Organisers have priority in obtaining the sole right of ownership of the intellectual propertyof the entrywork. During the procedure to transferthe ownership of the intellectual property, said ownership willbe defined in the detailedagreement signed by the Competition Secretariat and the Entrant.

The confidentiality of the entry work shall be maintained by the Entrant until the Champion of the 2022 PRI²DE Creative Camp Movable Chair International Design Competition is formally announced. Any form of violation of this rule will result in automatic disqualification.

Complete details of the Official Rules governing this Competition will be published on the designverse’s website. Please read them carefully.

香港兴业国际 HKRI


HKR International Limited has diversified interests in real estate development and investment, property management, luxury hotels and other investments in China and across Asia. We strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through teamwork and an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence. The Company’s diverse portfolio includes Discovery Bay and CDW Building in Hong Kong, HKRI Taikoo Hui in Shanghai, and a number of premium residential properties in Shanghai, Jiaxing and Hangzhou as well as The Sukhothai Bangkok and apartments, etc. HKRI has been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 1989, under the Stock Code of 00480.

Website: www.hkri.com

Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划



Founded in 2013 by Isa Ye, Young Bird Plan, is an international competition platform for global design talents. With three key elements – fabrication, mentor guidance and an interdisciplinary jury – it is fast becoming a leading voice in global design fields like urban design, architecture design, landscape design, interior design, product design, logo design and fashion design. In the past five years, it has attracted participants from 1,045 top design institutions and 4,257 top design agencies domestically and worldwide, covering 310 cities in 75 countries.

The platform constantly connects and meets various demands from political, business, and academic circles and actively fills supply and demand gaps among designers, manufacturers, developers, urban operators and users. We are committed to design and innovation, and offering opportunities for creative minds around the world to participate in the creation process, so as to propel the implementation of design projects and products focusing on urban spaces and life aesthetics. Young Bird Plan is devoted to pushing urban development and offering high-quality solutions to product updates. As one of the most influential design competition platforms around the world, and based on approximately 30 competitions held in the past 9 years, we make every effort to create opportunities for young designers.




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