中意携手 共绘强城——2024年中意青年城市创意博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

发布时间:2024年5月21日 分类:建筑环境大赛 浏览量:3880

To comprehensively support Wenzhou's "Strong City Action," deepen the implementation of the concepts of people's city and park city, coordinate efforts to beautify the environment, improve functionality, and foster strong industries, accelerate the improvement of the "eight modernizations" level, and attract young talents with better urban quality, making efforts to make the people's city more textured and warm. Wenzhou Design Assembly Company.Ltd, under the guidance and support of the Talent Work Leading Group of the Wenzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Leading Group Office of the Wenzhou Strong City Action, Wenzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Communist Youth League Wenzhou Municipal Committee, has launched a series of activities for the "2024 Sino-Italian Youth Urban Creative Design Competition." Focusing on the overall goal of "world style, Chinese charm, Zhejiang elements, and Wenzhou characteristics," the competition targets practical construction projects such as "urban installations," "historical buildings," and "garden landscapes," aiming to create high-quality public spaces and enhance urban functional quality, and invites design proposals from both domestic and international participants.


Event Content

The current Sino-Italian Youth Urban Creative Design Competition focuses on three major practical construction projects: "Urban Installations," "Historical Buildings," and "Garden Landscapes." Three specific locations are designated as competition sites: the Ouyue Garden at the China International Garden Expo, No. 23 Willow Alley in Mochi Fang, and Plot F-27 of the Hong Dian Unit. The competition solicits design proposals under three main themes: "Urban Plug-ins - Activating the Spirits of the Park," "Urban Roots - Memory Preservation and Regional Revitalization," and "Urban Islands - Reshaping Harbors of Life."



Competition Theme One: Urban Plug-ins - Activating the Spirits of the Park

The project is located in the Ouyue Garden at the China (Wenzhou) International Garden Expo. Ouyue Garden is one of the important exhibition gardens of the Garden Expo and will be preserved and utilized as a permanent exhibition garden in the future. It serves as an important window for Wenzhou, as the host city, to showcase its urban style. Ouyue Garden covers a total area of approximately 24,000 square meters, situated on a small island within a lake, with two park roads running through it. For this project, participants need to select three suitable locations within Ouyue Garden to arrange architectural installations. These installations can include practical structures, urban furniture, auxiliary facilities, etc.




/Design Requirements

The three architectural installations should form a cohesive series, with interconnectedness in terms of functionality, narrative language, construction materials, and creative techniques. Each installation should occupy an area of no more than 15 square meters and a height not exceeding 5 meters. The installations should not only be visually appealing but also serve practical functions. Additionally, the design should consider interactions between people and the installations, people and nature, and interpersonal interactions, creating shared spaces. Incorporating local cultural elements to reflect regional characteristics and enhance cultural identity is also essential. In terms of ecological integration, the design should fully consider principles of ecological conservation and sustainable development, utilizing environmentally friendly materials to minimize environmental impact.





Competition Theme Two: Urban Roots - Memory Preservation and Regional Revitalization

The project is located at No. 23 Willow Alley in Mochi Fang, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City. The total land area is 224.23 square meters, with a total construction area of 382.84 square meters. The original building has a courtyard in the front and back, facing south with a north-south orientation. The main entrance has a width of three openings, with a half-covered porch. It is a three-story brick and concrete building with a sloped roof covered with small blue tiles. The height of the roof ridge is 12.2 meters, and the eaves height is approximately 11 meters. The east side has a semi-open space with a corridor and a wooden staircase. The exterior walls are constructed with gray brick walls interspersed with red brick stripes. The south facade features eaves pillars with quartz sand finish. Both the first and second floors have front porches. The columns, beams, eaves, window tops, second-floor railings, as well as the west entrance portal and north entrance portal, are decorated with decorative elements in an artistic style, possessing certain artistic value. The building, which serves as a Third Class Historic Site, was constructed during the Republic of China era and represents a blend of Chinese and Western architectural styles typical of the historical urban area.The current condition of the house is a dilapidated house and the preservation is generally not ideal.. There have been alterations to the original layout of the courtyard and building, as well as unauthorized partial constructions on the third floor and the west side, resulting in severe illegal constructions and the overall deterioration of the building.




/Design Requirements

The project at No. 23 Willow Alley in Mochi Fang aims to revive the functionality and diverse possibilities of the courtyard space through renovation and restoration, allowing the "small courtyard" to regain its vitality. Participants should adhere to relevant regulations for the renovation and use of historical buildings, following principles such as "authenticity, minimal intervention, recognizability, reversibility, and utilization subordinate to protection." They should focus on repairing and preserving key protected areas and regions while also emphasizing innovative strategies and technological pathways for revitalization and utilization.





