
发布时间:2024年10月17日 分类:12月截稿工业产品大赛视觉传达大赛 浏览量:1165




Yangmingism Cultural and Creative Design Competition




Yangmingism, originating from the renowned Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Yangming, is a shining gem of Chinese culture. Its core principles, such as Mind is Principle, Mind and Hand, the Extension of Innate Moral Knowledge, and Ecological Wisdom, have not only profoundly influenced the cultural landscape of China and the world but have also provided rich inspiration to artists and designers in diverse innovation areas. As a sub-track of the 9th Milan Design Week China Collegiate Design Competition & Exhibition, this competition aims to explore new forms, meanings, and representations of Yangmingism in the modern era through cultural heritage and innovation. It seeks to explore the contemporary value of Yangmingism and showcase profound Chinese culture globally.






Organiser: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Supporters: Communication Department of Ningbo Municipal, International School of Design, Ningbo Innovation Center, Zhejiang University, Communication Department of Ningbo Municipal, Yuyao Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, International Research Center of Yangmingism, Zhejiang, China

Cooperators: Zhejiang University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Donghua University




“Unity of Knowledge and Action; Heritage, Culture and Creativity”



“知行合一”是王阳明心学的核心思想,主张知识与行动的统一,强调只有通过实践才能真正理解和实现所学的知识。本次大赛的主题 “知行共融,创意传承” 强调了传统思想与现代创意设计的融合,希望参赛者能够通过设计作品展现出王阳明的哲学思想如何在当今社会中得以传承和应用。参赛者可从以下三个方面展开创作:

  • 思想的可视化:如何通过视觉设计将王阳明的 “知行合一” 哲学表达出来?参赛者可以从历史人物故事、哲学概念、名言警句中汲取灵感,并通过创新的形式转化为视觉作品。

  • 古与今的融合:参赛者可以思考如何将传统文化元素与现代设计手法相结合,展现阳明心学在当代生活中的意义和价值。例如,可以使用现代设计语言重新诠释古代符号、场景或人物形象。

  • 实践中的创新:参赛者可以通过作品传达出个人对 “知” 与 “行” 的理解,尤其是如何通过行动来实践理念,并在实践中进行创新。

“The Unity of Knowledge and Action” is the core idea of Wang Yangming’s philosophy, emphasising that true comprehension of knowledge can only be achieved through action. A similar idea in design education and practice is known as “Learning by Doing.” The theme of this competition underscores the fusion of cultural heritage with modern innovations. It also encourages participants to showcase how Yangmingism can be inherited and applied in today’s society through product semantics, experimental documentaries, social media designs, etc. The following three directions are recommended for participants to start creation:

  • Visualisation of Philosophy: How can Wang Yangming’s philosophy of “the Unity of Knowledge and Action” be represented through graphic and product design? Participants can draw inspiration from historical figures, philosophical concepts, and famous articles from Wang Yangming and transform these ideas into visual works.

  • Fusion of Tradition and Modernity: Participants are encouraged to explore how traditional cultural elements can be integrated with modern technologies to showcase Wang Yangming’s philosophy in contemporary life. For example, modern design language/media can reinterpret/represent ancient symbols, scenes, or figures related to Yangmingism.

  • Innovation in Practice: Participants can reflect on their past design projects, which succeeded by following the approach of “Unity of Knowledge and Action.” This direction focuses more on demonstrating the design process, how ideas can be implemented iteratively, and how innovation is achieved through “Learning by Doing.”




Inspired by Yangmingism, this competition emphasises the significance of the “Unity of Knowledge and Action” in design education and practice. We call for innovations integrating traditional Chinese crafts, culture, and philosophy with modern technologies. The competition will collect entries in four categories: Visual Communication, Product Design, Spatial Design, and Digital Media. Entries are required to showcase creativity closely aligned with the competition theme, demonstrate refined craftsmanship that embodies the aesthetics of Chinese culture, and present a complete expression that adheres to the respective design categories' design and technical standards.




  • 本科生:在校及五年内毕业的本科生

  • 研究生:在校及五年内毕业的研究生(博士生、硕士生)

  • 高职高专学生:在校及五年内毕业的专科生

  • 高校教师:高校在职教师及聘任的行业导师、兼职教师等

  • 专业设计师:设计从业者及设计爱好者

This competition is open to design institutes and professionals worldwide. Participants in China can submit their works through the official website at https://milan-aap.org.cn, while international participants can email their submissions to yangming@milan-aap.org.cn (Please attach detailed credits information in the email, including the names of designers, project, advisors, and institute/company. )

  • Undergraduate Students: undergraduate students and those who have graduated within the past five years

  • Graduate Students: Master and PhD students and those who have graduated within the past five years

  • Vocational and Technical College Students: Current students in vocational or technical programs and those who have graduated within the past five years

  • Educators: Full-time university teachers, as well as appointed industry mentors and part-time instructors

  • Professional Designers: Design professionals and design enthusiasts



2024年10月16日 - 2024年12月31日

Calling for entries from October 16 to December 31, 2024











1. 作品文件:

  • 图片作品:单幅作品须A3幅面、300dpi、JPG、RGB或CMYK;若系列作品,可提交不超过6件;若另附动态呈现作品须GIF格式、不小于72dpi,节奏流畅不卡顿。

  • 视频作品:高清及以上分辨率,编码格式:H.264、mp4格式,时间长度控制在5分钟以内,不超过100M。

2. 展示海报: 

  • 1张,将作品编排至统一模板中;根据不同的参赛类别,海报内容应遵照相应行业规范编排设计内容。


  • 图片类作品,创作团队人数不超过3人,指导老师不超过2人;视频类作品,创作团队人数不超过5人,指导老师不超过2人。

  • 以上所有类别作品均允许使用AI协助完成创作,但使用AI辅助的过程必需在设计说明中以单独段落详细说明,包括AI工具名称、提示词、以及描述指令等。否则,投稿作品将失去评奖资格。

Visual Communication

Participants can create graphic designs to represent Wang Yangming’s philosophy and relevant cultures. The forms of the works may include posters, packaging, illustrations, etc.

