
01大赛阐述About the Competition


In recent years, the emergence of lab-grown diamonds and the rapid development of the industry has greatly improved the "affordability of jewelry" and created a broader space for jewelry design. The nature of lab-grown diamonds makes it possible to use them in more imaginative directions when compared to natural diamond, and fancy-shaped diamonds is one of them.


From now to August 15, the second LGD-IDIC lab-grown Diamond Jewelry Design Competition will be held under the theme of "Imagination of D, Born Different". With the letter "D" and fancy-shaped diamonds as the element, only the outstanding design works among the ones from all over the world will be singled out. Based on the first lab-grown diamond jewelry cross-border design competition, we continue to adopt the competition concept of “collision and breakthrough, cross-border and stepping out of the circle”, and the competition is more professional and authoritative.


Many words begin with the letter "D" and have strong emotions. For example, the words "Diamond", "Design", and "Distinctive" all begin with the letter "D" . On this basis, the designers can fully express their creativity in their works. The various structural contours of fancy-shaped diamonds also leave designers more room for artistic creativity and the resulting product will be more aesthetic. The imagination of "D", Born different, and we look forward to the distinctive jewelry artworks.

02大赛主题Theme of the Competition


Theme: The imagination of "D", Born in different



Mission: the design work should combine elements of fancy-shaped lab-grown diamonds, the letter "D" and so on, fully indicate the connotation of words beginning with the letter “D”, and unleash imagination. Works that can be used for commercial purposes are more favorable.

03组别设置Competition Groups






To embrace technological innovation, this design competition will have a man-made group and an AI design group, and the two groups will be rated separately;

Note: the man-made group must sign the "Commitment Letter of The Second Lab-grown Diamond Jewelry Design Competition ".

04设计要求Design requirements


a)The entry must be in line with the theme of this design competition.


b)The entry can be a single piece or a collection and can be anything related to the wearable items in life, including but not limited to rings, earrings, necklaces (pendants), bracelets (bangles), brooches, watches, belt buckles, glasses, etc...


c)The entry must be originally designed by the contestant and can be used for commercial purposes.


d) The entry was not used for other competitions/activities, nor disclosed on any platform/media. The contestant should bear the risk of intellectual property rights concerning any design copyrights and patents.

05作品提交事项Entry Submission Details



请将设计作品图稿及报名表打包发送至报名邮箱: member@cngzde.com(邮件主题请以“博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网+姓名+作品名称”格式)。如投稿多件作品(套系珠宝首饰除外),每件作品必须单独填写一份《报名表》,并配有相应的设计图稿。

Please send both the design drawing and the Application Form to: member@cngzde.com (the subject of the email should use the format of “Design Competition+ Name of contestant + Name of entry”). If you submit multiple entries (other than the jewelry set), please fill in a separate “Application Form” with corresponding design drawings for each entry.



Submission Deadline :

August 20, 2023 24:00



Standard of works:

1. 参赛作品须应用“培育钻石”为主题材质进行创作。无论外观中培育钻石的比例如何,作品的主题材质需要被认定为“培育钻石”,而非其他材质。如有异议,以评审团认定为准。

1.The entry must be created using 'Laboratory-Grown Diamond' as the subject material. Regardless of the proportion of laboratory-grown diamonds in appearance, the subject material must be identified as 'Laboratory-Grown Diamonds' and no other material. In case of disagreement, the decision of the jury will prevail.


2. 参赛作品对款式、设计或辅助材料选择没有任何限制。

2.Any entry is allowed regardless of the style, design, or selection of supporting materials.


3. 参赛作品的辅料虽材质不限,但不可使用珊瑚、象牙、玳瑁等来自濒危物种的材料。

Although there is no limit to the materials used in the entries, materials from endangered species such as coral, ivory, and hawksbill turtles cannot be used.


4. 作品须有名称及简短创意陈述(限100个中文字或50个英文单词之内)。

4.The entry must have a name and a short creative statement (limited to 100 Chinese words or 50 English words).



