
本届大赛主题“真自然-揭秘自然”(“True Nature - Reveal the Secret Nature”)灵感来源于大自然的有机美,将成为未来珠宝流行时尚风向。大赛鼓励参与者降低创作生产能耗,并充分利用行业废弃材料资源,如使用宝石原石毛料或者旧珠宝上拆卸回收的宝石材料进行再设计或升级改造。参赛者可考虑使用色彩渐变或自然元素作为一系列美丽珠宝的创作灵感。大赛获胜者将获得总计33万泰铢(约合1万美元)的奖金和奖杯。

Popular Design Award

GIT’s World Jewelry Design Awards 2022

This concept can be considered as an upcoming trend today, that the world has turned to pay more attention to the environment. The gem and jewelry industry also has an impact towards the environment, therefore, the theme and the challenge of this year is to use 'real' nature and the beauty of nature to create a jewelry collection.



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