2024年第三届德阳市花月季展“花漾旌城 月季飘香”大学生花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网获奖名单及博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

发布时间:2024年5月1日 分类:建筑环境作品竞赛资讯 浏览量:1190

“花漾旌城 月季飘香”



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2024年4月30日至5月5日,“2024年第三届德阳市花月季展”将在德阳市天府旌城英才公园举办。本次月季展由旌阳区人民政府、天府旌城管委会、德阳市城市管理行政执法局主办,以“花漾旌城 月季飘香”为主题,以“科技创新”为理念,打造具有“心有所蜀 来德正好”的高水平月季花园艺盛会,深入践行宜居公园城市理念,助力美丽宜居德阳建设,加强市域范围园林绿化行业互动学习,切实发挥德阳市花月季展特色节会品牌效应,助推地方消费市场持续升温。




「2024年第三届德阳市花月季展“花漾旌城 月季飘香”大学生花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网」于2024年3月启动,面向全国风景园林及相关专业的在校大学生公开征集设计方案,最终在168份有效参赛作品中评选出10份优秀作品入围并落地建造。2024年4月29日完成现场评审,由来自高校和景观企业的专业评委根据建造成果进行打分,评选出大奖1名、金奖2名、银奖3名和优秀奖4名,2024年4月30日在第三届德阳市花月季展启动仪式上为获奖团队颁奖。



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《月季魔方 破茧逐光》








《花开旌城 ,一‘碳’究竟》


《风携繁花 · 光随余音——德阳科技梦幻主题花境》









《玄鸟鸣 花盛旌》


《风起旌都 年华绘影》


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张 静


李 伟


熊 雯


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作品名称:月季魔方 破茧逐光

(The Magic Cube of Light Chasing)

参赛者姓名:杜璇(DU Xuan)、何依恒(HE Yiheng)、刘霄(LIU Xiao)、曹怀灵(CAO Huailing)李嘉超(LI Jiachao)

参赛院校:西南交通大学(Southwest Jiaotong University)、山西农业大学(Shanxi Agricultural University)

指导教师:周斯翔(ZHOU Sixiang)、钱丽源(QIAN Liyuan)


“青铜树上,神鸟熠熠;沉吟数日,涅槃逐光。” 三线建设,德阳从一个农业县一跃成为发达的重工业城市;近年来,绿色转型,数字赋能,这座重装之都逐步重生为一座生态宜居、经济发达的城市。德阳这座城市的生命力,正如三星堆文明的神鸟一般,经过不断的涅槃,从束缚中解脱,突破现状,向更广阔的世界迈进。我们将这一路以来的困难、挑战转化为由一个个小方块组成的破碎魔方,并饰以如光如火的月季,既代表着神鸟涅槃的束缚,也是象征着多维的通道,通过魔方穿越时空,对话古今,演绎新时代的多彩旌阳。

"On the bronze tree, the god bird glitters; meditating for several days, nirvana by light." Third-line construction, Deyang from an agricultural county jumped into a developed heavy industrial city; in recent years, green transformation, digital empowerment, this heavy equipment capital gradually reborn as an ecological livable, economically developed city.The vitality of the city of Deyang, just like the divine bird of Sanxingdui civilisation, has gone through continuous nirvana, freed itself from bondage, broken through the status quo, and stepped forward to a broader world.We transform the difficulties and challenges along the way into a broken Rubik's Cube made up of small cubes and decorated with the moon season like light and fire, which represents the divine bird's nirvana bondage as well as the multi-dimensional channel, through which the Rubik's Cube travels through space and time, converses with the ancient and the modern, and renders the colorful Jingyang in the new era!



(Jingcheng , As All the Stars Shine)

参赛者姓名:唐瑜檠(TANG Yuqing)、陈彦潼(CHEN Yantong)、王雨欣(WANG Yuxin)、汪梦秋(WANG Mengqiu)、刘晴(LIU Qing)

参赛院校:西南大学(Southwest University)

指导教师:陆万香(LU Wanxiang)




The starry sky in Deyang is a beautiful scene that people have been tracing day after day, year after year for thousands of years. From the ancient Shu period to the present, the talent of the land has always continued in Deyang, and the rapid scientific and technological achievements will eventually bring human beings closer to the stars, and those who look up at the stars will also become the stars hanging on the dome in the future.