Specifications of design drawing:


1.The design drawing (electronic /hand-drawn) must be in the file type of JPG or PNG (30-second MP4 video may be available as an aid), with no specified background in color.


2.全彩,图纸尺寸A4(297mm x 210mm),图像精度300Dpi分辨率或以上;

2.Full color, drawing dimensions A4 (297mm x 210mm), image resolution of 300Dpi or higher.



3.The design drawing can include four-side views (three-dimensional view, front view, side view, and bird’s-eye view).



4.The design drawing shall indicate the name and a short creative statement of the entry, but not the name, signature, or other logo of the contestants.


5.参赛作品如果是单品,只限提交一页单面 A4 尺寸的设计图稿297mm x 210mm或一个电子文档;如提交整套系列设计,每个单品分别使用一页单面 A4 尺寸/分别一个电子文档的设计图稿。

5.If the entry is a single product, only one page of a single A4 size design 297mm x 210mm or one electronic file can be submitted; if the whole series design is submitted, every single product should be used in one page of single A4 size / one electronic file of design respectively.



1.The type and number of awards (11 awards)



Man-made group


AI group


2.Awarded special honours


All the winning entries in the man-made group and the first prize entries in the AI group will be produced by the title sponsor of the competition, DEINO, and displayed at the 8th International Jewellery & Diamond Conference Guangzhou and the award ceremony of the design competition. The winning entries will also be used by the brand "DEINO" for commercial purposes to publicize the works and to sell them in online and offline shops simultaneously.



3.All finalists will have the following opportunities:



(1)To approach and cooperate with jewelry brands



(2)To develop your career in international jewelry companies



(3)To have access to resources of well-known jewelry manufacturers and Laboratory-Grown Diamond manufacturers



(4)One-to-one guidance by renowned domestic and international designers



4.All the award winners will have the following benefits:



(1)To attend the award ceremony and receive the award on stage



(2)To publish a personal profile on the We-Media of Guangzhou Diamond Exchange



(3)To exhibit and promote their winning entries online and offline by Guangzhou Diamond Exchange



(4)To display the winning entries at events related to diamonds and jewelry held by Guangzhou Diamond Exchange



(5)the winning entries will be sold simultaneously in the online and offline shops of the well-known domestic lab-grown diamond brand "DEINO"

07大赛进程Schedule of the competition


*Please visit the official publicity channel of Guangzhou Diamond Exchange for information on any changes or variations of the competition schedule.

08评选机制Evaluation Mechanism


1.With the theme of this competition at its core, the judging panel will comprehensively evaluate the entries from the perspectives of the application and display of lab-grown diamond characteristics, creativity of works, commercial value of finished products, processing feasibility, the comfort of wearing, etc., and the scores will be set for four dimensions:



(1)The uniqueness and challenge of the concept


Based on the theme of this competition, the works shall pay the highest attention to the challenging traditional spirit and the uniqueness of the concept. Designers should not only show the brilliantness and classic characteristics of diamonds but also give full play to the imagination of “D”, and explore and cultivate the characteristics of high plasticity, sustainability, growth, and other potential cultural concepts of diamonds.



(2)Feasibility of craftsmanship and technology


In addition to encouraging disruptive thinking and challenging the conventional spirit, the contest also urged contestants to pay attention to the challenge of the craftsmanship/technological feasibilities subject to material characteristics. All shortlisted works must be proven to be qualified to be finished in the supply chain in the future.



(3)Comfort of wearing


Works should be people-oriented. Please note that the related works are used as daily wear, and wearing and using comfortably is the basic requirement of the works.



(4)Commercial value


Based on the winning entries of this year's competition which will be marketed, and considering the commercial value of the works in the marketization process, the judging panel will score the future commercial value of the works in combination with the opinions of the enterprises in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain.



1. 初评阶段:由专家评审团根据参赛者提交的作品进行初评,甄选出20件入围作品。

1. Preliminary rating: the judging panel selects 20 finalists.


2. 终评阶段:开展网络评选和专家评选。

2. Final rating: the finalists will be evaluated by online voting and assessment of the judging panel.



Evaluation by online voting refers to scoring the final entries by public voting, accounting for 20% of the total score.



