
发布时间:2024年7月16日 分类:9月截稿工业产品大赛服装服饰大赛视觉传达大赛 浏览量:2957







The scenery is so charming that it attracts countless heroes to compete and bow down.Watching the scenery of the northern country, snow falls and the purple is forbidden;Looking at the water towns of southern China, the fragrance of rice and the chirping of frogs;Looking at the vast expanse of the Western Xinjiang sky, with fruits and milk;Watching the waves and fish leaping in the East China Sea, thousands of sails racing
The 5000 year footprint of China has spread throughout the land of China, and every inch of land carries profound history and culture. People from different regions rely on their unique historical politics, legendary stories, geographical products, natural scenes, etc. to create diverse styles and rich connotations of pattern art. They are like a thousand mirror images, reflecting the unique aesthetic pursuit and survival wisdom of various regions on the land of China.
The WZD2024 International Pattern Design Competition is themed around "China · Patterns" and focuses on regional patterns. The aim is to present the charm of patterns from different regions, serving as a bridge for spreading decorative culture and connecting artistic souls. It allows global audiences to appreciate the diverse and integrated spirit and philosophical thinking of the Chinese nation, showcasing the charming brilliance and infinite vitality of an ancient civilization that has been enduring for a long time.
We look forward to participants interpreting the profound connotations and aesthetic significance of their local or other regional "territorial patterns" with unique perspectives and extraordinary creativity, making each design work a colorful business card that showcases the charm of the region.
In the summer of 2024, let's paint the country with patterns!


首届WZD以“纹明”为主题,第2届WZD以“红色纹样”为主题, 第3届 WZD 以“纹的宇宙”为主题,第4届 WZD 以“传承文化基因·数字纹创未来”为主题,四届各收到了数十个国家的参赛者投送的数万件纹样及纹样衍生作品,在国际国内评委团严格地评审中角逐出金银铜全场大奖,佳作辈出。赛事和作品受到国内外社会和媒体的广泛关注,取得了不菲的社会影响力,做到了让中国纹样“潮”起来和“走”出去。


The theme of the WZD2024 International Pattern Design Competition is " China · Pattern" . The WZD International Pattern Design Competition is now in its fifth edition . The first WZD was themed 'Patterns Illuminated,' the second edition focused on 'Red Patterns,' and the third edition explored 'Patterns of the Universe.', the fourth WZD was  ‘Inheriting Cultural Genes, Creating a Digital Pattern Future’. Each of the four WZD sessions received tens of thousands of patterns and their derivative works from contestants from dozens of countries. They were rigorously evaluated by international and domestic judges and won the gold, silver, and copper awards, producing numerous excellent works. The competition and works have received widespread attention from domestic and foreign society and media, and have achieved significant social influence, making Chinese patterns "trendy" and "going out".

The 5th WZD (2024) International Pattern Design Competition will continue to uphold the concept of "confidence in patterns", integrating the spirit of China and the world, China and world culture, China and world lifestyle, and China and world design together, becoming a pattern inheritor, creator, and disseminator with historical inheritance and era spirit.



WZD2024 纹藏国际纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网联合赛道:

WZD2024 International Pattern Design Competition Joint Track:
WZD与2024“梦溪杯”宋韵文化创新大赛、第二十届“中南星奖”设计艺术大赛、第二十届“湖南之星”设计艺术大赛、2024年首届“岳阳楼”文创大赛、千年舟第一届花色及应用博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网、CEIDA中欧国际设计文化协会会员赛六项比赛联动。联动赛道优秀作品可推荐至 WZD复赛评选,并拟在杭州文博会—纹藏·中国纹样展区线下展示。
组织机构Organizational Structure:
承办单位Undertaking Organization:
战略合作Strategic cooperation:




大赛时间Competition Date
启动:7 月15 日
报名期:7 月15日—9 月 20 日
赛区初选:9 月 20 日—9 月30日

初赛公示与人气投票:10 月 1 日—10 月 20 日

总决赛+展览:10 月 底



中国大陆地区、海峡两岸暨港澳地区,凡年龄在 18 周岁以上的设计师、设计机构、高等院校设计专业师生以及相关设计实践的人士均可投稿参评。
特别邀请国内外100 位活跃在设计领域的一线设计师参与比赛,特邀设计师作品参与奖项评选。
中国·纹样 China · Pattern