With the theme of "When the City is full of stars", the design compares the exploration spirit of Deyang people and historical celebrities as "eyes" and "stars" respectively, and constructs three spatial nodes of "chasing stars", "shining stars" and "painting stars". The city rose is used as the main theme plant, supplemented by evergreen plants and floral plants. The structure adopts materials such as aluminum-plastic tubes and solar lamps. Its form shows the "past", "present" and "future" Deyang people's pursuit of the starry sky, lighting up the night sky with "starlight", and experiencing a cross-time and space dialogue with the ancestors.


(After the flower was nurtured for thousands of years, the light of science and technology blossomed in today's Deyang)

参赛者姓名:杨雪薇(YANG Xuewei)、李瑞可(LI Ruike)、刘怡萱(LIU Yixuan)、伍豪(WU Hao)、刘越峰(LIU Yuefeng)

参赛院校:四川农业大学(Sichuan Agricultural University)

指导教师:吕兵洋(LV Bingyang)、王璐(WANG Lu)



The design of this flower landscape is inspired by the Sanxingdui flower-shaped bronze bell, showing the thousand-year-old historical and cultural heritage of Deyang. As a representative of ancient smelting technology, the bronze bell witnesses the glory of the Bashu civilization and demonstrates the awe of natural art. The design cleverly integrates the primary and secondary spaces, and the metaphorical link connects ancient and modern cultures. The LED light strip lights up with the pace of tourists, implying the introduction of talents and the convergence of science and technology, and the beam focuses on the fruits of science and technology, showing Deyang's scientific and technological achievements and future potential. The theme structure resembles a moon seed, symbolizing that science and technology break through the ground like a seed, showing the vitality of Deyang's scientific and technological innovation. The design integrates historical culture and modern technology to bring a new experience to tourists and promote the prosperity and development of Deyang's cultural and technological tourism.


作品名称:花开旌城 ,一‘碳’究竟

(Jing Cheng in full bloom,Explore the mystery of carbon)

参赛者姓名:王心蕊(WANG Xinrui)、肖仪嘉(XIAO Yijia)、胡轩瑜(HU Xuanyu)、陈若晗(CHEN Ruohan)、肖含章(XIAO Hanzhang)

参赛院校:华侨大学(Huaqiao University)

指导教师:刘仁芳(LIU Renfang)



Deyang closely follows the national dual-carbon strategy, will be guided by the new development concept, and promote the new model of urban sustainable development by promoting the formation of green development methods and lifestyles.

This design takes the industrial upgrading of Deyang as the entry point, and finally ends up helping to achieve the goal of double carbon. The overall design is divided into three stages: The city of redecoration, the city of intelligent manufacturing, and the city of green reflect the characteristics of Deyang's transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization through flower border design. The plane structure is dominated by smooth curves, suggesting that the old and new industries are changing. Through the collocation of different plants, the color gradually transitions from warm and bold orange-red to fresh blue-green, and the plant texture and paving gradually transition from rough to delicate. The structure is built with the rose flower type as the extraction element, which runs through the site and has the purpose of popular science.

Flower land as a whole highlights the concept of Deyang's scientific and technological innovation and urban development, showing Deyang's brilliant answer to help achieve the goal of double carbon.

作品名称:风携繁花 · 光随余音——德阳科技梦幻主题花境

(Wind Carries Flowers · Light Follows Sound ——Deyang Technology Dream Theme Flower Land)

参赛者姓名:张登(ZHANG Deng)、马丹妮(MA Danni)、张嘉豪(ZHANG Jiahao)、翁晨虹(WENG Chenhong)、张珂欣(ZHANG Kexin)

参赛院校:西北农林科技大学(Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University)

指导教师:李志国(LI Zhiguo)、孙静(SUN Jing)