Competition Theme Three: Urban Islands - Reshaping Harbors of Life

The project site is located in the core area of Wenzhou, the Hongdian Unit F-27 plot, with a total land area of approximately 6346 square meters. It is situated on the southeast side of the intersection of Huimin Road and Lidong East Road in the urban area, with the Tanghe River to the south and the city's main thoroughfare to the north. The site is designated for park use. Currently, it is an empty plot of land surrounded mainly by residential communities, schools, and public buildings.





/Design Requirements

The F-27 plot of the Hongdian Unit is designated for the construction of a street park green space as part of the urban village redevelopment project. We aim to create a space within the bustling cityscape that preserves nostalgic memories and provides a place for leisure and recreation. The design should incorporate the needs of the surrounding community and adhere to the requirements of the area's urban planning, integrating multiple functions to serve various purposes. While prioritizing functionality, the design should also focus on creating a sense of regional identity by incorporating local customs, cultural heritage, and historical elements, thus crafting a city public space that is rich in content and elegant in quality. Additionally, the design should prioritize implementability, ensuring compliance with the plot's planning positioning, construction indicators, and relevant regulatory standards, while also considering harmonious integration with the surrounding area's planning positioning and existing environment.



中方网盘下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1avPfBESDb9Ym2t29UmT2XA?pwd=xdtg提取码: xdtg



Note: Please download the Participation Commitment Form, Design Brief, drawings, on-site materials, and other related documents from the Baidu Cloud Drive. Participating individuals or organizations must download and complete the "Participation Commitment Form" and submit it along with their entries.

Chinese cloud drive download link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1avPfBESDb9Ym2t29UmT2XA?pwd=xdtg] Extract Code: xdtg

Italian cloud drive download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DHUFfG3Mv87e-MGkXoMM_KhI6ZXiHkMN?usp=drive_link





Judging Rules

1.Three competition themes form three tracks, and the top 50% entries of each track will be awarded the finalist award,. Then, 1 first prize, 3 second prize and 5 third prize will be generated from the finalist award of each track.
2.Each round of the competition will be scored based on creativity (30%), artistic value (30%), practicality (30%), and compliance (10%) with the submission requirements. Awards will be given based on the average scores of each entry.
3.Each judge will independently score the entries without interference from others.
4.The judging process will be anonymous, with no information about schools, organizations, or authors disclosed.





Award Setting

Different awards will be set for each track as follows:
1.First Prize: 1 winner, 10,000 RMB prize.
2.Second Prize: 3 winners, 5,000 RMB prize each.
3.Third Prize: 5 winners, 2,000 RMB prize each.
The winning teams or individuals will be awarded certificates of honor. They will also be recognized and promoted for their achievements, both as teams or individuals and for their respective works. Additionally, the first prize-winning entries may have the opportunity to be implemented on the ground.











① 设计说明包括但不限于设计依据、设计理念以及必要的技术经济指标,500字以内;

② 总平面图(包括周边环境景观);

③ 一套完整的能清楚表现设计意图的图纸(平面图、立面图、剖面图、必要的分析图、透视效果图、表达设计意图的局部透视或大样示意图、实物模型照片等),表现形式不限;

④ 图面上不得出现任何反映设计者身份的信息,如出现则取消参赛资格。



(2) 尺寸大小841mm(W)X 1189mm(H)。




Submission Requirements

/Requirements for Entries

Entries must meet the following basic requirements:

1.Compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

2.Respect for ethnicity, gender, religion, etc., and avoidance of discriminatory content.

3.Originality is required, and plagiarism or infringement of third-party intellectual property rights is strictly prohibited. Participants will be held responsible for any consequences arising from intellectual property infringement. The organizing committee reserves the right to disqualify any participant found engaging in intellectual property infringement, and such actions are unrelated to the competition.

4. Graphic Presentation: Please submit drawings and related documents online as electronic files.

(1) Language: The official languages of the competition are Chinese and English. Titles and main design descriptions must include English.

(2) Document Requirements: Participants must submit identifiable scanned copies of identity documents and the participation commitment form when submitting entries.

(3) Specifications and Requirements for Conceptual Design Proposals:

① Design descriptions, including but not limited to design basis, design concepts, and necessary technical and economic indicators, should be within 500 words.

② Site plan (including surrounding environmental landscapes).

③ A complete set of drawings that clearly represent the design intent (site plan, elevations, sections, necessary analysis diagrams, perspective renderings, partial perspective or large-scale schematic diagrams expressing the design intent, photographs of physical models, etc.), with no restrictions on presentation format.

④ Drawings must not contain any information reflecting the identity of the designer. If such information is found, the entry will be disqualified.

5. Graphic Layout

(1) The final deliverables of the submission should be in electronic format, either PDF or JPG, with a file size not exceeding 50MB.