Evaluation by the judging panel refers to scoring the final entries by the voting of the judging panel, accounting for 80% of the total score.



The organizer will count the total scores of the finalists evaluated by online voting and assessment of the judging panel under the scrutiny of Greenfield Lawyers.

09参赛须知Contestant Instructions


1.Contestants: Company representatives or individuals such as artists, designers, teachers, and students of design universities, enthusiasts, craftsmen, jewelers, or teams are eligible to participate, regardless of the region.



2.No fee is charged for participation in this competition.



3.Entries must be submitted within the designated period, and overdue submissions will not be accepted; design drawings that do not meet the requirements will be considered invalid.



4.Please note that all submitted entries will not be returned. All contestants should keep their manuscripts.



5.Entries are not required to be manufactured at the submission stage.



6.E-mail communication is the main form and confirmation basis for entry matters.


10作品的知识产权与保护Intellectual Property Rights and Protection of Entries


a)Contestants(including individual contestants and team-contestant) undertake that entries submitted for the competition shall be original designs created by themselves which have not been published in or outside China and have not been submitted for any other contest/competition, and whose intellectual property right have not been transferred to others. The organizer and sponsor shall not be held legally responsible for any dispute over copyright or patent or arising from subsequent publicity concerning the entries. All such liabilities shall be borne by contestants, who shall compensate the organizer for all the losses. If the organizer finds that the contestant has committed plagiarism or infringed the intellectual property rights of others, the organizer has the right to disqualify the contestant at any stage of the competition. If entries are found after the competition to have infringed the intellectual property rights of others, the organizer has the right to disqualify the contestant from winning an award, recall the award won by the contestant, request the contestant to compensate the organizer and sponsor for the losses incurred and pursue the legal responsibility of the contestant according to law.



b)Contestants undertake that before the announcement of the result of the competition, the entries are not allowed to be submitted for any other contest or published. Otherwise, the organizer and sponsor shall not be held responsible for possible infringement of copyright or patent or any dispute arising from subsequent publicity concerning the entries submitted for the competition by the contestant. Contestants shall bear all responsibilities by themselves.



c) Contestant agrees that the copyright of entries belongs to the contestant and that the organizer and the sponsor are granted the right to use the entries, and can exercise rights such as exhibition, public performance, screening, broadcasting, information network transmission, filming, translation, and compilation for free. The organizer and the sponsor have the right to use the images, texts, and other relevant data of the entries in publicity activities free of charge, have the right to publicize, distribute, compile, photograph, or display the shortlisted entries, and own part of the copyright of the awarded entries.



d) Within five days after the organizer sends the notice to finalists, finalists shall sign the Copyright License Agreement with the organizer to permit the organizer to use the final entries free of charge. Otherwise, the contestant shall be deemed to have voluntarily disqualified himself/herself from being a finalist.



e) All winners of the man-made group and the first prize winner of the AI group will be required to sign a Copyright License Agreement with the sponsor "DEINO" within 5 days from the date of announcing the final winners and allow the sponsor to use the designs and sell the finished product online and offline in the market for free.



f) Contestants shall be responsible for and take proper measures to protect the copyright of their works. The organizer intends to provide relevant assistance for the registration and application of design copyright protection to contestants who need it.




The organizer of the competition, namely, Guangzhou Diamond Exchange, has the right to print, publish or broadcast the shortlisted entries in all media worldwide for a non-commercial purpose. Any matter involving commercial purposes will only be decided at the discretion of the contestants, and the organizer will not participate in it.



All contestants of this competition are deemed to have read and agreed to the competition rules. The organizer has the right to follow up with and modify all matters not covered herein.



The organizer reserves the right to the final interpretation of the schedule of this competition, the solicitation of entries, the ownership of intellectual property rights, the organization of the judging panel, and the ways of publicity and promotion.


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