2023德阳 · “宜居旌城 · 花簇月季”大学生市花月季花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网








Flowing Note,Chinese Rose




设计说明:宜居旌城花簇月季,在我们的花境设计中,我们首先突出了德阳市花--月季的主题,整个花境的平面图以月季花型为灵感进行更加精细的切割。 三星堆历史久远、文物精美、文化独特、神秘莫测,是世界考古史上的重大发现。我们从三星堆挖掘出来的乐器融合非物质文化遗产--仓山大乐,提取出了两种民族乐器--箜篌和中国鼓的元素,制作了花境中的装置。植物配种上,我们以月季为主要品种,选用了多个品种的月季,搭配多年生宿根植物 。

Livable city, flower cluster rose, in our flower landscape design, we first highlight the theme of Deyang City flower - rose, the layout of the whole flower landscape is inspired by the rose flower type for more detailed cutting.

Sanxingdui has a long history, exquisite cultural relics, unique culture, mysterious, is a major discovery in the history of world archaeology. The instruments excavated from Sanxingdui combine with the intangible cultural heritage, Cangshan Daille, to extract the elements of two national instruments, Konghou and Chinese drum, to make the device in the Flower scenery. In terms of plant breeding, we take rose as the main variety and choose a variety of rose, with perennial perennial plants.     



丝丝如画  拂罗旌城

Tracing Back to the Source Dream Back to Deyang




参赛者:胡淑敏 、 陈杰 、麦芯瑜


Deyang can be described as 'ancient Jingcheng, Samsung 's hometown '. History needs to be continued and inherited, and civilization needs to be excavated and innovated. Therefore, the design concept is extracted from the ' sun god bird ' and ' bronze god tree ' in the Sanxingdui culture. The Samsung culture comes out with mysterious color and tells the far-reaching history. We trace back to the past and the present.The ' jing ' is a flag decorated with five-colored bird feathers, and the ' ribbon ' is a mapping of the Silk Road. Through the combination of the jing flag and the ribbon, the bamboo texture structure with stretchy shape and full tension extracted from the bird tail feather and ribbon in the design site is derived. The structure as a whole shows a tendency to fly and a spatial structure of high and low ups and downs. The ' god bird flag ' is entrusted with the construction of livable Jingcheng and the expectation of a better life.                                                              







青钢旌城 向阳而生

Green Steel Sparkling City, Born into the Sun



The ancient Shu civilisation, born 5,000 years ago, has risen in the march of the new era and has glorified Deyang for thousands of generations. Following the origins of the Yangtze civilisation and carrying forward the spirit of Chinese craftsmen, Deyang will be born with a new look! As an outstanding tourist city in China, Deyang is home to the famous ancient Shu civilization site of Sanxingdui and the Deyang Temple of Literature, one of the three major Confucian temples. Ten years of transformation, Deyang has become a city of intellectual creation. Ten years, witnessing the changes of the times. Ten years, witnessing the rise of Deyang.
The design is inspired by the bronze sun wheel of the Deyang Guanghan Sanxingdui, and draws on the form of the branches of the tree and the flow of the leaf veins to connect the three time points of history, the present and the future. Standing in front of the Sun Wheel, you can feel the vitality of Deyang's sparkling city; following the flow of the leaf veins through the site, you can listen to the story of time; in the sea of moonflowers, you can experience the cultural vitality of Deyang's new era.






旌城史歌  与时偕行

The Historical Song of Jingcheng, Witnessed with the Times



参赛者:莫文慧、 李佩瑄

 As a cultural treasure of Deyang City and even the world, Guanghan “Sanxingdui” unveiled the mystery of GuShu, and Deyang, as the birthplace of GuShu, also sang a brilliant historical song.
This design uses the cultural fragments of “Sanxingdui” to meet the flower and moon season of Deyang City thousands of years later, and sings four historical songs of “the birth of GuShu in the fertile land”, “the tree of hope grows vigourously”, “very prosperous development” and “birds sing the song of the future”, and lings the history of Deyang Using the matching of different moon tones and setting art installations, people have a different experience in four stages.
The historical song of Jingcheng is witnessed with the times. While we sigh at the city, we are full of curiosity and expectation. When thousands of fragments are put together again, the past history has travelled through time to come to us, and in the future, what kind of surprise will Deyang bring us...


跃鲤记 —— 涌泉跃鲤,旌城不息

The Story of Leaping Carp 

—— Spurting Spring and Jumping Carps ,Jingcheng never stops






“Spurting spring and jumping carps, and the Jingcheng never stops.". Dexiao City in China is located in Xiaoquan Town, a famous historical and cultural ancient town. The design concept is based on the word "filial piety", and is introduced by the beautiful legend of "Jiang Shi's filial piety, Spurting spring and jumping carps, and An'an's sending rice." The main idea is to promote the filial piety culture of Deyang. The streamline of this scheme is derived from the word "filial piety" in the oracle bone inscriptions. The main scene of the design center is a sunken space, in which a fish shaped veranda sculpture is used. Under the veranda, a carp sculpture is arranged, it has the meaning of "carp leaping over the Dragon's Gate", and also conforms to the source of the story of "Spurting spring and jumping carps".
The entire space is also landscaped through seats, fish shaped colonnades, and plant arrangements to cover the view, allowing the viewer to take a step by step view. In terms of plant planting, mainly blue-violet flowers and materials, the flower language of blue-violet roses is precious, it symbolizes the preciousness of filial piety culture.
Filial piety, as a common value observed and practiced in Chinese society, is constantly discovered and embodied, and its continuous spread is the responsibility of every era.    