征集方向Submission Direction


People appreciate patterns and create patterns based on the scenery of objects they enjoy, which stems from the pursuit of beauty and the appreciation and inheritance of traditional culture. The pattern travels through time, still shining with a unique light, telling stories of the past and inspiring future thinking.
As a ritual of time, traditional Chinese festivals carry rich historical and cultural connotations. During festivals, people express their good wishes for life through specific customs and rituals. Nowadays, the Chinese Festival is also an emotional bridge connecting China and foreign friendship.
In traditional culture, happiness, wealth, and longevity are regarded as the three major blessings of life, and are the goals that people pursue for a better life. Chinese traditional auspicious patterns cleverly integrate beautiful forms with profound auspicious meanings, combining specific images with corresponding emotional meanings, thus achieving a harmonious unity of form and meaning.






1、Theme Pattern Design + Apparel & Textile Category

Pattern-based graphic design and applications, including but not limited to: clothing, accessories, textiles, bedding, etc.

2、Theme Pattern Design + Cultural & Creative Category

Pattern-based graphic design and applications, including but not limited to: cultural and creative products, electronic products, gifts, handicrafts, etc.

3、Theme Pattern Design + Graphic Design Category

Pattern-based graphic design and applications, including but not limited to: posters, illustrations, brochures, book covers, web pages, electronic interfaces, dynamic information, etc.

4、Theme Pattern Design + Digital Art Category

Pattern-based graphic design and applications, including but not limited to: exhibition art, public art, interactive art, etc.

Note: For works that fall into multiple categories, participants can choose one category for classification.
投稿作品须为作者原创,并为独立著作权,不得侵犯第三方著作权、商标等相关权利。作品必须积极向上,不得诋毁他人、诋毁社会、诋毁国家、诋毁宗教信仰、破坏民族团结,必须符合相关法律规定;不可以 AI 人工智能生成作品提交。参赛者作品如有上述内容(或倾向嫌疑),取消参评资格,如因此产生不良社会后果,自行承担法律责任,并赔偿赛事相关损失。

登录纹藏网站(小程序“纹藏文化”填写报名表,获取纹藏官网素材 vip 优惠券 39.9 元,可用于购买素材会员。
登录大赛链接(,按上述要求,提交投稿作品( pdf/zip)和投稿登记表(Word)、参赛承诺函(扫描件JPG) 。
投稿作品的邮件、压缩包名为:姓名+所在单位+主题+作品题目。如:张三 北京大学 B《荷塘月色》系列。
每位作者投稿作品不能超过3个单件,或3组系列。其中每组系列作品不超过8幅,大赛鼓励投稿系列作品。每个参赛作品作者不超过 3 人。


1、Originality and Legality
Submissions must be the original work of the author and have independent copyrights. They must not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, or any other rights of third parties. The works must have a positive and constructive nature, without defaming others, society, the country, or religious beliefs. They must comply with relevant laws and regulations. AI-generated works are not allowed for submission. Participants who include such content (or show suspicious tendencies) will have their eligibility canceled. If any adverse social consequences arise as a result, the participant will bear legal responsibilities and compensate for any losses incurred by the event.
2、Online Submission

All submissions for this competition will be conducted online via the official website:

3、Submission Process

(1) Participant Registration:

Fill out the registration form on the Pattern Vault website ( or the "Pattern Vault·Pattern Museum" mini-program to obtain a VIP coupon for materials on the official website of Wenzang for 39.9 yuan, which can be used to purchase material members.

(2) Submitting the Works

Log in to the competition link ( and follow the above requirements to submit the entry in PDF/ZIP format, the entry registration form (Word), and the work commitment and authorization form (scanned JPG).

(3) Submitting the Electronic Version of the Works

All entries must be submitted as electronic copies in JPG format with CMYK color mode. The internal image resolution should be no lower than 300dpi, and the JPG size should be A3. Please download the work template from the download area.

(4) Submitting the Entry Registration Form

Each participant must fill out and submit the entry registration form as a Word document. Please download the entry form from the download area.

(5) Submission of Commitment and Authorization Form

Each participant must sign the work commitment and authorization form, and for institutional works, it should be accompanied by an official seal. The form should be submitted in high-resolution scanned JPG format. Please download the commitment and authorization form from the download area. If unable to upload, participants may contact customer service to discuss alternative submission methods.

(6) File Naming

The email and compressed file of the submitted work should be named as follows: Name + Affiliated Institution + Theme + Work Title. For example, Zhang San, Peking University, Group B "Lotus Pond Moonlight Series."