The exhibition garden mainly highlights the application of Deyang Flower Moon Season in landscaping, enhances the popularity of the Flower Moon Season in the city, and creates a dream flower landscape design based on the Moon Season; The site is not paved with hard pavement, and white gravel is used instead. The main structures in the flower landscape use the moon flower type to abstract the main form, which is vertically arranged and staggered in height. The structure extracts the "Zodiac" stone carving sculpture arrangement method of Deyang Stone Carving Park, the main body is metal material, and the colored translucent PVC board is used on both sides, so that the combination of new materials reflects the theme of science and technology dream flower land. The structure can rotate and sound when it rises with the wind, and the audio-visual is combined. The design of the moon season flower landscape aims to create a beautiful scenery of the alternation of the four seasons through careful plant selection and reasonable layout, combined with the unique effect of the structure, and provide the viewer with visual enjoyment and spiritual pleasure. The spring landscape is dominated by pink and red moon flowers and irises, which complement the reflection effect of the structure, showing the romance and vitality of spring. Through careful design and scientific management, the Yueji Flower Landscape will bring different visual feasts to the viewers and become a unique landscape in the garden landscape.


(Qi Shu blooming flower - Long lasting flower border design based on low carbon concepts)

参赛者姓名:杨红(YANG Hong) 、杨智(YANG Zhi)

参赛院校:海南大学、昆明理工大学(Hainan University、Kunming University of Science and Technology)

指导教师:黎伟(LI Wei)唐文(TANG Wen)



The design idea is inspired by "Science and Technology Creation Deyang" and explores the artisan spirit of Deyang. The flower bed design is based on the trend of green and low-carbon development to create a long-lasting flower bed benefit; the general plan is based on the shape of silk flow line as the plan path, and the three nodes in the general plan represent the implication of Deyang's artisan spirit - "Inheritance of Classics", "Keeping the Right and Innovation", "Work Hard", and then to structures and acrylic balls in the nodes as a point of embellishment. In the plant selection of the flower species of the lunar season as the dominant, red and orange tones planting flower border, to create a rich level, seasonal flower ecological landscape. From the main intersection along the silk flow line shuttle and between the sites, feel the spirit of Deyang flourishing development; in the sea of flowers, experience Deyang vibrant vitality.



(Back To The Nest)

参赛者姓名:廖麒(LIAO Qi)、张昌禹(ZHANG Changyu)、杨淼(YANG Miao)、朱玲娜(ZHU Lingna)、赵晟(ZHAO Sheng)

参赛院校:重庆大学(Chongqing University)

指导教师:胡俊琦(HU Junqi)、罗丹(LUO Dan)




As the birthplace of the ancient Shu Sanxingdui civilisation, Deyang is notable for its archaeological discovery of a bronze sacred tree. The design takes the sacred bird on the sacred tree as a guide, and echoes the construction of Deyang as a beautiful and livable city with the intentional form of the sacred bird returning to its nest. Meanwhile, under the background of rapid urbanisation in the future, there is a disconnection between human thinking about history, present and future. Therefore, the work takes the historical story of Sanxingdui civilisation as the starting point, and chooses "nest" and "moonflower petals" as morphological references to create "bamboo brocade", a temporal structure located in the centre of the composition, as the connecting carrier. The three forms formed by pulling the rope represent the past, present and future.

 In addition, combined with the future as the language of flowers of the moon season as the theme of the flower landscape plants, blue, purple, pink as the main tone, with the structure to build different themes of the moon season flower landscape, forming a rich sequence of flow, the entrance to the low shrubs and grasses as a starting point, and gradually lead the crowd to the central climax of the Bamboo Brocade, and then either interact with the structures, or enjoy the flowers to rest, swim in the flowers and the time of the ocean current, be surrounded by the surroundings, and finally look at the past, cherish the present. Finally, they can look into the past, cherish the present, and move towards the future.