(2) The dimensions should be 841mm (W) x 1189mm (H).

(3) The image resolution should not be less than 300dpi.

(4) The number of layout pages is limited to 2, in a vertical layout format.






/Number of Authors

1.Each entry should have no more than 5 authors (including 5).

2.Each entry should have no more than 1 supervising teacher (not included in the 5 authors).





1.Participants must truthfully fill out personal information and fully comply with the requirements of the event. For entries from organizations, the official seal of the organization must be affixed on the registration form. For individual entries, participants must sign the registration form and provide a scanned copy of their ID card (with personal signature). Otherwise, the registration will be deemed invalid, and the participant will be disqualified. Registration forms should be submitted in electronic format, such as scanned copies or photos. Each entry should designate one contact person.


2.Participants should complete the design task as required. Each person is limited to submitting one entry for the design task. Submitted works must be complete; any omissions will render the entry invalid. Entries that have been submitted to other competitions or use ideas previously published by others in public venues are not allowed. The electronic drawings must not contain any text or graphics related to the names of the designers, their institutions, or workplaces; entries that do not comply with this rule will be disqualified.


3.Participants must ensure the originality of the submitted works. Drawings and images used in the entries must not infringe upon the copyrights of others. In the event of disputes, if it is confirmed that there is plagiarism or infringement, the participant will bear full responsibility and be disqualified from the competition.




4.Before submitting their entries, participants should carefully read the following statement, fully understand it, and agree to it. According to relevant national laws and regulations, any participant or author who actively submits an entry is deemed to have made the following irrevocable declaration regarding the ownership of the copyright of the submitted works and subsequent handling:

①All copyrights of the submitted works, except for the right to attribution, belong to the organizing unit and the funding unit. When the works are implemented in subsequent construction projects, the organizing unit and the funding unit may commission the original designers of the entries to conduct further design and detailed construction drawings. Alternatively, they may commission other design units to conduct detailed design of the final implementation plans. The organizing unit and its authorized party have the right to modify, redesign, use, publish, develop, deepen, and exhibit the entries and award-winning works in related commercial products and activities. Apart from the prize money specified in the solicitation notice for the award-winning works, the organizing unit is not obligated to pay any other fees to the participants. The organizing unit and the funding unit have the right to exercise other copyright rights of the entries except for the right to attribution.

②The organizing unit and the funding unit have the right to copy, distribute, exhibit, disseminate via information networks, adapt, compile, and publish all entries, including award-winning works. No other individual or organization (including the participants themselves) may transfer, copy, reproduce, reprint, disseminate, excerpt, publish, distribute, or license the entries in any form without authorization.


5.The materials provided by the competition are only for participants' use in creating their entries and may not be used for other purposes.

6. 报名参加本次竞赛的个人或小组视为同意并遵守本竞赛通知的内容及竞赛规则;大赛组织方对竞赛规则具有最终解释权。

6.Individuals or groups who register to participate in this competition are deemed to agree to and abide by the contents of this competition notice and the competition rules. The organizers of the competition have the final interpretation right of the competition rules.







Event Schedule

Call for Entries: May 20, 2024 - July 20, 2024

Judging of Entries: July 25, 2024 - July 31, 2024

Announcement of Awards: August, 2024






I Want to Participate


This competition is open to a wide range of participants, including design firms, students, and individuals from all over the world.






1.Participants can register starting from May 20, 2024, by scanning the QR code below.




中方网盘下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1avPfBESDb9Ym2t29UmT2XA?pwd=xdtg 提取码: xdtg

2.Access the competition materials in the cloud drive “中意携手,共绘强城China and Italy join hands to paint a strong city”.

Chinese cloud drive download https://pan.baidu.com/s/1avPfBESDb9Ym2t29UmT2XA?pwd=xdtg Extraction code: xdtg

Italian cloud drive download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DHUFfG3Mv87e-MGkXoMM_KhI6ZXiHkMN?usp=drive_link

3.参赛者于2024年7月20日24时前(征集截止时间)将报名表和设计方案一并发送至邮箱:zysjds@qq.com并在邮箱主题注明“中意携手,共绘强城(赛题X: XXX)”设计竞赛字样。参赛者可为个人、团队或单位。已实施的作品、已参加过其他竞赛或发表过的作品不得参赛。


3.Participants should submit the registration form and design proposal to the email address zysjds@qq.com before 24:00 on July 20, 2024 (deadline for submission).

Please indicate "China and Italy join hands to paint a strong city  (Theme X: XXX)" in the email subject line with the phrase "Design Competition". Participants can enter as individuals, teams, or organizations. Entries that have already been implemented, entered in other competitions, or published are not eligible for participation.

Competition consultation email: zysjds@qq.com