(7) Quantity

Each participant can submit up to 3 individual pieces or 3 series. Each series should not exceed 8 pieces. The competition encourages the submission of series. Each participant can be the author of no more than 3 entries.

(8) Fee

Participation in this competition is free of charge.

(9) Deadline:

The competition starts from today. Submissions must be made by 2022.9.20. The submission time recorded by the organizing committee will be considered final.

In October to December 2024, the winning entries will be announced on Pattern Vault China and various major professional media outlets, and relevant certificates and gifts will be awarded during this period.



1、WZD Award Categories:
(1) Overall Awards: Gold Pattern Vault Award (1 winner), Silver Pattern Vault Award (2 winner), Bronze Pattern Vault Award (3winner).
(2) Special Awards: Special awards will be set up for each category, including Fashion and Textiles, Cultural and Creative Products, Graphic Design, and Digital Art.
(3) Finalist Awards: Entries that make it to the finals will receive finalist awards .
(4) Popularity Award: The top 25 entries with the most online votes will receive the Popularity Award.
(5) Outstanding Guidance Teacher Award: Instructors or academic institutions organizing more than 15 participants are eligible for this award.
Prize Money and Honors:
(1)The winners of this competition will be selectively featured in interviews or special reports on Pattern Vault and various major professional media, showcasing their design achievements to the maximum extent. All Gold, Silver, and Bronze Pattern Vault Award-winning works will be included in the "Pattern Vault Art Pattern Library" and receive a "Library Qualification Certificate." By participating in the competition, participants are deemed to agree to this provision. For detailed terms and conditions, please refer to the "Work Commitment and Authorization Form."
(2) Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Special Award winners will receive physical award certificates, while finalist awards will be presented as electronic certificates.
(3) The finalists for the competition will be showcased in the offline exhibition of Chinese patterns in the collection of patterns.

(4)Teachers who receive the Outstanding Guidance Teacher Award will receive a physical certificate and a Pattern Vault teaching package, including 1 set of pattern teaching courseware, 1 book of "Chinese Classic Pattern Encyclopedia," and 1 set of Pattern Vault pattern video teaching package.



时间:9 月 20日—9 月 30日
由组委会及专家团老师组成,选出参赛作品 7%-10%入围
时间:10 月 1 日—10 月 20 日
入围作品在纹藏官网(、小程序“纹藏文化”及纹藏公众号大赛进行公示,公示期间发起人气投票,票数最高的前 25 名获得人气奖
时间:10 月底
时间:2024.11 —2025.6
The judging panel consists of international experts, professors, and professionals in the fields of cultural industries, visual design, and art. The competition includes two stages of evaluation: the preliminary review and the final evaluation.
Evaluation Process:
Stage 1: Preliminary Selection
Time: 9.20-9.30
The organizing committee and a panel of experts will review the submissions and select 10%-15% of the entries as finalists. If any judge has relevant works among the submissions, they will recuse themselves from the evaluation process. Failure to recuse themselves as required will be considered invalid, and their scores and comments will not be taken into account. Judges may deduct points for entries that exhibit similarities or do not meet the specified requirements.
Stage 2: Public Exhibition and Voting
Time: 10 .1-10.20
The finalist entries will be publicly showcased on the Pattern Vault website (, the "Pattern Vault Pattern Museum" mini-program, and Pattern Vault's official WeChat account. During the public exhibition period, a popularity vote will be conducted, and the top 25 entries with the most votes will receive the Popularity Award.
Stage 3: Final Evaluation+Exhibition
Time: October
Location: WenZang · Chinese Pattern Offline Exhibition Area

The organizing committee and a panel of experts will review the finalist entries to select the winners of the overall awards and special awards.The shortlisted works will be exhibited on site at the offline exhibition of Chinese patterns in the collection of patterns

Stage 4: National Tour Exhibition

Time:2024.11 —2025.6


Please download the work format template, submission registration form, and the work commitment and authorization letter.
提取码: 7tj8





纹的宇宙-WZD2022纹藏国际纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网 [第3届]获奖名单及博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网公示

纹的宇宙-WZD2022纹藏国际纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网 [第3届]

纹藏国际 2020 纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网全场大奖名单及作品(金银铜特)

纹藏国际 2020 纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网获奖名单(完整版)

纹藏国际 2020 纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网入围奖名单及作品

纹藏国际 2020 纹样博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网