Product Design

Participants can choose any product, combining aesthetic, functionality, and user experiences with semantics that reflect Wang Yangming’s philosophy. The forms of the works may include cultural and creative gifts/souvenirs, art installations, handmade crafts, consumer electronics, industrial equipment, etc.

Spatial Design:

Participants can choose any spatial category, integrating space functionality and attributes to create designs that capture the essence of Wang Yangming’s philosophy.  The works may take the forms of interior design, exhibition design, architectural design, environmental design, etc.

Digital Media

Participants can freely design scripts to promote Yangmingism. The works may include animation, short videos, microfilms, emojis, etc.

1. Works files:

  • Picture File Requirements. Single work submissions must be in A3 size, 300 dpi, JPG format, and RGB or CMYK colour mode. Up to 6 pages can be submitted for a series. If additional dynamic demonstrations are included, they must be in GIF format, with a resolution of at least 72 dpi, and should run smoothly without lag.

  • Video File Requirements. The resolution must be HD or higher. The encoding format should be H.264, in mp4 format. The video length should be limited to within 5 minutes, and the file size should not exceed 100 MB.

2. Poster:

  • Display Requirements. Poster templates must be downloaded from the competition’s official website. All works must be arranged on a unified template. The poster content must follow the respective industry norms and design standards depending on the competition category.


  • Picture File Requirements: Each design team can have up to 3 members, with a maximum of 2 instructors. Video File Requirements: Each design team can have up to 5 members, with a maximum of 2 instructors.

  • AI-Assisted Creation. Works created with AI assistance are allowed, but the process of AI assistance must be explained in detail in a separate paragraph within the design description. The description must include the AI tool’s name, prompts, and any specific instructions used. Failure to include this information will result in disqualification from the competition.


评分标准/Judging Creteria

  • 创意性(35%):作品应紧扣大赛主题,本着原创的精神进行创作。创意性重点考量作品在“阳明心学”和设计作品之间的联系是否新颖、合理、利于传播。

  • 审美性(35%):作品需充分呈现创作者的美学表达能力。作品整体美学语言需和谐统一,且注重作品的细节的品质感,包括排版、字体、色彩、视觉编排等。作品不仅需要呈现视觉美感,其传递出的内在人文艺术之美更加可贵。

  • 规范性(30%):作品表达需符合相关行业和专业规范,如在使用场景、服务对象、材质、制造、工艺、工程考量等方面的专业阐述。

  • Creativity (35%): The work should closely align with the competition’s theme and be created with an original spirit. Creativity will focus on evaluating whether the connection between Wang Yangming’s philosophy and the design is innovative, logical, and effective.

  • Aesthetics (35%): The work must fully demonstrate the creator’s aesthetic expression. The overall aesthetic language should be harmonious and unified, with attention to the quality of details such as layout, typography, colour, and visual arrangement. The work should display visual beauty; expressing profound cultural beauty is even more valuable.

  • Compliance (30%): The work must meet relevant industry and professional standards, including professional articulation in usage scenarios, target audience, materials, manufacturing, craftsmanship, and engineering considerations.








The proportion of awards will be distributed based on the total number of submissions:

First Prize: 0.5% of the total submissions

Second Prize: 1% of the total submissions

Third Prize: 1.5% of the total submissions

Note:The submissions from universities within China and overseas channels will beawarded prizes separately based on the aforementioned proportions.

特别声明/Special Statements

1. 所有投稿作品的署名权归投稿者所有。

2. 主办单位对所有来稿并获得等级奖的作品及论文拥有但不限于进行复制用以宣传、信息网络传播、出版、发行、展览、改编等权利。

3. 凡投稿者视为认同并遵守本公告的各项条款,主办单位保留对本公告各项条款的修订及最终解释权。

4. 所有参赛作品必须遵守中国相关的法律、法规以及道德规范,内容应积极健康向上,符合民族文化传统。作品内容涉及有国家当代疆域版图,地图以中国国家相关出版社或相关国家地图网站(如:中华人民共和国自然资源部网站)相关地图为准,并在文档中说明本作品地图来源。

5. 参赛作品应为参赛者近两年内原创作品,且截止投稿前未获得过其他赛事省级以上等级奖。

1. All submitted works retain the right of authorship with the original creators.

2. The organisers reserve the right to reproduce, distribute, publish, exhibit, adapt, and use the submissions that win prizes for promotional purposes and information network dissemination.

3. By submitting works, participants are deemed to have acknowledged and agreed to abide by the terms of this announcement. The organisers reserve the right to amend and interpret the terms of this announcement.

4. All entries must comply with China’s relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards. The content should be positive, healthy, and aligned with the nation’s cultural traditions. For works involving contemporary national territorial maps, the maps must be sourced from official Chinese publishers or relevant national map websites (e.g., Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China), and the source must be cited in the documentation.

5. The submitted works must be original creations by the participants within the past two years and must have yet to win Chinese provincial-level or higher awards before submission.


1.参赛者可通过扫描下方二维码加入 “米兰阳明文创专项赛交流群”咨询,群内沟通支持中英文交流。

Participants can scan the QR code below to join the Group for inquiries. Both Chinese and English communication are supported.


The QR code above is only valid for 7 days. Please contact the UNNC Assistant by scanning QR code below to join the group.



