2020 第九届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

一、大赛背景/Competition Background


CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd. is a large-scale automotive component manufacturing enterprise with core technology and independent intellectual property. Starting from aluminum wheel, our product coverage have gradually extended into automotive chassis, power-train, body aluminum component, mold equipment and product surface engineering as well. We always focus on customer needs, endeavor to break the constrains of inertial thinking, and seek for innovations on our products, services, technology and management. The 2020 “CITIC Dicastal Cup” International Wheel Design Competition aims on promotion of China’s industrial design level with colleagues in this field. It also play the leading role of industrial design innovation, explore the design and development foreground of wheel systems under the background of intelligent driving, and strengthen the wheel system importance in future smart travel.

二、大赛主题/Competition Theme


三、设计任务书/Design Brief

The complete solution for smart travel 
Competitors need to look forward to the large-scale urban transportation environment in 2030, based on the continuous evolution of 5G technology and intelligent driving and the application of future mobile technologies on wheels. They should also meet multiple demands such as sustainable technology, functional design, human-vehicle interaction and intelligent travel. With the wheel system as the design main body, combined with the overall vehicle design, competitors depict the blueprint of the future traffic scene, and deliver a complete solution for smart travel in 2030.


2020年1月1日      大赛正式启动
2020年4月30日    作品征集提交截止,参赛选手完成设计版面提交
2020年5月15日    作品初审,公布入围选手名单及作品,启动网络投票
2020年5月31日    入围选手完成车轮3D文件提交
2020年7月12日     由中信戴卡公司统一完成1:1车轮模型制作
2020年7月18日    作品终审,召开发布会,公布最终获奖选手名单
2020年8月7日      举行颁奖仪式,参加设计沙龙
Jan. 1,  2020          Beginning of competition;
Apr. 30, 2020        Deadline for design layout submission
May. 15, 2020       Preliminary review of works, announcement of shortlisted competitors and works, start of online voting
May. 31, 2020       Wheel’s 3D file submission for final-listed
Jul. 12, 2020        1: 1 wheels model produced by CITIC Dicatsal
Jul. 18, 2020        Final review of works, holding a press conference, announcing the list of final winners
Aug. 7,  2020      Award ceremony and design salon

五、作品要求/Work Requirements

设计方案展示版面:不少于2张,横向设计,A3大小[420 x 297mm]、CMYK模式、JPEG格式且分辨率不低于300dpi,排版形式不限;
Competitors need to fill in the registration form and submit the following file:
The proposal show: not less than 2 sheets, horizontal design, A3 large (420*297mm), CMYK, JPEG format and resolution ratio greater than 300dpi. No restrictions on typesetting;
Following contents must include: axonometric drawing, front view rendering, on-car assembly rendering, design plan, concept sketch, explosion detail drawing, and the text description and so on;
Design work and wheels 3D digital model file (for finalists only): 3D digital file in igs/stp format; color design definition file;
Digital version of an effective ID and recent personal photo (JPG format, resolution ratio greater than 300dpi);
All listed files need to be packaged in RAR format and named in the format of "School / Company Name - Player Name - Title of Work". The size of each file should be within 10 MB and multiple attachments can be sent;
Official email address: sylgcy@163.com.


Member of automotive-related companies, scientific research institutions, designers, engineers, teachers, students in universities, and automotive fanciers.  Competitors can register as individual or team.

参赛要求/Entries Copyright:


All submitted entries must be made by competitors themselves and must be original design which has not been published yet in any form.
Copied work is not allowed. Violation will be punished by disqualification. For awarded works, award will be withdraw if reported as any copy during publicity.
To ensure the fairness of review, any words or marks not related to work content are not allowed on front and back of the work.
Each individual or team would submit 2 design work at most.


金奖                    1名        奖金:6万元        获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
银奖                    3名        奖金:3万元        获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
铜奖                    6名        奖金:1万元        获奖证书1本,奖杯1座
优胜奖                20名       奖金:0.3万元    获奖证书1本
最佳人气奖         3名         奖金:0.3万元    获奖证书1本,奖杯1座

Gold Award                   1   competitor             Bonus: 60,000 RMB, apx. $8500 US    1 Award Certificate, 1 Trophy
Silver Award                 3   competitor             Bonus: 30,000 RMB, apx.$4000 US      1 Award Certificate, 1 Trophy
Bronze Award               6   competitor             Bonus: 10,000 RMB, apx. $1400 US     1 Award Certificate, 1 Trophy
Entry Award                20 competitor               Bonus: 3,000 RMB. apx. $400 US         1 Award Certificate
Most Popular Award   3   competitor               Bonus: 3,000 RMB, apx. $400 US        1 Award Certificate, 1 Trophy 

Winners will be invited to visit CITIC Dicastal's future factory and Innovation Design Center;
Winners will be eligible for CITIC Dicastal priority recruitment;
Winners of gold, silver, bronze award and most popular award will be invited to attend award ceremony in Shanghai. Transportation expenses will be reimbursed and free accommodation will be provided.

八、作品评审标准/Evaluation Criteria


Grade Proportion: wheel system design accounts for 70%, and body design accounts for 30%;
Theme Expression: work’s design theme needs to match competition’s theme, demonstrating competitor's ability to understand and express design theme.
Innovation Concept: Forward-looking design concepts lead product’s development trend and creative thinking reflects work’s design value.
Design Quality:  Work will be evaluated from aesthetic expression, technical expression, color matching, and surface treatment;
Development Potential: Combined with technology, there is potential for further research.



The ownership of all entries belongs to competition organizer (i.e. CITIC Dicastal), winners are not allowed to go public entries without the permission of competition organizer;
Competitors assume full responsibility for participating in this event independently; Competitors that competition organizer is not responsible for any claim or claim of any kind;
All bonus is pre-tax, winners must obey regulations and relevant laws to pay individual income tax;
If there is any dispute over award result, competitors have the right to appeal to the competition organizing committee. The appeal results will be subject to the final evaluation results of the competition organizing committee;
Competition organizing committee has the final interpretation of this competition.

十、大赛组委会联系方式/Information of Committee

联系人: 樊红        电话:18936978580
朱捷        电话:18360245852

Address:Guilin Road No.6 ,the second floor of A Zone of Wheel Building, Siyang Economic Development Zone,Jiangsu
Contact :Hong Fan          Tel:18936978580
Jie     Zhu         Tel:18360245852
Tel:  0527-80833166
Fax: 0527-80833158
Official website:http://www.chinacaw.org.cn
Official email :   sylgcy@163.com




2019 · 第八届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

2019 · 第八届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网获奖名单

2019 · 第八届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网




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