Tracing Back to the Source Dream Back to Deyang





Deyang can be described as 'ancient Jingcheng, Samsung 's hometown '. History needs to be continued and inherited, and civilization needs to be excavated and innovated. Therefore, the design concept is extracted from the ' sun god bird ' and ' bronze god tree ' in the Sanxingdui culture. The Samsung culture comes out with mysterious color and tells the far-reaching history. We trace back to the past and the present.The ' jing ' is a flag decorated with five-colored bird feathers, and the ' ribbon ' is a mapping of the Silk Road. Through the combination of the jing flag and the ribbon, the bamboo texture structure with stretchy shape and full tension extracted from the bird tail feather and ribbon in the design site is derived. The structure as a whole shows a tendency to fly and a spatial structure of high and low ups and downs. The ' god bird flag ' is entrusted with the construction of livable Jingcheng and the expectation of a better life.





Records of Shu - Ji Xiang Jing Cheng





The design integrates Sanxingdui culture with the moon season, and gives the ancient Shu culture color with emotions, thereby adding vitality to the world of flowers. The garden path references the delicate silhouette of a figure in a gold mask. The arrangement of the ribbons is inspired by the soft moon petals and the bronze birds with a sense of strength. The use of hollow wooden structures in the flower landscape, light can pass through the hollow and sprinkle on the road, flower surface, and human body, thus producing different light and shadow effects. The wavy lines are refined with the gold mask eyes as elements to form a double-sided curved transparent gallery frame, giving people a sense of immersion.   Combined with the nature and functional needs of the flower landscape of the site, it creates a real-life realm for people to visit and communicate. Through the strong bronze and soft moon flowers, people and the space form a stronger connection. The ancient Shu culture has added historical weight to the flower landscape, striving to create "jade treasure flowing light, copper mirror bronze years sinking." Go back in time and dream back, and find the artistic conception of "Shu Ji" in the moon and season fragrance. 



Dialogue with Sanxingdui——Long Lasting Flower Border DesignBased on Sanxingdui Culture




 The Sanxingdui Ancient Site was discovered in Guanghan, Deyang, in 1929. It is the largest, longest lasting, and richest cultural site ever discovered in southwest China. It is known as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, demonstrating that the Yangtze River basin, like the Yellow River basin, belongs to the mother body of Chinese civilization and is known as the "source of Yangtze River civilization."
This flower border design extracts cultural elements from Sanxingdui, combines perennial herbs and shrubs, as well as flowers and roses in Deyang City, to create a long-lasting flower border, and extracts the form of Sanxingdui bronze divine trees and sun divine birds as planar components; Using a flat mirror slice as the entrance to the venue, it symbolizes the flash of Sanxingdui civilization in history. People can converse with Sanxingdui civilization in front of the mirror and also examine themselves; Using the elements of the eye of the bronze mask of the Sanxingdui to create the structure, the eye of the Sanxingdui. Visitors can pass through the eye of the Sanxingdui and also rest and enjoy inside it; At the end of the site, a blessing tree composed of bronze divine trees is set up. People can pray and wish under the divine tree, taking away the flowers on the divine tree and sowing hope. This design hopes that visitors can enhance their understanding of Sanxingdui culture through the experience of flower border, achieve dialogue with Sanxingdui, and promote Sanxingdui culture.




Roses are blooming all over Jingcheng



参赛者:张锦浩 、高梦莹、陈逸婧

设计说明: 一轮来自古蜀的金太阳,穿透了三千年的光。太阳神鸟作为古蜀文明的象征,从古绵延至今,是一代又一代德阳人不断探索的精神动力。本次设计以金沙遗址中“金乌”这一形象作为主题,用德阳特有技艺“潮扇”的制作方式,再现神鸟翱翔腾跃的景象。古蜀续华章,旌城花正开。月季花作为德阳市花,象征着等待希望,期待未来。本次植物设计以月季为主题,以古人赏花时“观闻赏品”来贯穿动线,希望在多个方面中让人们体味到德阳月季的独特韵律之美。
 A golden sun from ancient Shu, penetrating the light of three thousand years. As the symbol of ancient Shu civilization, the sun divine bird stretches from ancient times to now, and is the spiritual motivation for Deyang people to keep exploring generation after generation. This design takes the image of "golden Wu" in Jinsha site as the theme, and uses the production method of "tide fan", a unique technique of Deyang, to reproduce the scene of divine birds soaring and leaping. The magnificent chapters of ancient Shu have been continued to be written, and the flowers of Deyang are in full bloom. As the city flower of Deyang, rose symbolizes waiting for hope, looking forward to the future. This plant design takes the rose as the theme, through the moving line of the ancient people when appreciating flowers "view, smell and appreciate products", hoping to let people appreciate the unique rhythm of the beauty of Deyang Rose in many aspects.
At the same time, the landmark building "Rainbow Bridge" of Deyang connects to all parts of the site, closely connecting Deyang and the world, and welcoming visitors from all over the world. Take culture as the interior and flowers as the exterior.The work expresses the infinite expectation of the development prospect of Deyang. People from all walks of life do their best to jointly create a better future of Deyang and realize the grand blueprint of an ecological livable city of Deyang.
The Sun Divine Bird made of fan bones crossed the rainbow,the roses are blooming all over Deyang.                                                                  







Gather all the Good Things,Grow Together





The design theme of this project is“Livable Jingcheng · Flowers and Roses”. The design combines the profound historical and cultural background of Jingcheng, using its cultural connotation and the appearance characteristics of roses to create a design scheme that integrates cultural beauty,morphological beauty, and natural beauty. The entire theme park presents an overall color tone dominated by red, yellow, and purple, fully studying the climate, soil quality, and other natural environments of Deyang, adapting measures to local conditions, and combining trees, shrubs, and grasses naturally (most of the plants in its design come from the transplanting of original plants on the site). The plants are mainly composed of different types of roses, and try to ensure that there are three seasons with a view of rose flowers.                                               









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