(Jingcheng Circle of Friends, Welcome Guests From all Over the World)

参赛者姓名:李雯萱(LI Wenxuan)

参赛院校:西南林业大学(Southwest Forestry University)

指导教师:宋钰红(SONG Yuhong)、张龙(ZHANG Long)




With the mountains and rivers of Deyang City as the carrier, singing the elegance of the ancient capital of the city, the people of Deyang are hospitable, pursuing win-win cooperation and green development. Deyang, the keynote speaker of "China Tourism Story", will welcome friends from all over the world with open arms, and the arrival of guests will rejuvenate this famous cultural city and form a circle of friends. The flower works are a symbol of unity, cooperation and friendship, and convey the hospitality of Deyang City. Although guests come from all over the world, with different languages and customs, the design hopes to provide a bridge for friendship between them.

The plant configuration is mainly based on the in-depth utilization of Deyang's characteristic rose plant materials, with various plant theme groups, which represent the meaning of "win-win cooperation, green development, hospitality and ancient capital elegance" in Jingcheng's circle of friends. At the same time, flowers from all over the world are collected and displayed in the acrylic installation in the venue using embossing technology, symbolizing the eternal friendship between people around the world through the sealed flowers.

作品名称:玄鸟鸣 花盛旌

(Mystical Birds Singing and Flowers Flourishing)

参赛者姓名:张珂(Zhang Ke)、左珍珍(Zuo Zhenzhen)、张晓凤(Zhang Xiaofeng)、张佳蓉(Zhang Jiarong)

参赛院校:山西农业大学(Shanxi Agricultural University)

指导教师:韩美玲(HAN Meiling)、王犇(WANG Ben)



The venue is located in the Talent Park in Deyang City, Sichuan Province. Deyang is known as the "source of ancient Shu" and "capital of heavy equipment", while also possessing unique cultural advantages, rich natural resources, and beautiful natural scenery. This design combines the elements of birds extracted from the "divine bird" representing ancient Shu culture, the "iron bird" representing third line construction and the spirit of great country craftsmanship, and the "migratory bird" symbolizing ecological civilization for graphic design and exterior design of the structure. In addition, the structure combines innovative IoT technology to connect water sensors of plants, allowing people to perceive the plant's life rhythm in real-time as the color of the light changes. Plants with red and yellow roses, such as the Scarlet Fan and Lady Charlotte, achieve natural harmony in height, color, and season, presenting the natural and collective beauty of individual rose growth, full of wild charm.Design concept part of the text quoted from the dream back Sanxingdui performance.

作品名称:风起旌都 年华绘影

(Brushstrokes of Time, Dance of Light and Wind)

参赛者姓名:魏钰晗(WEI Yuhan)、周佳妮(ZHOU Jiani)、刘彦彤(LIU Yantong)、吴昕怡(WU Xinyi)、陈晓桦(CHEN Xiaohua)

参赛院校:北京林业大学(Beijing Forestry University)

指导教师:范舒欣(FAN Shuxin)






The design integrates Jingdu's intangible cultural heritage Mianzhu woodcut New Year Picture NFT digital cultural creation with scientific and technological innovation to show Deyang's past, present and future, while conveying the wishes for a better future of Deyang;

The deer and crane, which express "ideal and desire" in the theme of Fu Lu and Shou, construct a flower border plane with spring; The facade, combined with the intangible heritage of Deyang "Zhongjiang Handmade noodles", shows the "light and shadow" of life, and the structures rise gradually, showing the magnificent picture of Deyang's development;

In plant selection, the city flower rose symbolizes the beauty of Jingcheng. Light and elegant colors show the elegance and grace of Deyang City, and bright colors reflect the enthusiasm of the people of Deyang City. Perennial root plants enrich the landscape effect;

In the whole site, the mottled light and shadow are not only the coming road, but also the new scene.

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《绿色发展 月绘德阳》






《城市魔方 炫彩经开》



《德阳有戏 罗在其中》



《漫步古蜀源 品味新广汉》



《什花绽放 德香满园》



《酒香画境 美丽绵竹》



《穿越石林 走进中江》


“花漾旌城 月季飘香”




2024年第三届德阳市花月季展“花漾旌城 月季飘香”大学生花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网入围名单及入围作品

2024年第三届德阳市花月季展“花漾旌城 月季飘香”大学生花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网

2023德阳 · “宜居旌城 · 花簇月季”大学生市花月季花境博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网博鱼入口(中国)有限公司官网





